android Programming Glossary: packagemanager.namenotfoundexception
How to check if the application is installed or not in android programmatically PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES app_installed true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e app_installed false return app_installed share improve..
How to specify Activities that are only for phones or tablets on Android PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException error Ln.w error.getCause catch ClassNotFoundException error..
Android check for dependent application during installation?
Android- Using DexClassLoader to load apk file .getApplicationInfo packagePath 0 .sourceDir catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e catch this add path to apk that contains classes you wish..
Android - check for presence of another app you need a context to get the PackageManager Throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException I guess. check pName is something like 'com.yourcompany.appname'..
Detect an application is installed or not? PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES installed true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e installed false return installed share improve this answer..
What is the package name of the Android Market or Google Apps 0 application exists androidMarketExists true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e application doesn't exist androidMarketExists false But I..
Suppressing Google Maps Intent Selection Dialog uri PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES app_installed true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e app_installed false return app_installed share improve this..
Force users to have latest android app version EDIT versionCode would be better catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e Log.e TAG Package name not found e share improve this answer..
How to check if Facebook is installed Android 0 return true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e return false The problem is it is always catching an error...
How to check if the application is installed or not in android programmatically
How to specify Activities that are only for phones or tablets on Android PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException error Ln.w error.getCause catch ClassNotFoundException error Ln.w error.getCause fun fact it doesn't work without the GET_META_DATA..
Android check for dependent application during installation?
Android- Using DexClassLoader to load apk file String apkName null try apkName getPackageManager .getApplicationInfo packagePath 0 .sourceDir catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e catch this add path to apk that contains classes you wish to load String extraApkPath apkName path to extraLib.apk PathClassLoader..
Android - check for presence of another app pName 0 2 3 Boolean installed info null Used in an activity you need a context to get the PackageManager Throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException I guess. check pName is something like 'com.yourcompany.appname' the same as the value of 'package' in the manifest of the..
Detect an application is installed or not?
What is the package name of the Android Market or Google Apps getPackageManager .getApplicationInfo 0 application exists androidMarketExists true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e application doesn't exist androidMarketExists false But I don't know if is the package that has..
Suppressing Google Maps Intent Selection Dialog
Force users to have latest android app version
How to check if Facebook is installed Android I am using try ApplicationInfo info getPackageManager . getApplicationInfo 0 return true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e return false The problem is it is always catching an error. According to the question here I need to request the appropriate..