android Programming Glossary: padding
How to get screen dimensions For the use case you're describing however a margin padding in the layout seems more appropriate. share improve this answer..
Android Endless List visibleCount int totalCount boolean loadMore maybe add a padding firstVisible visibleCount totalCount if loadMore adapter.count..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items layout_height android attr listPreferredItemHeight android padding 6dip LinearLayout android orientation vertical android layout_width..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + match_parent android layout_height 60dp android padding 2dp android background @drawable main_header Button android.. match_parent android layout_height 55dp android paddingLeft 10dp android paddingTop 5dp android layout_below @ id profile_pic.. layout_height 55dp android paddingLeft 10dp android paddingTop 5dp android layout_below @ id profile_pic android background..
Standard Android Button with a different color android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android.. android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android.. android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? want is dialog that fills the entire screen except maybe a padding of 20 pixel. Then the image that is part of the dialog would..
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android padding 5dp FrameLayout android id @android id tabcontent android layout_width.. fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android padding 5dp android layout_weight 1 TabWidget android id @android id..
Linear Layout and weight in Android wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android padding 10dip weight 1 Button android text Not this time android id.. wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android padding 10dip weight 1 LinearLayout should create two buttons that are..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow used the following NinePatch along with the appropriate padding in XML ImageView android id @ id image_test android background.. wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android paddingLeft 6px android paddingTop 4px android paddingRight 8px android.. layout_height wrap_content android paddingLeft 6px android paddingTop 4px android paddingRight 8px android paddingBottom 9px android..
Android read text raw resource file fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android padding 3dip ScrollView LinearLayout The code to read the raw resource..
Difference between a View's Padding and Margin a View's Margin and Padding android user interface view padding margin share improve this question Padding is the space inside.. the border and the actual view's content. Note that padding goes completely around the content there is padding on the top.. that padding goes completely around the content there is padding on the top bottom right and left sides which can be independent..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager apk res android android orientation vertical android padding 4dip android gravity center_horizontal android layout_width..
AsyncTask Android example android indeterminate false android max 10 android padding 10dip ProgressBar Button android id @ id button1 android layout_width..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? Roboto Regular.ttf 14 2 2 Create Font Height 14 Pixels X Y Padding 2 Pixels enable texture alpha blending GLES20.glEnable GLES20.GL_BLEND..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button is admittedly more than a bit hackish but it works. 1 Set Padding left to 40 2 Set Layout margin left to 36dp At this point the..
Android encryption circumstances a listener to decrypt the packets sent. See Padding Oracle Exploit Tool vs Apache MyFaces . That being said check.. Code Java Security EncryptionanddecryptionwithAESECBPKCS7Padding.htm import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec.. keyBytes AES Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance AES ECB PKCS7Padding BC System.out.println new String input encryption pass cipher.init..
In Android, how to make space between LinearLayout children? to be some space between the views. I have tried adding setPadding 0 1 0 1 to my CustomView constructor but this doesn't seem to..
Difference between a View's Padding and Margin between a View's Padding and Margin What is the difference between a View's Margin and.. Margin What is the difference between a View's Margin and Padding android user interface view padding margin share improve.. view padding margin share improve this question Padding is the space inside the border between the border and the actual..
Padding between ActionBar's home icon and title between ActionBar's home icon and title Does anybody know how.. view ImageView findViewById view.setPadding left top right bottom I couldn't find a way to customize this..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? static final int MARGIN 4 static final int PADDING 2 private String mUrl private TwDialogListener mListener private.. 0xFFbbd7e9 mTitle.setPadding MARGIN PADDING MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN mTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding MARGIN.. MARGIN MARGIN mTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding MARGIN PADDING mTitle.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds icon null null..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) static final int MARGIN 4 static final int PADDING 2 private String mUrl private TwDialogListener mListener private.. 0xFFbbd7e9 mTitle.setPadding MARGIN PADDING MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN mTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding MARGIN.. MARGIN MARGIN mTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding MARGIN PADDING mTitle.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds icon null null..
Android - How to do Marquee of images finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin SET PADDING imgUsers.setPadding finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin..
How to get screen dimensions
Android Endless List public void onScroll AbsListView view int firstVisible int visibleCount int totalCount boolean loadMore maybe add a padding firstVisible visibleCount totalCount if loadMore adapter.count visibleCount or any other amount adapter.notifyDataSetChanged..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items apk res android android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height android attr listPreferredItemHeight android padding 6dip LinearLayout android orientation vertical android layout_width 0dip android layout_weight 1 android layout_height fill_parent..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + RelativeLayout android id @ id header android layout_width match_parent android layout_height 60dp android padding 2dp android background @drawable main_header Button android id @ id filter android layout_width 40dp android layout_height.. pic RelativeLayout android id @ id header android layout_width match_parent android layout_height 55dp android paddingLeft 10dp android paddingTop 5dp android layout_below @ id profile_pic android background @drawable light_blue_header TextView.. android id @ id header android layout_width match_parent android layout_height 55dp android paddingLeft 10dp android paddingTop 5dp android layout_below @ id profile_pic android background @drawable light_blue_header TextView android id @ id name..
Standard Android Button with a different color yellow2 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item android state_focused true.. orange5 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item shape gradient android endColor.. @color blue25 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item selector share improve this answer..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? in the dialog xml it is only as big as the contents. What I want is dialog that fills the entire screen except maybe a padding of 20 pixel. Then the image that is part of the dialog would automatically stretch to the full dialog size with fill_parent...
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM LinearLayout android orientation vertical android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android padding 5dp FrameLayout android id @android id tabcontent android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android.. android id @android id tabcontent android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android padding 5dp android layout_weight 1 TabWidget android id @android id tabs android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height..
Linear Layout and weight in Android text Register android id @ id register android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android padding 10dip weight 1 Button android text Not this time android id @ id cancel android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height.. text Not this time android id @ id cancel android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android padding 10dip weight 1 LinearLayout should create two buttons that are horizontally aligned and share the space equally. The problem..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow with for now is just a solution for rectangular images. I've used the following NinePatch along with the appropriate padding in XML ImageView android id @ id image_test android background @drawable drop_shadow android layout_width wrap_content android.. android background @drawable drop_shadow android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android paddingLeft 6px android paddingTop 4px android paddingRight 8px android paddingBottom 9px android src @drawable pic1 to get a fairly.. drop_shadow android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android paddingLeft 6px android paddingTop 4px android paddingRight 8px android paddingBottom 9px android src @drawable pic1 to get a fairly good result Not ideal..
Android read text raw resource file android id @ id txtRawResource android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android padding 3dip ScrollView LinearLayout The code to read the raw resource is TextView txtRawResource TextView findViewById
Difference between a View's Padding and Margin a View's Padding and Margin What is the difference between a View's Margin and Padding android user interface view padding margin share improve this question Padding is the space inside the border between the border and the actual view's content... this question Padding is the space inside the border between the border and the actual view's content. Note that padding goes completely around the content there is padding on the top bottom right and left sides which can be independent . Margins.. border between the border and the actual view's content. Note that padding goes completely around the content there is padding on the top bottom right and left sides which can be independent . Margins are the spaces outside the border between the..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android orientation vertical android padding 4dip android gravity center_horizontal android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent
AsyncTask Android example layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android indeterminate false android max 10 android padding 10dip ProgressBar Button android id @ id button1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? call to this the font is ready for rendering glText.load Roboto Regular.ttf 14 2 2 Create Font Height 14 Pixels X Y Padding 2 Pixels enable texture alpha blending GLES20.glEnable GLES20.GL_BLEND GLES20.glBlendFunc GLES20.GL_ONE GLES20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button and a TextView in a layout container. My solution is admittedly more than a bit hackish but it works. 1 Set Padding left to 40 2 Set Layout margin left to 36dp At this point the original radio button will be outside the view and your text..
Android encryption AES library has a flaw in it that allows under the right circumstances a listener to decrypt the packets sent. See Padding Oracle Exploit Tool vs Apache MyFaces . That being said check out this SO question Java 256bit AES Encryption . Bouncy Castle.. . Bouncy Castle AES EXAMPLE stolen from http Code Java Security EncryptionanddecryptionwithAESECBPKCS7Padding.htm import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec public class MainClass public static void main String.. 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 SecretKeySpec key new SecretKeySpec keyBytes AES Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance AES ECB PKCS7Padding BC System.out.println new String input encryption pass cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE key byte cipherText new byte cipher.getOutputSize..
In Android, how to make space between LinearLayout children? views to a vertical LinearLayout and I would like there to be some space between the views. I have tried adding setPadding 0 1 0 1 to my CustomView constructor but this doesn't seem to have any effect. Any advice It was pointed out that I should..
Difference between a View's Padding and Margin between a View's Padding and Margin What is the difference between a View's Margin and Padding android user interface view padding margin share.. between a View's Padding and Margin What is the difference between a View's Margin and Padding android user interface view padding margin share improve this question Padding is the space inside the border between.. between a View's Margin and Padding android user interface view padding margin share improve this question Padding is the space inside the border between the border and the actual view's content. Note that padding goes completely around..
Padding between ActionBar's home icon and title between ActionBar's home icon and title Does anybody know how to set padding between the ActionBar's home icon and the.. set the padding between the home icon and the title. ImageView view ImageView findViewById view.setPadding left top right bottom I couldn't find a way to customize this via the ActionBar xml styles though. That is the following..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT static final int MARGIN 4 static final int PADDING 2 private String mUrl private TwDialogListener mListener private ProgressDialog mSpinner private WebView mWebView private.. Color.WHITE mTitle.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD mTitle.setBackgroundColor 0xFFbbd7e9 mTitle.setPadding MARGIN PADDING MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN mTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding MARGIN PADDING mTitle.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds icon.. 0xFFbbd7e9 mTitle.setPadding MARGIN PADDING MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN mTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding MARGIN PADDING mTitle.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds icon null null null mContent.addView mTitle private void setUpWebView mWebView..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT static final int MARGIN 4 static final int PADDING 2 private String mUrl private TwDialogListener mListener private ProgressDialog mSpinner private WebView mWebView private.. Color.WHITE mTitle.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD mTitle.setBackgroundColor 0xFFbbd7e9 mTitle.setPadding MARGIN PADDING MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN mTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding MARGIN PADDING mTitle.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds icon.. 0xFFbbd7e9 mTitle.setPadding MARGIN PADDING MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN mTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding MARGIN PADDING mTitle.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds icon null null null mContent.addView mTitle private void setUpWebView mWebView..
Android - How to do Marquee of images finalDimens imgvwMargin.setMargins finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin SET PADDING imgUsers.setPadding finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin finalDimensMargin DISPLAY THE IMAGES USING THE..