android Programming Glossary: packageinfo
Cannot determine whether Google play store is installed or not on Android device packageManager getApplication .getPackageManager List PackageInfo packages packageManager.getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES.. PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES for PackageInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals GooglePlayStorePackageName.. String packageName try application.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo packageName 0 catch NameNotFoundException e return false return..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error App's Facebook console and you should be good to go. try PackageInfo info getPackageManager .getPackageInfo ENTER.YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME.. be good to go. try PackageInfo info getPackageManager .getPackageInfo ENTER.YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature..
remote_app_id does not match stored id - exception i tried many versions of openssl but with no success. try PackageInfo info getPackageManager .getPackageInfo your.package PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES.. no success. try PackageInfo info getPackageManager .getPackageInfo your.package PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature..
Distinguishing development mode and release mode environment settings on Android PackageManager . The following code snippet could help PackageInfo packageInfo ... get package info for your context int flags..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button import java.util.List import public class CacheActivity extends Activity @Override protected.. PackageManager pm getPackageManager List PackageInfo pInfo new ArrayList PackageInfo pInfo.addAll pm.getInstalledPackages.. pm getPackageManager List PackageInfo pInfo new ArrayList PackageInfo pInfo.addAll pm.getInstalledPackages 0 AppInfo app_info new..
Get a list of available Content Providers with GET_PROVIDERS . EDIT example for PackageInfo pack getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS..
List of user installed apps I am using the following piece of code at the moment List PackageInfo packs getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages 0 but it returns..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker canToggleGPS PackageManager pacman getPackageManager PackageInfo pacInfo null try pacInfo pacman.getPackageInfo PackageInfo pacInfo null try pacInfo pacman.getPackageInfo PackageManager.GET_RECEIVERS catch NameNotFoundException..
Get Application Directory PackageManager m getPackageManager String s getPackageName PackageInfo p m.getPackageInfo s 0 s p.applicationInfo.dataDir If eclipse.. String s getPackageName PackageInfo p m.getPackageInfo s 0 s p.applicationInfo.dataDir If eclipse worries about an.. m getPackageManager String s getPackageName try PackageInfo p m.getPackageInfo s 0 s p.applicationInfo.dataDir catch NameNotFoundException..
Android compare signature of current package with debug.keystore getPackageManager try Signature signs packageManager.getPackageInfo getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES .signatures for.. signature share improve this question The signature in PackageInfo does not seem to be well named since tha field does not contain.. Debug O Android C US ... Signature raw packageManager.getPackageInfo getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES .signatures 0 CertificateFactory..
Get application version programatically in android [duplicate] to do so java android share improve this question Use PackageInfo pInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 version.. question Use PackageInfo pInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 version pInfo.versionName share improve this..
Force users to have latest android app version installed version private String getSoftwareVersion try PackageInfo packageInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName.. try PackageInfo packageInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionName EDIT versionCode..
How can I learn whether a particular package exists on my Android device? targetPackage PackageManager pm getPackageManager try PackageInfo info pm.getPackageInfo targetPackage PackageManager.GET_META_DATA.. pm getPackageManager try PackageInfo info pm.getPackageInfo targetPackage PackageManager.GET_META_DATA catch NameNotFoundException..
Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market app try PackageManager manager context.getPackageManager PackageInfo appInfo manager.getPackageInfo YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES.. context.getPackageManager PackageInfo appInfo manager.getPackageInfo YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES Now test if..
Cannot determine whether Google play store is installed or not on Android device PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES for PackageInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals GooglePlayStorePackageName.. for PackageInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals GooglePlayStorePackageName googlePlayStoreInstalled.. PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES for PackageInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals GooglePlayStorePackageNameOld..
Distinguishing development mode and release mode environment settings on Android . The following code snippet could help PackageInfo packageInfo ... get package info for your context int flags packageInfo.applicationInfo.flags.. ... get package info for your context int flags packageInfo.applicationInfo.flags if flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications static int getAppVersion Context context try PackageInfo packageInfo context.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo context.getPackageName.. .getPackageInfo context.getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionCode catch NameNotFoundException e should never happen..
How to show icon of apk in my File manager .endsWith .apk String filePath file.getPath PackageInfo packageInfo context.getPackageManager .getPackageArchiveInfo filePath PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES.. filePath PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES if packageInfo null ApplicationInfo appInfo packageInfo.applicationInfo if.. if packageInfo null ApplicationInfo appInfo packageInfo.applicationInfo if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 8 appInfo.sourceDir..
Force users to have latest android app version version private String getSoftwareVersion try PackageInfo packageInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionName.. getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionName EDIT versionCode would be better catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException..
How can I learn whether a particular package exists on my Android device? packages pm.getInstalledApplications 0 for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals targetPackage return.. 0 for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals targetPackage return true return false ..
How to kill all running applications in android? Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM 1.. for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM 1 continue if packageInfo.packageName.equals.. ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM 1 continue if packageInfo.packageName.equals mypackage continue mActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses..
How to get installed applications permissions Package applicationInfo.packageName try PackageInfo packageInfo pm.getPackageInfo applicationInfo.packageName PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS.. Get Permissions String requestedPermissions packageInfo.requestedPermissions if requestedPermissions null for int i..
Cannot determine whether Google play store is installed or not on Android device GooglePlayStorePackageName void someMethod packageManager getApplication .getPackageManager List PackageInfo packages packageManager.getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES for PackageInfo packageInfo packages.. List PackageInfo packages packageManager.getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES for PackageInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals GooglePlayStorePackageName googlePlayStoreInstalled true break .. a better way is protected final boolean isPackageInstalled String packageName try application.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo packageName 0 catch NameNotFoundException e return false return true android google play share improve this question..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error that will be displayed in the logcat trace and paste in your App's Facebook console and you should be good to go. try PackageInfo info getPackageManager .getPackageInfo ENTER.YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures.. and paste in your App's Facebook console and you should be good to go. try PackageInfo info getPackageManager .getPackageInfo ENTER.YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance..
remote_app_id does not match stored id - exception question Use this piece of code because is more reliable i tried many versions of openssl but with no success. try PackageInfo info getPackageManager .getPackageInfo your.package PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures.. is more reliable i tried many versions of openssl but with no success. try PackageInfo info getPackageManager .getPackageInfo your.package PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES for Signature signature info.signatures MessageDigest md MessageDigest.getInstance..
Distinguishing development mode and release mode environment settings on Android flag in the ApplicationInfo obtained from PackageManager . The following code snippet could help PackageInfo packageInfo ... get package info for your context int flags packageInfo.applicationInfo.flags if flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button import android.widget.TextView import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.List import public class CacheActivity extends Activity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. ApplicationInfo applicationInfo getApplicationInfo PackageManager pm getPackageManager List PackageInfo pInfo new ArrayList PackageInfo pInfo.addAll pm.getInstalledPackages 0 AppInfo app_info new AppInfo pInfo.size int counter.. applicationInfo getApplicationInfo PackageManager pm getPackageManager List PackageInfo pInfo new ArrayList PackageInfo pInfo.addAll pm.getInstalledPackages 0 AppInfo app_info new AppInfo pInfo.size int counter 0 for PackageInfo item pInfo..
Get a list of available Content Providers question It should be possible by calling PackageManager.getInstalledPackages with GET_PROVIDERS . EDIT example for PackageInfo pack getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS ProviderInfo providers pack.providers if providers..
List of user installed apps that have been installed by the user on an Android device. I am using the following piece of code at the moment List PackageInfo packs getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages 0 but it returns Apps that have been installed by the both device manufacturer..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker is one which will allow you to toggle the gps. private boolean canToggleGPS PackageManager pacman getPackageManager PackageInfo pacInfo null try pacInfo pacman.getPackageInfo PackageManager.GET_RECEIVERS catch NameNotFoundException.. private boolean canToggleGPS PackageManager pacman getPackageManager PackageInfo pacInfo null try pacInfo pacman.getPackageInfo PackageManager.GET_RECEIVERS catch NameNotFoundException e return false package not found if pacInfo..
Get Application Directory around. android directory share improve this question PackageManager m getPackageManager String s getPackageName PackageInfo p m.getPackageInfo s 0 s p.applicationInfo.dataDir If eclipse worries about an uncaught NameNotFoundException you can use.. share improve this question PackageManager m getPackageManager String s getPackageName PackageInfo p m.getPackageInfo s 0 s p.applicationInfo.dataDir If eclipse worries about an uncaught NameNotFoundException you can use PackageManager m.. about an uncaught NameNotFoundException you can use PackageManager m getPackageManager String s getPackageName try PackageInfo p m.getPackageInfo s 0 s p.applicationInfo.dataDir catch NameNotFoundException e Log.w yourtag Error Package name not found..
Android compare signature of current package with debug.keystore . I have tried something like PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager try Signature signs packageManager.getPackageInfo getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES .signatures for Signature signature signs Log.d TAG sign signature.toCharsString.. Logging LicenseChecker and stuff like this. android apk signature share improve this question The signature in PackageInfo does not seem to be well named since tha field does not contain the package signature but the signer X509 certificate chain... final X500Principal DEBUG_DN new X500Principal CN Android Debug O Android C US ... Signature raw packageManager.getPackageInfo getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES .signatures 0 CertificateFactory cf CertificateFactory.getInstance X.509 X509Certificate..
Get application version programatically in android [duplicate]
Force users to have latest android app version in.close latestVersion str.toString and then compare it to the installed version private String getSoftwareVersion try PackageInfo packageInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionName EDIT versionCode would be.. it to the installed version private String getSoftwareVersion try PackageInfo packageInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionName EDIT versionCode would be better catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException..
How can I learn whether a particular package exists on my Android device? true return false public boolean isPackageExisted String targetPackage PackageManager pm getPackageManager try PackageInfo info pm.getPackageInfo targetPackage PackageManager.GET_META_DATA catch NameNotFoundException e return false return true.. public boolean isPackageExisted String targetPackage PackageManager pm getPackageManager try PackageInfo info pm.getPackageInfo targetPackage PackageManager.GET_META_DATA catch NameNotFoundException e return false return true share improve this answer..
Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market Here is a small code piece to read the signature of your app try PackageManager manager context.getPackageManager PackageInfo appInfo manager.getPackageInfo YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES Now test if the first signature equals your.. to read the signature of your app try PackageManager manager context.getPackageManager PackageInfo appInfo manager.getPackageInfo YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES Now test if the first signature equals your debug key. boolean shouldUseTestServer..
Cannot determine whether Google play store is installed or not on Android device List PackageInfo packages packageManager.getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES for PackageInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals GooglePlayStorePackageName googlePlayStoreInstalled true break For some reason.. packageManager.getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES for PackageInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals GooglePlayStorePackageName googlePlayStoreInstalled true break For some reason after the update I simply.. List PackageInfo packages packageManager.getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES for PackageInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals GooglePlayStorePackageNameOld packageInfo.packageName.equals GooglePlayStorePackageNameNew..
Distinguishing development mode and release mode environment settings on Android flag in the ApplicationInfo obtained from PackageManager . The following code snippet could help PackageInfo packageInfo ... get package info for your context int flags packageInfo.applicationInfo.flags if flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE.. . The following code snippet could help PackageInfo packageInfo ... get package info for your context int flags packageInfo.applicationInfo.flags if flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE 0 development mode else release mode share improve this..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications version code from the @code PackageManager . private static int getAppVersion Context context try PackageInfo packageInfo context.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo context.getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionCode catch NameNotFoundException.. Context context try PackageInfo packageInfo context.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo context.getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionCode catch NameNotFoundException e should never happen throw new RuntimeException Could not get package name e ..
How to show icon of apk in my File manager icons apk share improve this question if file.getPath .endsWith .apk String filePath file.getPath PackageInfo packageInfo context.getPackageManager .getPackageArchiveInfo filePath PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES if packageInfo null ApplicationInfo.. PackageInfo packageInfo context.getPackageManager .getPackageArchiveInfo filePath PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES if packageInfo null ApplicationInfo appInfo packageInfo.applicationInfo if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 8 appInfo.sourceDir filePath appInfo.publicSourceDir.. .getPackageArchiveInfo filePath PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES if packageInfo null ApplicationInfo appInfo packageInfo.applicationInfo if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 8 appInfo.sourceDir filePath appInfo.publicSourceDir filePath Drawable icon..
Force users to have latest android app version str.toString and then compare it to the installed version private String getSoftwareVersion try PackageInfo packageInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionName EDIT versionCode would be better catch.. String getSoftwareVersion try PackageInfo packageInfo getPackageManager .getPackageInfo getPackageName 0 return packageInfo.versionName EDIT versionCode would be better catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e Log.e TAG Package name not found..
How can I learn whether a particular package exists on my Android device? packages PackageManager pm pm getPackageManager packages pm.getInstalledApplications 0 for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals targetPackage return true return false public boolean isPackageExisted String.. pm pm getPackageManager packages pm.getInstalledApplications 0 for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals targetPackage return true return false public boolean isPackageExisted String targetPackage PackageManager..
How to kill all running applications in android? ActivityManager mActivityManager ActivityManager context.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM 1 continue if packageInfo.packageName.equals mypackage continue.. ActivityManager context.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM 1 continue if packageInfo.packageName.equals mypackage continue mActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses.. for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM 1 continue if packageInfo.packageName.equals mypackage continue mActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses packageInfo.packageName In above snippet..
How to get installed applications permissions applicationInfo packages Log.d test App Package applicationInfo.packageName try PackageInfo packageInfo pm.getPackageInfo applicationInfo.packageName PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS Get Permissions String requestedPermissions.. applicationInfo.packageName PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS Get Permissions String requestedPermissions packageInfo.requestedPermissions if requestedPermissions null for int i 0 i requestedPermissions.length i Log.d test requestedPermissions..