android Programming Glossary: packet
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? new PacketListener public void processPacket Packet packet Message message Message packet if message.getBody null String.. void processPacket Packet packet Message message Message packet if message.getBody null String fromName StringUtils.parseBareAddress.. import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Type..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android using a network transport layer that has high and variable packet loss rates and latencies that vary over many orders of magnitude.. it's dead at the same time the client does . Another is packet loss causing very slow operations long running database transactions.. to reduce latency never mind the problems that causes with packet loss discovery and window sizing wacky port blocking etc. Because..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? cat dev tty10 nothing here # hcidump HCI sniffer Bluetooth packet analyzer ver 1.42 device hci0 snap_len 1028 filter 0xffffffff..
How to call one android application from another android application Intent.ACTION_RUN intent.setComponent new ComponentName packet name class name List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities..
Multicast on Android 2.2 services. I've verified using Wireshark that the request packets are sent and that the server responds but the response packet.. are sent and that the server responds but the response packet are never seen by the socket listener code in the jmDNS library...
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVPacket packet int frameFinished float aspect_ratio AVCodecContext aCodecCtx.. 45 avcodec_open aCodecCtx aCodec c avcodec_alloc_context packet_queue_init & audioq while av_read_frame pFormatCtx & packet.. & audioq while av_read_frame pFormatCtx & packet 0 if packet.stream_index videoStream Else if packet.stream_index..
Android download binary file problems 0 len1 Perhaps the higher latency networking or smaller packet sizes of 3G on Android are exacerbating the effect share improve..
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? found possible device. swithcing to serial mode Data packet error 5could not read device protocol version It repeats constantly..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 in bytes buffer Ensure we have the entire packet before we proceed Packet length is in the 1st and 2nd byte expectedLength.. buffer OBEXConstant.LENGTH_IDENTIFIER 1 packetLength bytes Keep reading until we get what we expect. while.. bytes Keep reading until we get what we expect. while packetLength expectedLength bytes buffer packetLength..
Possible to use VpnService implementation to capture and send packets? to use VpnService implementation to capture and send packets I'm considering the possibility of using the new android 4.0.. new android 4.0 VpnService interface to implement simple packet capture and analysis. Does anyone know if it's possible to take.. analysis. Does anyone know if it's possible to take the packets you receive in a VpnService implementation and simply write..
Capturing mobile phone traffic on wireshark virtual interface RVI facility that lets you use Mac OS X packet trace programs to capture traces from an iOS device. See here..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? to msg.setBody text m_connection.sendPacket msg m_discussionThread.add Me m_discussionThread.add text m_discussionThreadAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged.. new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter m_connection.addPacketListener..
UDP server doesnt accept calls from outside SERVERPORT serverAddr byte buf new byte 17 Prepare a UDP Packet that can contain the data we want to receive DatagramPacket.. that can contain the data we want to receive DatagramPacket packet new DatagramPacket buf buf.length Log.d UDP S Receiving..... we want to receive DatagramPacket packet new DatagramPacket buf buf.length Log.d UDP S Receiving... wait to Receive the..
Android UDP Communication i byte 0XFF udp_port for byte b tid sdata i b DatagramPacket pkt new DatagramPacket sdata sdata.length InetAddress.getByName.. for byte b tid sdata i b DatagramPacket pkt new DatagramPacket sdata sdata.length InetAddress.getByName hostname port comm_skt.send.. log.warning Error while listening for an UDP Packet. Corresponds to the setCommSocket call above to save the IP..
Android Camera RTSP/RTP Stream? Rtppacket Rtpsocket sipdroidsocket I am able to send Rtp Packets containing each frame as data and I am able to catch it via.. soc.connect serverAddr 9954 Log.v Socket Connected RtpPacket rtpp new RtpPacket data height rtpp.setPayloadType 125 Log.v.. 9954 Log.v Socket Connected RtpPacket rtpp new RtpPacket data height rtpp.setPayloadType 125 Log.v RTPPacket Created..
Creating RTP Packets from Android Camera to Send RTP Packets from Android Camera to Send I'm new to Android and socket.. from PreviewCallback arguments and convert it to an RTP Packet. I was just using JLibRTP to do this. Regarding to transfer..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 buffer Ensure we have the entire packet before we proceed Packet length is in the 1st and 2nd byte expectedLength OBEXUtils.bytesToShort.. bytes buffer packetLength maxPacketSize packetLength bytes Switch on Packet Header switch buffer.. packetLength maxPacketSize packetLength bytes Switch on Packet Header switch buffer OBEXConstant.HEADER_IDENTIFIER case OBEXConstant.CONNECT..
Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST challenge else response sc.evaluateChallenge new byte 0 Packet responseStanza if response null responseStanza new Response..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? MessageTypeFilter m_connection.addPacketListener new PacketListener public void processPacket Packet packet Message message Message packet if message.getBody null String fromName StringUtils.parseBareAddress message .getFrom.. m_connection.addPacketListener new PacketListener public void processPacket Packet packet Message message Message packet if message.getBody null String fromName StringUtils.parseBareAddress message .getFrom m_discussionThread.add fromName.. import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Type import org.jivesoftware.smackx.pubsub.PresenceState public class..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android rewriting proxies and insane firewalls. They're typically using a network transport layer that has high and variable packet loss rates and latencies that vary over many orders of magnitude in short spans of time. TCP really isn't great in this.. locks held by the old session as the server may not decide it's dead at the same time the client does . Another is packet loss causing very slow operations long running database transactions and consequent problems with lock durations and transactional.. you can imagine carriers helpfully generating TCP ACKs to reduce latency never mind the problems that causes with packet loss discovery and window sizing wacky port blocking etc. Because everyone uses HTTP you can expect that to work at least..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? channel 1 connected reuse dlc release on hup tty attached # cat dev tty10 nothing here # hcidump HCI sniffer Bluetooth packet analyzer ver 1.42 device hci0 snap_len 1028 filter 0xffffffff HCI Command Create Connection 0x01 0x0005 plen 13 HCI Event..
How to call one android application from another android application I think this code will help Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_RUN intent.setComponent new ComponentName packet name class name List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent packageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT if..
Multicast on Android 2.2 DACP_TYPE listener ... The listener never sees any services. I've verified using Wireshark that the request packets are sent and that the server responds but the response packet are never seen by the socket listener code in the jmDNS library... I've verified using Wireshark that the request packets are sent and that the server responds but the response packet are never seen by the socket listener code in the jmDNS library. So... am I missing something Is this still a bug Has ANYONE..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android pFormatCtx int i videoStream audioStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVPacket packet int frameFinished float aspect_ratio AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodec aCodec AVCodecContext c NULL int out_size len int16_t.. codec_id if aCodec fprintf stderr Unsupported codec n return 45 avcodec_open aCodecCtx aCodec c avcodec_alloc_context packet_queue_init & audioq while av_read_frame pFormatCtx & packet 0 if packet.stream_index videoStream Else if packet.stream_index.. 45 avcodec_open aCodecCtx aCodec c avcodec_alloc_context packet_queue_init & audioq while av_read_frame pFormatCtx & packet 0 if packet.stream_index videoStream Else if packet.stream_index audioStream packet_queue_put & audioq & packet int len1..
Android download binary file problems
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? read the output Device addressed... Requesting device descriptor. found possible device. swithcing to serial mode Data packet error 5could not read device protocol version It repeats constantly while it's plugged in to the tablet. UPDATE 2 I realized..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 and OBEXConstants are my classes. try Read all bytes passed in bytes buffer Ensure we have the entire packet before we proceed Packet length is in the 1st and 2nd byte expectedLength OBEXUtils.bytesToShort buffer OBEXConstant.LENGTH_IDENTIFIER.. expectedLength OBEXUtils.bytesToShort buffer OBEXConstant.LENGTH_IDENTIFIER buffer OBEXConstant.LENGTH_IDENTIFIER 1 packetLength bytes Keep reading until we get what we expect. while packetLength expectedLength bytes buffer packetLength.. buffer OBEXConstant.LENGTH_IDENTIFIER 1 packetLength bytes Keep reading until we get what we expect. while packetLength expectedLength bytes buffer packetLength maxPacketSize packetLength bytes Switch on Packet Header..
Possible to use VpnService implementation to capture and send packets? to use VpnService implementation to capture and send packets I'm considering the possibility of using the new android 4.0 VpnService interface to implement simple packet capture and.. send packets I'm considering the possibility of using the new android 4.0 VpnService interface to implement simple packet capture and analysis. Does anyone know if it's possible to take the packets you receive in a VpnService implementation and.. VpnService interface to implement simple packet capture and analysis. Does anyone know if it's possible to take the packets you receive in a VpnService implementation and simply write them out to the active default network device To receive data..
Capturing mobile phone traffic on wireshark For IOS 5 devices any network iOS 5 added a remote virtual interface RVI facility that lets you use Mac OS X packet trace programs to capture traces from an iOS device. See here for more details For all phones wi fi only Set up your PC..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? String text message.getText .toString Message msg new Message to msg.setBody text m_connection.sendPacket msg m_discussionThread.add Me m_discussionThread.add text m_discussionThreadAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged private void.. e m_connection.disconnect e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter m_connection.addPacketListener new PacketListener public.. e.printStackTrace Presence presence new Presence Presence.Type.available m_connection.sendPacket presence PacketFilter filter new MessageTypeFilter m_connection.addPacketListener new PacketListener public void processPacket..
UDP server doesnt accept calls from outside Create new UDP Socket socket new DatagramSocket SERVERPORT serverAddr byte buf new byte 17 Prepare a UDP Packet that can contain the data we want to receive DatagramPacket packet new DatagramPacket buf buf.length Log.d UDP S Receiving..... serverAddr byte buf new byte 17 Prepare a UDP Packet that can contain the data we want to receive DatagramPacket packet new DatagramPacket buf buf.length Log.d UDP S Receiving... wait to Receive the UDP Packet socket.receive packet.. buf new byte 17 Prepare a UDP Packet that can contain the data we want to receive DatagramPacket packet new DatagramPacket buf buf.length Log.d UDP S Receiving... wait to Receive the UDP Packet socket.receive packet Log.d UDP S Received '..
Android UDP Communication sdata i byte 0XFF udp_port 16 sdata i byte 0XFF udp_port 8 sdata i byte 0XFF udp_port for byte b tid sdata i b DatagramPacket pkt new DatagramPacket sdata sdata.length InetAddress.getByName hostname port comm_skt.send pkt Server's UDP socket listening.. 16 sdata i byte 0XFF udp_port 8 sdata i byte 0XFF udp_port for byte b tid sdata i b DatagramPacket pkt new DatagramPacket sdata sdata.length InetAddress.getByName hostname port comm_skt.send pkt Server's UDP socket listening code public void.. e if e instanceof SocketException e instanceof SocketTimeoutException log.warning Error while listening for an UDP Packet. Corresponds to the setCommSocket call above to save the IP and Port of the incoming UDP packet on the server end public..
Android Camera RTSP/RTP Stream? onPreviewFrame data camera method. by using sipdroid's Rtppacket Rtpsocket sipdroidsocket I am able to send Rtp Packets containing each frame as data and I am able to catch it via Wireshark. But I am not able to play my packets in VLC This.. 9954 Log.v trying to connect with Sipdroid Socket soc.connect serverAddr 9954 Log.v Socket Connected RtpPacket rtpp new RtpPacket data height rtpp.setPayloadType 125 Log.v RTPPacket Created RtpSocket rtps new RtpSocket soc serverAddr.. trying to connect with Sipdroid Socket soc.connect serverAddr 9954 Log.v Socket Connected RtpPacket rtpp new RtpPacket data height rtpp.setPayloadType 125 Log.v RTPPacket Created RtpSocket rtps new RtpSocket soc serverAddr 9954 Log.v..
Creating RTP Packets from Android Camera to Send RTP Packets from Android Camera to Send I'm new to Android and socket programming. I want to create an android application that transfer.. camera to PC. What first i do is to get a raw video data from PreviewCallback arguments and convert it to an RTP Packet. I was just using JLibRTP to do this. Regarding to transfer the packet i think there are some related class RtpPkt RtpSession..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 classes. try Read all bytes passed in bytes buffer Ensure we have the entire packet before we proceed Packet length is in the 1st and 2nd byte expectedLength OBEXUtils.bytesToShort buffer OBEXConstant.LENGTH_IDENTIFIER buffer OBEXConstant.LENGTH_IDENTIFIER.. reading until we get what we expect. while packetLength expectedLength bytes buffer packetLength maxPacketSize packetLength bytes Switch on Packet Header switch buffer OBEXConstant.HEADER_IDENTIFIER case OBEXConstant.CONNECT .. packetLength expectedLength bytes buffer packetLength maxPacketSize packetLength bytes Switch on Packet Header switch buffer OBEXConstant.HEADER_IDENTIFIER case OBEXConstant.CONNECT Parse the packet and return an acknowledgement..
Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST if challenge null response sc.evaluateChallenge Base64.decode challenge else response sc.evaluateChallenge new byte 0 Packet responseStanza if response null responseStanza new Response else responseStanza new Response Base64.encodeBytes response..