android Programming Glossary: db.update
Easy database access methods in Android args.put KEY_NAME name args.put KEY_EMAIL email return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 Now if I wanted to..
Android SQLLite MultiTable Database Development config.getPlayerServerID updating row return db.update TABLE_CONFIG values KEY_ID new String String.valueOf config.getID..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] new ContentValues args.put code code args.put name name db.update DATABASE_TABLE args _id rowId null public Cursor GetAllRows..
Getting stored data from database into ListView. args.put KEY_PASSWORD pass args.put KEY_NUMBER no return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 public boolean updateEntry.. mood args.put KEY_DATE date args.put KEY_TIME time return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 Wasn't able to..
column _id does not exist KEY_LNAME LastName args.put KEY_FNAME FirstName return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 private boolean..
Increase the value of a record in android/sqlite database ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put key 2 db.update table values name new String name Also tried ' ' instead of..
update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method dataToInsert.put location flotown String where id id try db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert where null catch Exception e String.. where id String whereArgs new String String.valueOf id db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert where whereArgs The Strings in the..
sqlite example program in android [closed] long id switch uriMatcher.match uri case QUADUSER count db.update TABLE_NAME values selection selectionArgs break case QUADUSER_ID.. id Long.parseLong uri.getPathSegments .get 1 count db.update TABLE_NAME values appendRowId selection id selectionArgs break..
Android SQLite Update not working contentValues.put COL_SYNCED true int rowsAffected db.update TABLE contentValues COL_ID IN inArray null catch Exception e..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? args.put KEY_MOVES moves args.put KEY_TIME time return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 public Cursor fetchAllNotes..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database args.put KEY_NAME name args.put KEY_EMAIL email return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 android sqlite..
Easy database access methods in Android String name String email ContentValues args new ContentValues args.put KEY_NAME name args.put KEY_EMAIL email return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 Now if I wanted to use this class to insert a contact I would need to write the..
Android SQLLite MultiTable Database Development KEY_PLAYER_ID config.getPlayerID values.put KEY_PLAYER_SERVER_ID config.getPlayerServerID updating row return db.update TABLE_CONFIG values KEY_ID new String String.valueOf config.getID Truncate Config Table public void truncateConfigTable..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] long rowId String code String name ContentValues args new ContentValues args.put code code args.put name name db.update DATABASE_TABLE args _id rowId null public Cursor GetAllRows try return db.query DATABASE_TABLE new String _id code name..
Getting stored data from database into ListView. ContentValues args new ContentValues args.put KEY_USER user args.put KEY_PASSWORD pass args.put KEY_NUMBER no return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 public boolean updateEntry long rowId String title String entry String mood.. KEY_TITLE title args.put KEY_ENTRY entry args.put KEY_MOOD mood args.put KEY_DATE date args.put KEY_TIME time return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 Wasn't able to show. Hope you guys are able to help me android listview ..
column _id does not exist KEY_USERNAME Username args.put KEY_PASSWORD Password args.put KEY_LNAME LastName args.put KEY_FNAME FirstName return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 private boolean checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try String myPath..
Increase the value of a record in android/sqlite database this code works fine just sets the key to a hard coded value ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put key 2 db.update table values name new String name Also tried ' ' instead of just but it resulted just in a run time error. android sqlite..
update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method dataToInsert new ContentValues dataToInsert.put name flo dataToInsert.put location flotown String where id id try db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert where null catch Exception e String error e.getMessage .toString but i get following error android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException.. using the update function wrong. It should be like this String where id String whereArgs new String String.valueOf id db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert where whereArgs The Strings in the whereArgs array gets substituted in for each ' ' in the where..
sqlite example program in android [closed] SQLiteDatabase db news.getWritableDatabase int count long id switch uriMatcher.match uri case QUADUSER count db.update TABLE_NAME values selection selectionArgs break case QUADUSER_ID id Long.parseLong uri.getPathSegments .get 1 count db.update.. TABLE_NAME values selection selectionArgs break case QUADUSER_ID id Long.parseLong uri.getPathSegments .get 1 count db.update TABLE_NAME values appendRowId selection id selectionArgs break default throw new IllegalArgumentException Unknown URI uri..
Android SQLite Update not working try ContentValues contentValues new ContentValues contentValues.put COL_SYNCED true int rowsAffected db.update TABLE contentValues COL_ID IN inArray null catch Exception e DebugLog.e Error in transaction e.toString finally db.endTransaction..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? ContentValues args new ContentValues args.put KEY_NAME name args.put KEY_MOVES moves args.put KEY_TIME time return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 public Cursor fetchAllNotes public Cursor SortAllRows return db.query DATABASE_TABLE..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database String name String email ContentValues args new ContentValues args.put KEY_NAME name args.put KEY_EMAIL email return db.update DATABASE_TABLE args KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 android sqlite share improve this question as per the faq of sqlite documentation..