android Programming Glossary: db.close
How do I create a database in android? [closed] FileNotFoundException e1 db null public void close db.close public void createRow String code String name ContentValues..
Finalizing a Cursor that has not been deactivated or closed non-fatal error this mCursor registerForContextMenu getListView db.close error E Cursor 2318 Finalizing a Cursor that has not been deactivated..
Updating prepopulated database in Android e Log.e SQL Helper database not found if db null db.close return db null true false private void copyDataBase InputStream..
Android SQLite DB When to Close mySingletonHelperField.close if null db db.close super.finalize if the users of your application have the ability..
Android - Sqlite database method undefined fot type name TEXT NOT NULL age INTEGER NOT NULL db.execSQL query db.close @Override public void onUpgrade SQLiteDatabase db int oldVersion..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD IOException Close any old db handle if db null db.isOpen db.close The name of the database to use from the bundled assets. String..
cursor index out of bounds “index 0 requested: with size 0” curs.getColumnIndex db.PHONE_NUMBER fails here curs.close db.close return test query public Cursor getIdFromPhone String where.. curs.getColumnIndex db.PHONE_NUMBER fails here curs.close db.close return test this will be null if the cursor is empty And get..
Cursor and Adapter FROM AC_list null finally if db null Log.i tag db closed db.close else if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals.. FROM AC_list null finally if db null Log.i tag db closed db.close you are closing it as soon as you query and your query is never..
Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() sail.getPrice .toString reservation.getId .floatValue db.close workingWithDB String html PaymentService.getRedirectHTML id..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? 3 this.accImage insertStmt.executeInsert db.close To retrieve the image back this is code i used. public Account.. 2 if cursor null cursor.isClosed cursor.close db.close if cursor.getCount 0 return null else return this Finally to..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? if i 10 db.deleteContact i i while c.moveToNext c.close db.close private void getall get all contacts db.fetchAllNotes.. do DisplayContact c i while c.moveToNext c.close db.close public void DisplayContact Cursor c int row String name11 c.getString..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue db getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase.. db getWritableDatabase db.insert TABLE_NAME ... ... db.close Example 2 public class DB public static String Lock dblock.. Context.MODE_PRIVATE null db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] DATABASE_VERSION 0 null db.execSQL DATABASE_CREATE catch FileNotFoundException e1 db null public void close db.close public void createRow String code String name ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put code code..
Finalizing a Cursor that has not been deactivated or closed non-fatal error mCursor db.getTitles state 2 setListAdapter new MyCursorAdapter this mCursor registerForContextMenu getListView db.close error E Cursor 2318 Finalizing a Cursor that has not been deactivated or closed. database data data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.db..
Updating prepopulated database in Android true db.setVersion DB_VERSION catch SQLiteException e Log.e SQL Helper database not found if db null db.close return db null true false private void copyDataBase InputStream iStream null OutputStream oStream null String outFilePath..
Android SQLite DB When to Close as well public void finalize throws Throwable if null mySingletonHelperField mySingletonHelperField.close if null db db.close super.finalize if the users of your application have the ability to create many database interactions very quickly you should..
Android - Sqlite database method undefined fot type CREATE TABLE myTable _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT name TEXT NOT NULL age INTEGER NOT NULL db.execSQL query db.close @Override public void onUpgrade SQLiteDatabase db int oldVersion int newVersion ... Use it like this ... DatabaseHelper..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD dbName public SQLiteDatabase loadDb Context context throws IOException Close any old db handle if db null db.isOpen db.close The name of the database to use from the bundled assets. String dbAsset asset_dir dbName .sqlite InputStream myInput context.getAssets..
cursor index out of bounds “index 0 requested: with size 0” curs db.getIdFromPhone number String test curs.getString curs.getColumnIndex db.PHONE_NUMBER fails here curs.close db.close return test query public Cursor getIdFromPhone String where Cursor cur db.query DATABASE_TABLE new String ID PHONE_NUMBER.. test null if curs.moveToFirst edit test curs.getString curs.getColumnIndex db.PHONE_NUMBER fails here curs.close db.close return test this will be null if the cursor is empty And get rid of the getIdFromPhone method. share improve this answer..
Cursor and Adapter dbfile null Log.i tag db opened try db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list null finally if db null Log.i tag db closed db.close else if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals android.os.Environment.MEDIA_UNMOUNTED Log.i tag SDCard.. question I think your problem is in try db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list null finally if db null Log.i tag db closed db.close you are closing it as soon as you query and your query is never saved into databaseCursor maybe what you wanted to do was..
Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() sail.getFrom sail.getTo sail.getShip sail.getDateFrom .getTime sail.getPrice .toString reservation.getId .floatValue db.close workingWithDB String html PaymentService.getRedirectHTML id reservation bankIntent.putExtra Constant.BANK html catch Exception..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? this.accId insertStmt.bindString 2 this.accName insertStmt.bindBlob 3 this.accImage insertStmt.executeInsert db.close To retrieve the image back this is code i used. public Account getCurrentAccount SQLiteDatabase db dbHelper.getWritableDatabase.. 0 this.accName cursor.getString 1 this.accImage cursor.getBlob 2 if cursor null cursor.isClosed cursor.close db.close if cursor.getCount 0 return null else return this Finally to load this image to a imageview logoImage.setImageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? Cursor c db.SortAllRows int i 1 if c.moveToFirst do if i 10 db.deleteContact i i while c.moveToNext c.close db.close private void getall get all contacts db.fetchAllNotes Cursor c db.SortAllRows int i 1 if c.moveToFirst do DisplayContact.. db.fetchAllNotes Cursor c db.SortAllRows int i 1 if c.moveToFirst do DisplayContact c i while c.moveToNext c.close db.close public void DisplayContact Cursor c int row String name11 c.getString 1 c.getString 2 c.getString 3 tv1.setText name11..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue void delete Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.insert TABLE_NAME ... ... db.close Example.. db.close public void insert synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.insert TABLE_NAME ... ... db.close Example 2 public class DB public static String Lock dblock private static final String DATABASE_NAME db.db private static.. SQLiteDatabase db mContext.openOrCreateDatabase DATABASE_NAME Context.MODE_PRIVATE null db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db mContext.openOrCreateDatabase DATABASE_NAME Context.MODE_PRIVATE..