android Programming Glossary: dateid
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME int dateId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE int.. String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance .format dateId String numType cursor.getString numTypeId ContentValues values..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance .format dateId String numType cursor.getString numTypeId ContentValues values.. String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance .format dateId String numType cursor.getString numTypeId stopManagingCursor..
How to check if a value already exists in the database in Android time_type_id timeTypeId public static final String date_id dateId public static final String month_id monthId public static final.. insertIntoDatabase String companyId String username String dateId String clientId String projectId String niv1 String niv2 String.. user_name username initialValues.put date_id dateId initialValues.put client_Id clientId initialValues.put project_Id..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs int contactNameId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME int dateId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE int numTypeId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE.. contactNameId String duration cursor.getString durationId String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance .format dateId String numType cursor.getString numTypeId ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database contactNameId String duration cursor.getString durationId String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance .format dateId String numType cursor.getString numTypeId ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put contact_name.. contactNameId String duration cursor.getString durationId String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance .format dateId String numType cursor.getString numTypeId stopManagingCursor cursor ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put contact_id..
How to check if a value already exists in the database in Android String work_type_id workTypeId public static final String time_type_id timeTypeId public static final String date_id dateId public static final String month_id monthId public static final String year_id yearId public static final String hourS hours.. Log.v TAG The DatabaseHelper method public long insertIntoDatabase String companyId String username String dateId String clientId String projectId String niv1 String niv2 String workTypeId String timeTypeId String hours String comment.. ContentValues initialValues.put company_id companyId initialValues.put user_name username initialValues.put date_id dateId initialValues.put client_Id clientId initialValues.put project_Id projectId initialValues.put niv_1 niv1 initialValues.put..