android Programming Glossary: dbhelper.close
Delete row in database table given one column value - which is a string KEY_NAME myName null 0 Function call in java code dbHelper.deleteTitleGivenName myName this is where my code fails dbHelper.close Just as a note myName is for sure in the database. Also I can not use the ROWID since I am getting myName from a ListView...
Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard? new DBUtil this.context dbHelper.openDataBase SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public void closeDatabase if dbHelper null dbHelper.close dbHelper null ... and this is the db helper class I'm using which in fact extends SQLiteOpenHelper so you will still have..
I'm getting a Database Object Not Closed Exception in SQLite (Android), but I'm explicitly closing my database… Help? userCheck true dbHelper.createContact contact else dbHelper.updateContactAuto userCheck contact dbHelper.close CLOSING THE DATABASE catch ClientProtocolException e Log.e GETUPDATES CPE e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e Log.e..
Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview values ' IncidentFormActivity.incident_id ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Date ' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ' Time ' dbHelper.close calling camera Intent cameraIntent new Intent android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE startActivityForResult.. dbHelper.executeSQL insert into files values ' imagepath ' ' IncidentFormActivity.incident_id ' dbHelper.close catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Toast.makeText getApplicationContext yourfirst error message is e.toString 1000..
keeping a variable value across all android activities cursor from to setListAdapter notes @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy if dbHelper null dbHelper.close @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate
Easy database access methods in Android DBAdapter open throws SQLException db DBHelper.getWritableDatabase return this closes the database public void close DBHelper.close insert a contact into the database public long insertContact String name String email ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues..
Sqlite Database LEAK FOUND exception in android?
Getting stored data from database into ListView. DBAdapter open throws SQLException db DBHelper.getWritableDatabase return this closes the database public void close DBHelper.close Method for inserting login details can be used in other java files when DBAdapter is declared in the java file. e.g. DBAdapter..
column _id does not exist open throws SQLException db DBHelper.getWritableDatabase return this closes the database public void close DBHelper.close Method for inserting login details can be used in other java files when DBAdapter is declared in the java file. e.g. DBAdapter..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? open throws SQLException db DBHelper.getWritableDatabase return this closes the database public void close DBHelper.close insert a contact into the database public long insertContact String name int moves String time ContentValues initialValues..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database DBAdapter open throws SQLException db DBHelper.getWritableDatabase return this closes the database public void close DBHelper.close insert a contact into the database public long insertContact String name String email ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues..