android Programming Glossary: db.insert
cannot retrieve the information from sqlite args new ContentValues args.put name name return db.insert TABLE_NAME null args public void deleteAll db.delete TABLE_NAME..
Android: SQLite one-to-many design Offer.TYPES first insert row into OFFERS final long rowId db.insert offers Offer.NAME values if rowId 0 types null now insert all.. type.put Offer.TYPE t insert values into second table db.insert types Offer.TYPE type db.setTransactionSuccessful return ContentUris.withAppendedId..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] initialValues.put code code initialValues.put name name db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues public void deleteRow long..
Getting stored data from database into ListView. KEY_PASSWORD pass initialValues.put KEY_NUMBER no return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues public long insertEntry String.. KEY_DATE date initialValues.put KEY_TIME time return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE_2 null initialValues deletes a particular title..
Android SQLite database: slow insertion Pseudocode db.beginTransaction for entry listOfEntries db.insert entry db.setTransactionSuccessful db.endTransaction That increased..
Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android null switch uriMatcher.match uri case SAMPLE1 long _ID1 db.insert DATABASE_TABLE1 values if added successfully if _ID1 0 _uri.. .notifyChange _uri null break case SAMPLE2 long _ID2 db.insert DATABASE_TABLE2 values if added successfully if _ID2 0 _uri..
Bulk Insertion on Android device or YAML or XML or whatever. Read a line at a time and do db.insert . Figure out how to do an import and do a single import of the..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database new RatedCallsContentObserver handler db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME null values Toast.makeText getBaseContext.. new RatedCallsContentObserver handler db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME null values Toast.makeText getBaseContext..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? databases introduced locks around any db operation such as db.insert in my ContentProviders and even tried creating the databases..
Get generated id after insert or 1 if there was an error during insertion. long id db.insert ... where db is SQLiteDatabase . share improve this answer..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? filedata.put DataBase.IMG_SRC barb.toByteArray db.insert DataBase.Table_Img null filedata In the Insert public void insert..
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android cv.put KEY_LATITUDE lat cv.put KEY_LONGITUDE lon return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null cv public void deleteEntry long row Deletes..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? KEY_MOVES moves initialValues.put KEY_TIME time return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues deletes a particular contact..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database KEY_NAME name initialValues.put KEY_EMAIL email return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues deletes a particular contact..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.insert TABLE_NAME ... ... db.close Example 2 public class DB public.. DATABASE_NAME Context.MODE_PRIVATE null db.insert TABLE_NAME ... ... db.close Hope this would help Anyone in..
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19: constraint failedexception catch Exception e e.printStackTrace height null db.insert type encoding width height data1 iid catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
cannot retrieve the information from sqlite INSERT public long insert String name ContentValues args new ContentValues args.put name name return db.insert TABLE_NAME null args public void deleteAll db.delete TABLE_NAME null null public List String selectAll List String list..
Android: SQLite one-to-many design Offer.TYPES .split we no longer need it values.remove Offer.TYPES first insert row into OFFERS final long rowId db.insert offers Offer.NAME values if rowId 0 types null now insert all types for the row for String t types ContentValues type.. type new ContentValues 8 type.put Offer.OFFER_ID rowId type.put Offer.TYPE t insert values into second table db.insert types Offer.TYPE type db.setTransactionSuccessful return ContentUris.withAppendedId Offer.CONTENT_URI rowId catch Exception..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] code String name ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put code code initialValues.put name name db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues public void deleteRow long rowId db.delete DATABASE_TABLE _id rowId null public List Row..
Getting stored data from database into ListView. initialValues.put KEY_USER user initialValues.put KEY_PASSWORD pass initialValues.put KEY_NUMBER no return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues public long insertEntry String title String entry String mood String date String time.. KEY_ENTRY entry initialValues.put KEY_MOOD mood initialValues.put KEY_DATE date initialValues.put KEY_TIME time return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE_2 null initialValues deletes a particular title public boolean deleteLogin long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE..
Android SQLite database: slow insertion share improve this question You should do batch inserts. Pseudocode db.beginTransaction for entry listOfEntries db.insert entry db.setTransactionSuccessful db.endTransaction That increased the speed of inserts in my apps extremely. Update @Yuku..
Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android public Uri insert Uri uri ContentValues values Uri _uri null switch uriMatcher.match uri case SAMPLE1 long _ID1 db.insert DATABASE_TABLE1 values if added successfully if _ID1 0 _uri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI1 _ID1 getContext .getContentResolver.. CONTENT_URI1 _ID1 getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange _uri null break case SAMPLE2 long _ID2 db.insert DATABASE_TABLE2 values if added successfully if _ID2 0 _uri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI2 _ID2 getContext .getContentResolver..
Bulk Insertion on Android device a time and exec the SQL. Put the data in a CSV file or JSON or YAML or XML or whatever. Read a line at a time and do db.insert . Figure out how to do an import and do a single import of the entire file. Make a sqlite database containing all the records..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database .getContentResolver .notifyChange android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI new RatedCallsContentObserver handler db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME null values Toast.makeText getBaseContext Inserted Toast.LENGTH_LONG callList.add Contact Number.. .getContentResolver .notifyChange android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI new RatedCallsContentObserver handler db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME null values Toast.makeText getBaseContext Inserted Toast.LENGTH_LONG callList.add Contact Number..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? I used the FileBackupHelper pointed it to my .db file in databases introduced locks around any db operation such as db.insert in my ContentProviders and even tried creating the databases directory before onRestore because it does not exist after..
Get generated id after insert
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? 1 barb.append byte current ContentValues filedata new ContentValues filedata.put DataBase.IMG_SRC barb.toByteArray db.insert DataBase.Table_Img null filedata In the Insert public void insert String tableImg Object object ContentValues dataToInsert..
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android lon ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_LATITUDE lat cv.put KEY_LONGITUDE lon return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null cv public void deleteEntry long row Deletes a row given its rowId but I want to be able to pass in..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? ContentValues initialValues.put KEY_NAME name initialValues.put KEY_MOVES moves initialValues.put KEY_TIME time return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues deletes a particular contact public boolean deleteContact long rowId return db.delete..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put KEY_NAME name initialValues.put KEY_EMAIL email return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues deletes a particular contact public boolean deleteContact long rowId return db.delete..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.insert TABLE_NAME ... ... db.close Example 2 public class DB public static String Lock dblock private static final String DATABASE_NAME..
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19: constraint failedexception resources.getJSONObject resourceIndex .getString height .toString catch Exception e e.printStackTrace height null db.insert type encoding width height data1 iid catch Exception e e.printStackTrace System.out.println e exception System.out.println..