android Programming Glossary: db.rawquery
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? next row. Typical examples are as follows. Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false ... cursor.moveToNext.. false ... cursor.moveToNext Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... for boolean hasItem cursor.moveToFirst hasItem hasItem cursor.moveToNext.. hasItem hasItem cursor.moveToNext ... Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... if cursor.moveToFirst do ... while cursor.moveToNext These..
Exception: attempt to acquire a reference on a close SQLiteClosable Cursor getAll SQLiteDatabase db String orderBy return db.rawQuery SELECT FROM restaurants orderBy null When I run it sporadically..
Android ListView selected item stay highlighted android fadeScrollbars false ListView Java Cursor cursor db.rawQuery Select NrCl ' ' Nome From Clientes null final ListView t ListView..
EditText items in a scrolling list lose their changes when scrolled off the screen with values from an SQLite database. I make this by cursor db.rawQuery SELECT _id criterion localweight globalweight FROM dbTableName..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? String tableName List String ar null Cursor c null try c db.rawQuery select from tableName limit 1 null if c null ar new ArrayList..
Increase the value of a record in android/sqlite database a row in my table. However nothing really seems to happen. db.rawQuery UPDATE table SET key key 1 WHERE name new String name However..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android String tableName List String ar null Cursor c null try c db.rawQuery select from tableName limit 1 null if c null ar new ArrayList..
Select query to check the existing record in the SQLite Database in android properly. public boolean ifExisting String name Cursor c db.rawQuery SELECT FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE name name null if c.getCount 0..
App Crashes On Startup Due To java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist db SQLiteDatabaseHelper.getReadableDatabase Cursor cursor db.rawQuery SELECT DISTINCT oid as _id name number FROM CHAN_TABLE ORDER..
Cursor and Adapter dbfile null Log.i tag db opened try db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list null finally if db null Log.i tag db closed.. dbfile null Cursor databaseCursor db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list null DomainAdapter databaseListAdapter new.. improve this question I think your problem is in try db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list null finally if db null Log.i tag db closed..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? public static void orderASC_Label Cursor databaseCursor db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list ORDER BY `label` ASC null Adapter_AC databaseListAdapter..
Can I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query()? (LEFT JOIN and CASE) .getReadableDatabase String query yourLongQuery Cursor c db.rawQuery query null YourActivity.startManagingCursor c c.setNotificationUri..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? String sql SELECT FROM ACCOUNTS Cursor cursor db.rawQuery sql new String if cursor.moveToFirst this.accId cursor.getInt..
how to store image in sqlite database R.layout.main db database.getReadableDatabase c1 db.rawQuery select from UPLOAD null if c1.moveToFirst do IMAGE.add c1.getString.. String qu select img from table where feedid i Cursor cur db.rawQuery qu null if cur.moveToFirst byte imgByte cur.getBlob 0 cur.close..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? query doing something with each row and then moving on to the next row. Typical examples are as follows. Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false ... cursor.moveToNext Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... for boolean hasItem.. Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false ... cursor.moveToNext Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... for boolean hasItem cursor.moveToFirst hasItem hasItem cursor.moveToNext ... Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... if cursor.moveToFirst.. cursor db.rawQuery ... for boolean hasItem cursor.moveToFirst hasItem hasItem cursor.moveToNext ... Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... if cursor.moveToFirst do ... while cursor.moveToNext These all seem excessively long winded to me with several different..
Exception: attempt to acquire a reference on a close SQLiteClosable In one of my code samples I have the following method static Cursor getAll SQLiteDatabase db String orderBy return db.rawQuery SELECT FROM restaurants orderBy null When I run it sporadically I get this 05 01 14 45 05.849 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1145..
Android ListView selected item stay highlighted wrap_content android layout_toRightOf @ id cli_lista android fadeScrollbars false ListView Java Cursor cursor db.rawQuery Select NrCl ' ' Nome From Clientes null final ListView t ListView findViewById ArrayAdapter String myarrayAdapter..
EditText items in a scrolling list lose their changes when scrolled off the screen items created by a SimpleCursorAdapter and prepopulated with values from an SQLite database. I make this by cursor db.rawQuery SELECT _id criterion localweight globalweight FROM dbTableName ORDER BY criterion null startManagingCursor cursor mAdapter..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? . public static List String GetColumns SQLiteDatabase db String tableName List String ar null Cursor c null try c db.rawQuery select from tableName limit 1 null if c null ar new ArrayList String Arrays.asList c.getColumnNames catch Exception e..
Increase the value of a record in android/sqlite database database I try to increase the value of an integer key in a row in my table. However nothing really seems to happen. db.rawQuery UPDATE table SET key key 1 WHERE name new String name However this code works fine just sets the key to a hard coded value..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android . . public static List String GetColumns SQLiteDatabase db String tableName List String ar null Cursor c null try c db.rawQuery select from tableName limit 1 null if c null ar new ArrayList String Arrays.asList c.getColumnNames catch Exception e..
Select query to check the existing record in the SQLite Database in android I have made one function for these but it is not working properly. public boolean ifExisting String name Cursor c db.rawQuery SELECT FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE name name null if c.getCount 0 return false else return true This is the place where I need..
App Crashes On Startup Due To java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist SimpleCursorAdapter adapter null SQLiteDatabase db SQLiteDatabaseHelper.getReadableDatabase Cursor cursor db.rawQuery SELECT DISTINCT oid as _id name number FROM CHAN_TABLE ORDER BY number null if cursor.moveToFirst String columnNames name..
Cursor and Adapter flyDroid dB flyDroid.db SQLiteDatabase db SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase dbfile null Log.i tag db opened try db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list null finally if db null Log.i tag db closed db.close else if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState.. flyDroid dB flyDroid.db SQLiteDatabase db SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase dbfile null Cursor databaseCursor db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list null DomainAdapter databaseListAdapter new DomainAdapter this R.layout.list_item databaseCursor new.. this android database listview cursor adapter share improve this question I think your problem is in try db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list null finally if db null Log.i tag db closed db.close you are closing it as soon as you query and your..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? dbfile null Default List Order Label Num Ascending public static void orderASC_Label Cursor databaseCursor db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list ORDER BY `label` ASC null Adapter_AC databaseListAdapter new Adapter_AC list_AC R.layout.list_item databaseCursor..
Can I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query()? (LEFT JOIN and CASE) like this SQLiteDatabase db YourActivity.getDbHelper .getReadableDatabase String query yourLongQuery Cursor c db.rawQuery query null YourActivity.startManagingCursor c c.setNotificationUri YourActivity.getContentResolver YourContentProvider.CONTENT_URI..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? getCurrentAccount SQLiteDatabase db dbHelper.getWritableDatabase String sql SELECT FROM ACCOUNTS Cursor cursor db.rawQuery sql new String if cursor.moveToFirst this.accId cursor.getInt 0 this.accName cursor.getString 1 this.accImage cursor.getBlob..
how to store image in sqlite database savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main db database.getReadableDatabase c1 db.rawQuery select from UPLOAD null if c1.moveToFirst do IMAGE.add c1.getString 0 .toString while c1.moveToNext c1.close lv1 ListView.. to retrieve a image from db public Bitmap getImage int i String qu select img from table where feedid i Cursor cur db.rawQuery qu null if cur.moveToFirst byte imgByte cur.getBlob 0 cur.close return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray imgByte 0 imgByte.length..