android Programming Glossary: db_full_path
Query if Android database exists! checkDB null try checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY checkDB.close catch SQLiteException.. doesn't exist yet. return checkDB null true false where DB_FULL_PATH is the path to your database file share improve this answer..
Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard? this question Just use SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY where DB_FULL_PATH can be.. DB_FULL_PATH null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY where DB_FULL_PATH can be a path to your sdcard like sdcard mydatabase.db Edit.. sdcard myapp db mydatabase.db p public static String DB_FULL_PATH null static DB_DIRECTORY MyApp.DATA_REPOSITORY_URI myapp db..
Query if Android database exists! false if it doesn't private boolean checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY checkDB.close catch SQLiteException e database doesn't exist yet. return checkDB null..
Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard? move internal files. android sqlite3 sd card share improve this question Just use SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY where DB_FULL_PATH can be a path to your sdcard like sdcard mydatabase.db Edit This is.. improve this question Just use SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY where DB_FULL_PATH can be a path to your sdcard like sdcard mydatabase.db Edit This is what I call in my application to access the database...... DB_NAME null Full absolute path of the database. p Example sdcard myapp db mydatabase.db p public static String DB_FULL_PATH null static DB_DIRECTORY MyApp.DATA_REPOSITORY_URI myapp db DB_NAME mydatabase.db DB_FULL_PATH DB_DIRECTORY DB_NAME private..