android Programming Glossary: dateformat
How to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format? to nice time or time date. I use android.text.format.DateFormat df new android.text.format.DateFormat df.format yyyy MM dd kk.. android.text.format.DateFormat df new android.text.format.DateFormat df.format yyyy MM dd kk mm ss new java.util.Date for producing.. currentTimeMillis value into the android.text.format.DateFormat df new android.text.format.DateFormat e.g. android.text.format.DateFormat..
how to get current week days in calender @SuppressLint NewApi NewApi NewApi NewApi private final DateFormat dateFormatter new DateFormat private static final String dateTemplate.. NewApi NewApi private final DateFormat dateFormatter new DateFormat private static final String dateTemplate MMMM yyyy Called when.. this.findViewById currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime nextMonth ImageView this.findViewById..
DateFormat conversion problem in java? conversion problem in java my input String is 2010 03 24T17.. String is 2010 03 24T17 28 50.000Z output pattern is like DateFormat formatter1 new SimpleDateFormat EEE. MMM. d. yyyy i convert.. output pattern is like DateFormat formatter1 new SimpleDateFormat EEE. MMM. d. yyyy i convert this like this formatter1.format..
Android get Current UTC time [duplicate] a Date instance to a string before using it. You can use DateFormat s to convert Date s to String s in any timezone DateFormat df.. DateFormat s to convert Date s to String s in any timezone DateFormat df DateFormat.getTimeInstance df.setTimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone.. convert Date s to String s in any timezone DateFormat df DateFormat.getTimeInstance df.setTimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone gmt String..
How do you format date and time in Android? share improve this question Use the standard Java DateFormat class. For example to display the current date and time do the.. time do the following Date date new Date location.getTime DateFormat dateFormat android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat getApplicationContext.. location.getTime DateFormat dateFormat android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat getApplicationContext mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format..
Getting GMT time with Android a format and applied it to System.currentTimeMillis DateFormat dfgmt new java.text.SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd hh mm ss dfgmt.setTimeZone.. DateFormat dfgmt new java.text.SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd hh mm ss dfgmt.setTimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone GMT.. time to another time that's why i do the cast to Long. DateFormat df new java.text.SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd hh mm ss Date..
Date format conversion Android format it to March 27 2011 How to convert to that am using DateFormat formats new DateFormat DateFormat.getDateInstance DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance.. How to convert to that am using DateFormat formats new DateFormat DateFormat.getDateInstance DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance DateFormat.getTimeInstance.. convert to that am using DateFormat formats new DateFormat DateFormat.getDateInstance DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance DateFormat.getTimeInstance..
how to convert milliseconds to date format in android? this question Just Try this Sample code import java.text.DateFormat import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar.. code import java.text.DateFormat import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar public class Test Main Method public.. getDate long milliSeconds String dateFormat Create a DateFormatter object for displaying date in specified format. DateFormat..
Android, How can I Convert String to Date? Date object. I saw some samples that all of them had used DateFormat . But my format is exactly as same as Date format. So I think.. as same as Date format. So I think there is no need to use DateFormat . Am I right Is there anyway to directly cast this String to.. return null ParsePosition pos new ParsePosition 0 SimpleDateFormat simpledateformat new SimpleDateFormat aFormat Date stringDate..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary DateFormat df new SimpleDateFormat yyyy_MM_dd_HH mm ss int bytesRead bytesAvailable.. String twoHyphens String boundary DateFormat df new SimpleDateFormat yyyy_MM_dd_HH mm ss int bytesRead bytesAvailable bufferSize..
Android get date before 7 days (one week) week from now in android in this format SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd HH mm ss ex now 2010 09 19 HH.. share improve this question Parse the date Date myDate dateFormat.parse dateString And then either figure out how many milliseconds..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database String currTime hours minutes seconds SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat MM dd yyyy Date date new Date ArrayList.. contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put date dateFormat.format date values.put current_time currTime values.put cont.. nContact Name contactName nDuration duration nDate dateFormat.format date setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.listitem..
How do you format date and time in Android? following Date date new Date location.getTime DateFormat dateFormat android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat getApplicationContext.. getApplicationContext mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format date You can initialise a Date object with your own values..
How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application? set the format to sql date time SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd HH mm ss Date date new Date.. new ContentValues initialValues.put date_created dateFormat.format date long rowId mDb.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues..
how to convert milliseconds to date format in android? format. @param milliSeconds Date in milliseconds @param dateFormat Date format @return String representing date in specified format.. public static String getDate long milliSeconds String dateFormat Create a DateFormatter object for displaying date in specified.. format. DateFormat formatter new SimpleDateFormat dateFormat Create a calendar object that will convert the date and time..
How to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format? for the caculation but I can't see a built in function to convert to nice time or time date. I use android.text.format.DateFormat df new android.text.format.DateFormat df.format yyyy MM dd kk mm ss new java.util.Date for producing nice time and date.. in function to convert to nice time or time date. I use android.text.format.DateFormat df new android.text.format.DateFormat df.format yyyy MM dd kk mm ss new java.util.Date for producing nice time and date and what I'd ultimetly like to do is shove.. and date and what I'd ultimetly like to do is shove my resulting currentTimeMillis value into the android.text.format.DateFormat df new android.text.format.DateFormat e.g. android.text.format.DateFormat df currentTimeMillis when I try I get Type mismatch..
how to get current week days in calender NewApi private int month year @SuppressWarnings unused @SuppressLint NewApi NewApi NewApi NewApi private final DateFormat dateFormatter new DateFormat private static final String dateTemplate MMMM yyyy Called when the activity is first created... year @SuppressWarnings unused @SuppressLint NewApi NewApi NewApi NewApi private final DateFormat dateFormatter new DateFormat private static final String dateTemplate MMMM yyyy Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate.. prevMonth.setOnClickListener this currentMonth TextView this.findViewById currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime nextMonth ImageView this.findViewById nextMonth.setOnClickListener..
DateFormat conversion problem in java? conversion problem in java my input String is 2010 03 24T17 28 50.000Z output pattern is like DateFormat formatter1 new.. conversion problem in java my input String is 2010 03 24T17 28 50.000Z output pattern is like DateFormat formatter1 new SimpleDateFormat EEE. MMM. d. yyyy i convert this like this formatter1.format new Date 2010 03 24T17 28 50.000Z.. problem in java my input String is 2010 03 24T17 28 50.000Z output pattern is like DateFormat formatter1 new SimpleDateFormat EEE. MMM. d. yyyy i convert this like this formatter1.format new Date 2010 03 24T17 28 50.000Z illegalArgumentException..
Android get Current UTC time [duplicate] The reason you see local times might be because you convert a Date instance to a string before using it. You can use DateFormat s to convert Date s to String s in any timezone DateFormat df DateFormat.getTimeInstance df.setTimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone.. a Date instance to a string before using it. You can use DateFormat s to convert Date s to String s in any timezone DateFormat df DateFormat.getTimeInstance df.setTimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone gmt String gmtTime df.format new Date Also see this related.. to a string before using it. You can use DateFormat s to convert Date s to String s in any timezone DateFormat df DateFormat.getTimeInstance df.setTimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone gmt String gmtTime df.format new Date Also see this related question..
How do you format date and time in Android? month day hour and minute android date time formatting format share improve this question Use the standard Java DateFormat class. For example to display the current date and time do the following Date date new Date location.getTime DateFormat.. class. For example to display the current date and time do the following Date date new Date location.getTime DateFormat dateFormat android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat getApplicationContext mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format date.. current date and time do the following Date date new Date location.getTime DateFormat dateFormat android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat getApplicationContext mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format date You can initialise a Date object with..
Getting GMT time with Android is GMT 2. So let's see with an example 1º attemp I created a format and applied it to System.currentTimeMillis DateFormat dfgmt new java.text.SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd hh mm ss dfgmt.setTimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone GMT String gmtTime dfgmt.format.. example 1º attemp I created a format and applied it to System.currentTimeMillis DateFormat dfgmt new java.text.SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd hh mm ss dfgmt.setTimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone GMT String gmtTime dfgmt.format new Date Using System.currentTimeMillis.. Long phoneTimeUTC dPhoneTime.getTime I need to substract that time to another time that's why i do the cast to Long. DateFormat df new java.text.SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd hh mm ss Date arrivalDate df.parse item.getArrivalDate the String comes from..
Date format conversion Android string form of date 2011 03 27T09 39 01.607 and i want to format it to March 27 2011 How to convert to that am using DateFormat formats new DateFormat DateFormat.getDateInstance DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance DateFormat.getTimeInstance String actDate.. 03 27T09 39 01.607 and i want to format it to March 27 2011 How to convert to that am using DateFormat formats new DateFormat DateFormat.getDateInstance DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance DateFormat.getTimeInstance String actDate formats 0 .format uploadeddate.substring.. 39 01.607 and i want to format it to March 27 2011 How to convert to that am using DateFormat formats new DateFormat DateFormat.getDateInstance DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance DateFormat.getTimeInstance String actDate formats 0 .format uploadeddate.substring..
how to convert milliseconds to date format in android? help is really appreciated. java android share improve this question Just Try this Sample code import java.text.DateFormat import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar public class Test Main Method public static void main String.. android share improve this question Just Try this Sample code import java.text.DateFormat import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar public class Test Main Method public static void main String args System.out.println getDate 82233213123L.. String representing date in specified format public static String getDate long milliSeconds String dateFormat Create a DateFormatter object for displaying date in specified format. DateFormat formatter new SimpleDateFormat dateFormat Create a calendar..
Android, How can I Convert String to Date? Therefore when I load it from database I need to cast it to Date object. I saw some samples that all of them had used DateFormat . But my format is exactly as same as Date format. So I think there is no need to use DateFormat . Am I right Is there anyway.. all of them had used DateFormat . But my format is exactly as same as Date format. So I think there is no need to use DateFormat . Am I right Is there anyway to directly cast this String to Date object I want to compare this stored time with current.. Date stringToDate String aDate String aFormat if aDate null return null ParsePosition pos new ParsePosition 0 SimpleDateFormat simpledateformat new SimpleDateFormat aFormat Date stringDate simpledateformat.parse aDate pos return stringDate android..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error null String pathToOurFile filename String urlServer targetUrl String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary DateFormat df new SimpleDateFormat yyyy_MM_dd_HH mm ss int bytesRead bytesAvailable bufferSize byte buffer int maxBufferSize 1 1024.. filename String urlServer targetUrl String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary DateFormat df new SimpleDateFormat yyyy_MM_dd_HH mm ss int bytesRead bytesAvailable bufferSize byte buffer int maxBufferSize 1 1024 try FileInputStream fileInputStream..
Android get date before 7 days (one week) get date before 7 days one week How to get date before one week from now in android in this format SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd HH mm ss ex now 2010 09 19 HH mm ss before one week 2010 09 12 HH mm ss Thanks java android.. one week 2010 09 12 HH mm ss Thanks java android date share improve this question Parse the date Date myDate dateFormat.parse dateString And then either figure out how many milliseconds you need to subtract Date newDate new Date myDate.getTime..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat MM dd yyyy Date date new Date ArrayList String callList new ArrayList String cursor.moveToFirst String.. values.put number_type numType values.put contact_number contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put date dateFormat.format date values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 getBaseContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG callList.add Contact Number contactNumber nContact Name contactName nDuration duration nDate dateFormat.format date setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.listitem callList ListView lv getListView lv.setTextFilterEnabled..
How do you format date and time in Android? For example to display the current date and time do the following Date date new Date location.getTime DateFormat dateFormat android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat getApplicationContext mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format date You can.. DateFormat dateFormat android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat getApplicationContext mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format date You can initialise a Date object with your own values however you should be aware that the constructors have..
How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application? VALUES null datetime Or the java date time capabilities set the format to sql date time SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd HH mm ss Date date new Date ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put..
how to convert milliseconds to date format in android? 82233213123L dd MM yyyy hh mm ss.SSS Return date in specified format. @param milliSeconds Date in milliseconds @param dateFormat Date format @return String representing date in specified format public static String getDate long milliSeconds String dateFormat.. Date format @return String representing date in specified format public static String getDate long milliSeconds String dateFormat Create a DateFormatter object for displaying date in specified format. DateFormat formatter new SimpleDateFormat dateFormat.. Create a DateFormatter object for displaying date in specified format. DateFormat formatter new SimpleDateFormat dateFormat Create a calendar object that will convert the date and time value in milliseconds to date. Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance..