android Programming Glossary: dbpath
Updating prepopulated database in Android private boolean dbExists SQLiteDatabase db null try String dbPath DB_PATH DB_NAME db SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase dbPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE.. dbPath DB_PATH DB_NAME db SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase dbPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE db.setLocale Locale.getDefault..
Need an example of sqlite with Monodroid Mono.Data.Sqlite Finally use ye normal ADO.NET code string dbPath Path.Combine Environment.GetFolderPath Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal.. items.db3 bool exists File.Exists dbPath if exists SqliteConnection.CreateFile dbPath var connection.. File.Exists dbPath if exists SqliteConnection.CreateFile dbPath var connection new SqliteConnection Data Source dbPath connection.Open..
How can I embed an SQLite database into an application? public void openDataBase throws SQLException String dbPath DATABASE_PATH DATABASE_NAME dataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase.. DATABASE_NAME dataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase dbPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE private boolean checkDataBase.. SQLiteDatabase checkDB null boolean exist false try String dbPath DATABASE_PATH DATABASE_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database application database. public boolean importDatabase String dbPath throws IOException Close the SQLiteOpenHelper so it will commit.. database to internal storage. close File newDb new File dbPath File oldDb new File DB_FILEPATH if newDb.exists FileUtils.copyFile..
Updating prepopulated database in Android if dbExist copyDataBase else if dbExist copyDataBase private boolean dbExists SQLiteDatabase db null try String dbPath DB_PATH DB_NAME db SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase dbPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE db.setLocale Locale.getDefault.. private boolean dbExists SQLiteDatabase db null try String dbPath DB_PATH DB_NAME db SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase dbPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE db.setLocale Locale.getDefault db.setLockingEnabled true db.setVersion DB_VERSION catch..
Need an example of sqlite with Monodroid Second within your source code add using System.Data using Mono.Data.Sqlite Finally use ye normal ADO.NET code string dbPath Path.Combine Environment.GetFolderPath Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal items.db3 bool exists File.Exists dbPath if exists.. dbPath Path.Combine Environment.GetFolderPath Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal items.db3 bool exists File.Exists dbPath if exists SqliteConnection.CreateFile dbPath var connection new SqliteConnection Data Source dbPath connection.Open if exists.. Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal items.db3 bool exists File.Exists dbPath if exists SqliteConnection.CreateFile dbPath var connection new SqliteConnection Data Source dbPath connection.Open if exists This is the first time the app has run..
How can I embed an SQLite database into an application? buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException String dbPath DATABASE_PATH DATABASE_NAME dataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase dbPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE private boolean.. void openDataBase throws SQLException String dbPath DATABASE_PATH DATABASE_NAME dataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase dbPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE private boolean checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null boolean exist false try String.. SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE private boolean checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null boolean exist false try String dbPath DATABASE_PATH DATABASE_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase dbPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY catch SQLiteException..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database file at the specified location over the current internal application database. public boolean importDatabase String dbPath throws IOException Close the SQLiteOpenHelper so it will commit the created empty database to internal storage. close File.. Close the SQLiteOpenHelper so it will commit the created empty database to internal storage. close File newDb new File dbPath File oldDb new File DB_FILEPATH if newDb.exists FileUtils.copyFile new FileInputStream newDb new FileOutputStream oldDb..