android Programming Glossary: days
Android AlarmManager I have been playing around with some code for a few days and it just won't work. I need to trigger a block of code after..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] to retrieve Google Directions using KML data since few days. The Error seems that the URL I'm requesting doesn't retreieve..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works and the convertview usage mechanism but after a whole days research I pretty much understand the mechanisms of the list..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android I am writing an app in which i am fetching list.. now i want to fetch list of Facebook Friends those birthdays in Current Month to get list of all Friends i am using this.. i am using below code to get List of Friends those Birthdays in Current Month Calendar c Calendar.getInstance int month c.get..
Caching images and displaying able to reward an answer with bounty as i was away for two days. android json imageview universal image loader lazylist share..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache return deletedFiles Delete the files older than numDays days from the application cache 0 means all files. public static.. Starting cache prune deleting files older than d days numDays int numDeletedFiles clearCacheFolder context.getCacheDir..
Restful API service make calls to a web based rest api. I've spent a couple of days looking through reading books and looking..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched the rest of it just part 2 is puzzling me and after many days reading up on Broadcast Intents etc and trying to listen for..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android bluetooth share improve this question After three days I got it figured out thanks to some very helpful posts. I had..
Change title bar text in Android the application. So I can make comparison with earlier days and can list out some of the advantages of using ActionBar It.. Style Generator tool can help you out. Old Earlier days Normal way you can Change the Title of each screen i.e. Activity..
WebView and HTML5 <video> a WebView but I must say I had to deal with it for few days. These are the steps I had to follow so far Find a properly..
Android/Java - Date Difference in days Java Date Difference in days I am getting the current date in format 12 31 1999 i.e. mm.. so I want to find the difference between date in number of days how do I find difference in days In other words I want to find.. between date in number of days how do I find difference in days In other words I want to find the difference between CURRENT..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? for Discard old messages that specifies the number of days after which messages need to be cleaned up. In the PreferenceActivity.. see Discard old messages title Clean up messages after x days summary where x is the current Preference value Extra credit..
File Upload in WebView struggling to upload files from WebView since last few days and there is no progress. I googled and implemented all suggested..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? share improve this question Yes it is possible After two days of trying and researching I was able to do it. Here's the code..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application from an Android mobile application From the past few days I have been working on an Android code to call a local web service...
Creating an Android trial application that expires after a fixed time period which would be a trial version with a time limit of say 5 days How can I go about doing this android trialware android 1.5..
how to get current week days in calender 4 5 6 7 I change this code form example code Current Month Days for int i 1 i daysInMonth i Log.d currentMonthName String.valueOf.. currentMonth yy with this code Current Month Days for int i 1 i currentWeekDay i Log.d currentMonthName String.valueOf.. dateFormatter new SimpleDateFormat dd MMM yyyy Days in Current Month public GridCellAdapter Context context int..
Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is Tab 2 spec2.setContent spec2.setIndicator # Days TabSpec spec3 tabHost.newTabSpec Tab 3 spec3.setContent
Android AlarmManager show me some sample code on how to use an AlarmManager in Android. I have been playing around with some code for a few days and it just won't work. I need to trigger a block of code after 20 minutes from the AlarmManager being set. java android..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] Maps output kml broken I started to get Error when I'm trying to retrieve Google Directions using KML data since few days. The Error seems that the URL I'm requesting doesn't retreieve KML data anymore it returns a whole page. I followed this..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works question Initially I was also unaware of listview recycling and the convertview usage mechanism but after a whole days research I pretty much understand the mechanisms of the list view by referring to an image from android.amberfog When ever..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android I am writing an app in which i am fetching list of Facebook Friends using Hackbook Sample Code but now i want.. list of Facebook Friends using Hackbook Sample Code but now i want to fetch list of Facebook Friends those birthdays in Current Month to get list of all Friends i am using this code public static void requestFriends FacebookRequest facebookRequest.. FacebookRequestListener.FRIENDS facebookRequest Still i am using below code to get List of Friends those Birthdays in Current Month Calendar c Calendar.getInstance int month c.get Calendar.MONTH 1 String query select name birthday uid..
Caching images and displaying implementation of Lazy loading. My apologies for not being able to reward an answer with bounty as i was away for two days. android json imageview universal image loader lazylist share improve this question Lazy loading using Universal Imageloader...
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache String.format Failed to clean the cache error s e.getMessage return deletedFiles Delete the files older than numDays days from the application cache 0 means all files. public static void clearCache final Context context final int numDays Log.i.. final Context context final int numDays Log.i TAG String.format Starting cache prune deleting files older than d days numDays int numDeletedFiles clearCacheFolder context.getCacheDir numDays Log.i TAG String.format Cache pruning completed..
Restful API service service I'm looking to make a service which I can use to make calls to a web based rest api. I've spent a couple of days looking through reading books and looking at articles whilst playing about with some code and I can't..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched my app disappears leaving the Email app on top I'm ok doing the rest of it just part 2 is puzzling me and after many days reading up on Broadcast Intents etc and trying to listen for android.intent.action.MAIN etc in my trial projects I can't..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android I don't think that is the problem that I am having. java android bluetooth share improve this question After three days I got it figured out thanks to some very helpful posts. I had to replace tmp device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord MY_UUID..
Change title bar text in Android about customizing title bar and making it consistent through the application. So I can make comparison with earlier days and can list out some of the advantages of using ActionBar It offers your users a familiar interface across applications.. if you would want to generate styles for Action Bar then this Style Generator tool can help you out. Old Earlier days Normal way you can Change the Title of each screen i.e. Activity by setting their Android label activity android name .Hello_World..
WebView and HTML5 <video> It is possible to view a video element video html5 tag within a WebView but I must say I had to deal with it for few days. These are the steps I had to follow so far Find a properly encoded video When initializing the WebView set the JavaScript..
Android/Java - Date Difference in days Java Date Difference in days I am getting the current date in format 12 31 1999 i.e. mm dd yyyy as using the below code Textview txtViewData txtViewDate.setText.. having another date in format as 2010 08 25 i.e. yyyy mm dd so I want to find the difference between date in number of days how do I find difference in days In other words I want to find the difference between CURRENT DATE yyyy mm dd formatted.. 2010 08 25 i.e. yyyy mm dd so I want to find the difference between date in number of days how do I find difference in days In other words I want to find the difference between CURRENT DATE yyyy mm dd formatted date java android date share improve..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? the Preference summary. Example if I have a Preference setting for Discard old messages that specifies the number of days after which messages need to be cleaned up. In the PreferenceActivity I'd like the user to see Discard old messages title.. be cleaned up. In the PreferenceActivity I'd like the user to see Discard old messages title Clean up messages after x days summary where x is the current Preference value Extra credit make this reusable so I can easily apply it to all my preferences..
File Upload in WebView Upload in WebView I have been struggling to upload files from WebView since last few days and there is no progress. I googled and implemented all suggested solutions but none works like solutions suggested here..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? some simple examples android facebook facebook graph api share improve this question Yes it is possible After two days of trying and researching I was able to do it. Here's the code byte data null String dataPath mnt sdcard KaraokeVideos myvideo.3gp..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application to call a local web service from an Android mobile application From the past few days I have been working on an Android code to call a local web service. I am using ksoap libraries for Android to call my SOAP..
Creating an Android trial application that expires after a fixed time period the market as a Paid app. I would like to have other version which would be a trial version with a time limit of say 5 days How can I go about doing this android trialware android 1.5 share improve this question Currently most developers accomplish..
how to get current week days in calender display this value Sun Mon tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I change this code form example code Current Month Days for int i 1 i daysInMonth i Log.d currentMonthName String.valueOf i getMonthAsString currentMonth yy if i getCurrentDayOfMonth.. currentMonth yy else list.add String.valueOf i WHITE getMonthAsString currentMonth yy with this code Current Month Days for int i 1 i currentWeekDay i Log.d currentMonthName String.valueOf i getMonthAsString currentMonth yy if i getCurrentDayOfMonth.. HashMap String Integer eventsPerMonthMap private final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter new SimpleDateFormat dd MMM yyyy Days in Current Month public GridCellAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId int month int year super this._context context..
Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is spec1.setIndicator Starting TabSpec spec2 tabHost.newTabSpec Tab 2 spec2.setContent spec2.setIndicator # Days TabSpec spec3 tabHost.newTabSpec Tab 3 spec3.setContent spec3.setIndicator Rate tabHost.addTab spec1 tabHost.addTab..