android Programming Glossary: dataset
How to parse complex JSON file in android the adapter hm.put flag path Noticing listview about the dataset changes adapter.notifyDataSetChanged @Override public boolean..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? when adding new data to the dataset during repaints. Please checkout the code from SVN and do an.. to make sure you don't add 100000s of data values to the datasets. Old data can be removed from the datasets in order to gain.. values to the datasets. Old data can be removed from the datasets in order to gain performance. It is definitely reasonable to..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter the filtering create a new ArrayList for your filtered dataset in your case a new ArrayList and loop through your complete..
Autogrow ListView in Android I need. I'm not interested in Cursor implementation the dataset is quite simple as I said for now it's just a List . Also say..
Onclicklistner not working in fragment listview Context context int textViewResourceId Recipes dataset super context textViewResourceId dataset this.layoutResourceId.. Recipes dataset super context textViewResourceId dataset this.layoutResourceId textViewResourceId this.context context.. textViewResourceId this.context context dataset imageLoader new ImageLoader context.getApplicationContext @Override..
achartengine - can't figure how to use dates as x axis - the file I save is empty 'Dan' suggestion I used ChartFactory.getTimeChartView this dataset mRenderer dd MM yyyy instead of ChartFactory.getLineChartIntent.. MM yyyy instead of ChartFactory.getLineChartIntent context dataset mRenderer dd MM yyyy and you don't need to use String List just..
Bar chart using achartengine public AdvancedRangeBarChart XYMultipleSeriesDataset dataset XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer Type type super dataset renderer.. dataset XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer Type type super dataset renderer type public void setColors int colorsIn barChartColors..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter it filter the results and notify the listview that the dataset has changed. @Override public Filter getFilter return new Filter..
How to update Android ListView with dynamic data in real time? 1 2 times per second . Sometimes the number of rows in the dataset changes too but certainly not as often as the data in the cells.. has to restructure all of its subviews Views. If the dataset count has not changed I could possibly find all of the visible.. me when I notify it. This method also won't work if the dataset count changes over time i.e. not only is the data within each..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? the CursorLoader registers a ContentObserver with the dataset you requested and calls forceLoad on itself when the data set..
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping the actual count but maps them to the actual range of the dataset pageset. It offsets the beginning by a large number also so..
how to implement TimeChart in achartengine with android layout LinearLayout findViewById create dataset and renderer mDataset new XYMultipleSeriesDataset mRenderer..
How to transition from managedQuery to LoaderManager/CursorLoader? the CursorLoader registers a ContentObserver with the dataset you requested and calls forceLoad on itself when the data set..
AChartEngine transparent background ... GraphicalView g ChartFactory.getTimeChartView this dataset renderer dd MM But it isn't working properly As you can see..
onSaveInstanceState limit? I am at the moment passing a quite sizable Serializable dataset through it that makes me want to get the communities input on..
How to parse complex JSON file in android adapter.getItem position Overwriting the existing path in the adapter hm.put flag path Noticing listview about the dataset changes adapter.notifyDataSetChanged @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu getMenuInflater .inflate
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? the onDraw method such as it will hopefully not throw ConcurrentModificationException when adding new data to the dataset during repaints. Please checkout the code from SVN and do an ant dist in order to build new AChartEngine jar file and embed.. I have written dynamic charting using it. However you need to make sure you don't add 100000s of data values to the datasets. Old data can be removed from the datasets in order to gain performance. It is definitely reasonable to paint the 5 or.. However you need to make sure you don't add 100000s of data values to the datasets. Old data can be removed from the datasets in order to gain performance. It is definitely reasonable to paint the 5 or so line charts if they have up to a few 1000s..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter be filtered as the base case. Once you've decided to perform the filtering create a new ArrayList for your filtered dataset in your case a new ArrayList and loop through your complete set of list items adding the values that match the filter to..
Autogrow ListView in Android so forth. I think GMail Inbox would be a good example of what I need. I'm not interested in Cursor implementation the dataset is quite simple as I said for now it's just a List . Also say ListView grows too big it would be nice to start chopping..
Onclicklistner not working in fragment listview Typeface typeface public ImageLoader imageLoader public MyCustomAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId Recipes dataset super context textViewResourceId dataset this.layoutResourceId textViewResourceId this.context context dataset.. public MyCustomAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId Recipes dataset super context textViewResourceId dataset this.layoutResourceId textViewResourceId this.context context dataset imageLoader new ImageLoader context.getApplicationContext.. super context textViewResourceId dataset this.layoutResourceId textViewResourceId this.context context dataset imageLoader new ImageLoader context.getApplicationContext @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup..
achartengine - can't figure how to use dates as x axis - the file I save is empty I use List List . UPDATE Ok finally After user 'Dan' suggestion I used ChartFactory.getTimeChartView this dataset mRenderer dd MM yyyy instead of ChartFactory.getLineChartIntent context dataset mRenderer dd MM yyyy and you don't need.. ChartFactory.getTimeChartView this dataset mRenderer dd MM yyyy instead of ChartFactory.getLineChartIntent context dataset mRenderer dd MM yyyy and you don't need to use String List just Date List android achartengine share improve this question..
Bar chart using achartengine extends RangeBarChart private int barChartColors public AdvancedRangeBarChart XYMultipleSeriesDataset dataset XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer Type type super dataset renderer type public void setColors int colorsIn barChartColors.. public AdvancedRangeBarChart XYMultipleSeriesDataset dataset XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer Type type super dataset renderer type public void setColors int colorsIn barChartColors colorsIn @Override public void drawSeries Canvas canvas..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter 3 Override getFilter in your custom adapter and have it filter the results and notify the listview that the dataset has changed. @Override public Filter getFilter return new Filter @SuppressWarnings unchecked @Override protected void publishResults..
How to update Android ListView with dynamic data in real time? in an Android ListView. The data changes very often i.e. 1 2 times per second . Sometimes the number of rows in the dataset changes too but certainly not as often as the data in the cells changes . There are two ways to update the data in the cells.. that method is called often it will be slow because the ListView has to restructure all of its subviews Views. If the dataset count has not changed I could possibly find all of the visible ListView cells that are associated with the changed data.. supposed to handle the update notifications and mechanisms for me when I notify it. This method also won't work if the dataset count changes over time i.e. not only is the data within each cell of the ListView changing but the total number of cells..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? is auto updating. In addition to performing the initial query the CursorLoader registers a ContentObserver with the dataset you requested and calls forceLoad on itself when the data set changes. This results in you getting async callbacks anytime..
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping behaviour. It works by specifying a very large number as the actual count but maps them to the actual range of the dataset pageset. It offsets the beginning by a large number also so that you can immediately scroll to the left from the 'first'..
how to implement TimeChart in achartengine with android super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main layout LinearLayout findViewById create dataset and renderer mDataset new XYMultipleSeriesDataset mRenderer new XYMultipleSeriesRenderer mRenderer.setAxisTitleTextSize..
How to transition from managedQuery to LoaderManager/CursorLoader? orientation change. In addition to performing the initial query the CursorLoader registers a ContentObserver with the dataset you requested and calls forceLoad on itself when the data set changes and is thus auto updating. This is extremely convenient..
AChartEngine transparent background Color.TRANSPARENT renderer.setBackgroundColor Color.TRANSPARENT ... GraphicalView g ChartFactory.getTimeChartView this dataset renderer dd MM But it isn't working properly As you can see there is a black box appearing behind the x labels. What am..
onSaveInstanceState limit? View would. It is working perfectly without any problems but I am at the moment passing a quite sizable Serializable dataset through it that makes me want to get the communities input on whether or not it is a good idea. tl dr Does onSaveInstanceState..