android Programming Glossary: dave
How to migrate from Gallery to HorizontalScrollView & ViewPager? it. android gallery android viewpager horizontalscrollview migrate share improve this question This gist from Dave Smith shows a way to use ViewPager to have visual results very similar to a Gallery Quoting my blog post on the topic of..
Android: Override back button to act like home button from a Service if needed. But moveTaskToBack can be used as a quick alternative on occasion. NOTE as pointed out by Dave below Android 2.0 introduced a new onBackPressed method and these recommendations on how to handle the Back button. share..
play video using opengles, android vague. If all you want to do is to play a video in a GL surface it's possible. See the Media Player sample code that Dave was referring to in his sample. All you have to do there is to replace the SurfaceView with a GLSurfaceView in both the..
how to show group tableview android? [closed]
How can I change the background color for an specific row properly in a ListView? (Android) Is this a bug from Android android listview background color share improve this question Yes you should use as Dave said view.setBackgroundColor SELECTED_COLOR and perhaps view.refreshDrawableState however because Android recycle lists..
Java Eclipse Android Beginner Question - How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References code in libaries as opposed to one big application is fairly basic but I can't seem to find the discussion. Thanks Dave java android eclipse libraries share improve this question In Eclipse right click on your project select Properties..