android Programming Glossary: db.delete
cannot retrieve the information from sqlite db.insert TABLE_NAME null args public void deleteAll db.delete TABLE_NAME null null public List String selectAll List String.. cursor.close return list public void delete int rowId db.delete TABLE_NAME null null private static class OpenHelper extends..
Easy database access methods in Android contact public boolean deleteContact long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts..
Android SQLLite MultiTable Database Development SQLiteDatabase db this.getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_CONFIG null null I was looking at the code for a way..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] null initialValues public void deleteRow long rowId db.delete DATABASE_TABLE _id rowId null public List Row fetchAllRows ArrayList..
Getting stored data from database into ListView. title public boolean deleteLogin long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 public boolean deleteEntry.. rowId null 0 public boolean deleteEntry long rowId2 return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE_2 KEY_ROWID2 rowId2 null 0 method for retrieving..
column _id does not exist title public boolean deleteUser long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 method for retrieving..
Android - Listview delete item and Refresh String whereArgs String.valueOf pkID return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE_4 pk_pkID whereArgs adapter.notifyDataSetChanged..
sqlite example program in android [closed] selection switch uriMatcher.match uri case QUADUSER count db.delete TABLE_NAME selection selectionArgs break case QUADUSER_ID id.. id Long.parseLong uri.getPathSegments .get 1 count db.delete TABLE_NAME appendRowId selection id selectionArgs break default..
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android in the name of the KEY_NAME and have it delete that row. db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID row null public String getData String.. title public boolean deleteTitle String name return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_NAME name null 0 Thanks. Hope it works for..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? contact public boolean deleteContact long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts.. c db.SortAllRows int i 1 if c.moveToFirst do if i 10 db.deleteContact i i while c.moveToNext c.close db.close private void..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database contact public boolean deleteContact long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert synchronized.. DATABASE_NAME Context.MODE_PRIVATE null db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert Context mContext..
cannot retrieve the information from sqlite ContentValues args new ContentValues args.put name name return db.insert TABLE_NAME null args public void deleteAll db.delete TABLE_NAME null null public List String selectAll List String list new ArrayList String Cursor cursor db.query TABLE_NAME.. cursor.moveToNext if cursor null cursor.isClosed cursor.close cursor.close return list public void delete int rowId db.delete TABLE_NAME null null private static class OpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper OpenHelper Context context super context..
Easy database access methods in Android DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues deletes a particular contact public boolean deleteContact long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts public Cursor getAllContacts return db.query DATABASE_TABLE..
Android SQLLite MultiTable Database Development config.getID Truncate Config Table public void truncateConfigTable SQLiteDatabase db this.getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_CONFIG null null I was looking at the code for a way around this and I think if i just don't override the onCreate..
How do I create a database in android? [closed] code code initialValues.put name name db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues public void deleteRow long rowId db.delete DATABASE_TABLE _id rowId null public List Row fetchAllRows ArrayList Row ret new ArrayList Row try Cursor c db.query DATABASE_TABLE..
Getting stored data from database into ListView. db.insert DATABASE_TABLE_2 null initialValues deletes a particular title public boolean deleteLogin long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 public boolean deleteEntry long rowId2 return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE_2 KEY_ROWID2.. long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 public boolean deleteEntry long rowId2 return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE_2 KEY_ROWID2 rowId2 null 0 method for retrieving all the inputs from database public Cursor getAllLogin..
column _id does not exist DATABASE_TABLE_2 KEY_ARRIVAL initialValue deletes a particular title public boolean deleteUser long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 method for retrieving all the inputs from database public Cursor getAllUser return..
Android - Listview delete item and Refresh public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which try String whereArgs String.valueOf pkID return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE_4 pk_pkID whereArgs adapter.notifyDataSetChanged db.close catch Exception e alertDialog.setButton2..
sqlite example program in android [closed] db news.getWritableDatabase int count long id Log.v Delete selection switch uriMatcher.match uri case QUADUSER count db.delete TABLE_NAME selection selectionArgs break case QUADUSER_ID id Long.parseLong uri.getPathSegments .get 1 count db.delete.. TABLE_NAME selection selectionArgs break case QUADUSER_ID id Long.parseLong uri.getPathSegments .get 1 count db.delete TABLE_NAME appendRowId selection id selectionArgs break default throw new IllegalArgumentException Unknown URI uri getContext..
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android Deletes a row given its rowId but I want to be able to pass in the name of the KEY_NAME and have it delete that row. db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID row null public String getData String columns KEY_ROWID KEY_NAME KEY_LATITUDE KEY_LONGITUDE Cursor..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues deletes a particular contact public boolean deleteContact long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts public Cursor getAllContacts return db.query DATABASE_TABLE.. this getall delete private void delete Cursor c db.SortAllRows int i 1 if c.moveToFirst do if i 10 db.deleteContact i i while c.moveToNext c.close db.close private void getall get all contacts db.fetchAllNotes Cursor c..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues deletes a particular contact public boolean deleteContact long rowId return db.delete DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID rowId null 0 retrieves all the contacts public Cursor getAllContacts return db.query DATABASE_TABLE..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue TABLE_NAME table_name public void delete Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db getWritableDatabase db.insert TABLE_NAME.. mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db mContext.openOrCreateDatabase DATABASE_NAME Context.MODE_PRIVATE null db.delete TABLE_NAME null null db.close public void insert Context mContext synchronized Lock SQLiteDatabase db mContext.openOrCreateDatabase..