android Programming Glossary: datepicker
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? Bean DatePickerDialog &mdash is there a way to cancel Note to moderators Today.. is what matters. Problem #1 inconsistency by default DatePickerDialog was changed in Jelly Bean and now only provides a Done.. . Replicate Create a basic project. Put this in onCreate DatePickerDialog picker new DatePickerDialog this new OnDateSetListener..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment Following the official doc http guide topics ui controls pickers.html#DatePicker . I have used just the same code and added only the result formatting.. the result formatting in the onDateSet method public class DatePickerFragment extends DialogFragment implements DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener..
Multiple DatePickers in same activity DatePickers in same activity I am absolutely new to the Android platform.. and the other is an End date . I have been following the DatePicker tutorial on the android developers page here http resources tutorials views hello datepicker.html For one DatePicker it works just fine. Now my problem is when I replicate the whole..
How to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android? to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android I use a DatePicker widget in Android for.. the date from the DatePicker widget in Android I use a DatePicker widget in Android for the user to set a date and want to get.. datepicker share improve this question Try this DatePicker datePicker DatePicker findViewById int day.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException private AutoCompleteTextView foodNameTextView private DatePicker datePicker store values in AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker private.. DatePicker datePicker store values in AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker private String foodName private Calendar foodDate @Override.. String meat fruit vega instantiate AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker ArrayAdapter String arrayAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this..
Android datepicker min max date before api level 11 datepicker min max date before api level 11 I am trying to set the min.. Can anyone help to solve the problem android android datepicker share improve this question You can set range with init..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? the problem for you but I've tested it. android datepicker inconsistency android datepicker android 4.2 share improve.. I've tested it. android datepicker inconsistency android datepicker android 4.2 share improve this question TL DR 1 2 3 dead..
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text set date and time from the dame dialog fragment.. android datepicker datetimepicker timepicker share improve this question Date..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? value back to the mtDTDelivery widget android android datepicker share improve this question As tyczj pointed out you can..
can we get cancel click listerner of datepicker dialog? we get cancel click listerner of datepicker dialog i am using following example of date picker http http guide tutorials views hello datepicker.html now i want to perform some functionality on clicking date.. date picker cancel button but dont see cancel event inside datepickerdialog can any one guide me how to achieve this. any help would..
How do you use custom Datepicker and Timepicker skins? the buttons of Datepickers and Timepickers android gui datepicker timepicker share improve this question ok you are looking.. this question ok you are looking for custom theme for datepicker and time picker.. This will allow you to change theme of buttons....
Android Calendar View for Date Picker apps and web pages. Thanks android calendar android datepicker share improve this question Is this type of functionality..
Multiple DatePickers in same activity http resources tutorials views hello datepicker.html For one DatePicker it works just fine. Now my problem is.. showing the current date. Here is the code package com.datepicker import java.util.Calendar import import.. import android.widget.TextView public class datepicker extends Activity private TextView mDateDisplay private TextView..
How to display date picker for android with only month and year fields? any easy xml configuration would be the best android sdk datepicker share improve this question I just have released a new date..
Customize DatePicker. Android do it but without success. Thank you Mur android layout datepicker share improve this question You can't customize the default..
How to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android? a confirm button is clicked how can I do that android datepicker share improve this question Try this DatePicker datePicker..
Android: How to change the DatePicker view date format from MM/dd/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy? to change the date format in a DatePicker view android datepicker date format share improve this question To override the..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color for a possibilitie to adjust the text color of the datepicker widget in an android honeycomb app. I knew that the widget inherent.. is white in my case but i need a black text color for the datepicker as the background here is light grey. Anyone know how to fix.. grey. Anyone know how to fix this android coding style datepicker textcolor share improve this question DONE IT Did it in..
Android - Hide date field in datepickerdialog ExpiryDateSetListener cyear cmonth cday try Field datePickerDialogFields dpd.getClass .getDeclaredFields for Field datePickerDialogField.. dpd.getClass .getDeclaredFields for Field datePickerDialogField datePickerDialogFields if datePickerDialogField.getName.. .getDeclaredFields for Field datePickerDialogField datePickerDialogFields if datePickerDialogField.getName .equals mDatePicker..
Android datepicker min max date before api level 11 @Override public void onDateChanged DatePicker datePicker int i int i1 int i2 Date maxDate new Date mYearMax mMonthMax.. new Date i i1 i2 0 0 0 if selectedDate.after maxDate datePicker.updateDate mYearMax mMonthMax mDayMax However the updateDate.. share improve this question You can set range with init datePicker method. Example with min value Calendar this.calendar new GregorianCalendar..
Get date from datepicker using dialogfragment getSupportFragmentManager datePicker What is the correct way to call a method in my parent activity..
Retrieve and set data from DialogFragment (DatePicker) new DatePickerFragment getFragmentManager datePicker Code for dialogue fragment public class DatePickerFragment extends..
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text implements OnClickListener private DatePicker datePicker private TimePicker timePicker private ViewSwitcher viewSwitcher.. activity viewSwitcher.setLayoutParams frame_match_wrap datePicker new DatePicker activity timePicker new TimePicker activity timePicker.setOnTimeChangedListener.. viewSwitcher.addView timePicker viewSwitcher.addView datePicker LinearLayout linear_bottom new LinearLayout activity linear_match_wrap.topMargin..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? new DatePickerFragment getFragmentManager datePicker ... The date picker is displayed and after setting the breakpoint.. new DatePickerFragment getFragmentManager datePicker @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu Inflate.. new DatePickerFragment getFragmentManager datePicker @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu Inflate..
How to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android? share improve this question Try this DatePicker datePicker DatePicker findViewById int day datePicker.getDayOfMonth.. this DatePicker datePicker DatePicker findViewById int day datePicker.getDayOfMonth int month datePicker.getMonth.. DatePicker findViewById int day datePicker.getDayOfMonth int month datePicker.getMonth 1 int year datePicker.getYear..
How to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class? to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class I want to know is.. fragment class I want to know is there a way to create a datePicker in a fragment I am creating one the regular activity may and.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException AutoCompleteTextView foodNameTextView private DatePicker datePicker store values in AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker private String.. foodNameTextView.setAdapter arrayAdapter datePicker DatePicker findViewById get intent from ReminderList... if null foodName foodNameTextView.setText foodName datePicker.init foodDate.get Calendar.YEAR foodDate.get Calendar.MONTH..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? Bean DatePickerDialog &mdash is there a way to cancel Note to moderators Today July 15 I've noticed that someone already faced this problem.. depends on which SDK you build against. The device OS version is what matters. Problem #1 inconsistency by default DatePickerDialog was changed in Jelly Bean and now only provides a Done button. Previous versions included a Cancel button and this.. inconsistency muscle memory from previous Android versions . Replicate Create a basic project. Put this in onCreate DatePickerDialog picker new DatePickerDialog this new OnDateSetListener @Override public void onDateSet DatePicker v int y int m int..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment Following the official doc http guide topics ui controls pickers.html#DatePicker . I have.. my DatePickerFragment Following the official doc http guide topics ui controls pickers.html#DatePicker . I have used just the same code and added only the result formatting in the onDateSet method public class DatePickerFragment.. . I have used just the same code and added only the result formatting in the onDateSet method public class DatePickerFragment extends DialogFragment implements DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog Bundle..
Multiple DatePickers in same activity DatePickers in same activity I am absolutely new to the Android platform and have been building an application while learning the.. in which i need to deploy 2 date pickers. One is a Start Date and the other is an End date . I have been following the DatePicker tutorial on the android developers page here http resources tutorials views hello datepicker.html.. on the android developers page here http resources tutorials views hello datepicker.html For one DatePicker it works just fine. Now my problem is when I replicate the whole process for a second date picker it shows up just fine..
How to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android? to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android I use a DatePicker widget in Android for the user to set a date and want to get the date value when a.. to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android I use a DatePicker widget in Android for the user to set a date and want to get the date value when a confirm button is clicked how can I do.. value when a confirm button is clicked how can I do that android datepicker share improve this question Try this DatePicker datePicker DatePicker findViewById int day datePicker.getDayOfMonth int month datePicker.getMonth 1 int.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException of add edit activity public class EditEntry extends Activity private AutoCompleteTextView foodNameTextView private DatePicker datePicker store values in AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker private String foodName private Calendar foodDate @Override protected.. private AutoCompleteTextView foodNameTextView private DatePicker datePicker store values in AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker private String foodName private Calendar foodDate @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. dummy selections for AutoCompleteTextView String foodList new String meat fruit vega instantiate AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker ArrayAdapter String arrayAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.food_list_dropdown foodList foodNameTextView AutoCompleteTextView..
Android datepicker min max date before api level 11 datepicker min max date before api level 11 I am trying to set the min and max date of the date picker in Android to before API level.. fires onDateChanged again and the date picker is not updated. Can anyone help to solve the problem android android datepicker share improve this question You can set range with init datePicker method. Example with min value Calendar this.calendar..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? Wrapping it around a DatePickerFragment doesn't matter. I simplified the problem for you but I've tested it. android datepicker inconsistency android datepicker android 4.2 share improve this question TL DR 1 2 3 dead easy steps for a global solution.. doesn't matter. I simplified the problem for you but I've tested it. android datepicker inconsistency android datepicker android 4.2 share improve this question TL DR 1 2 3 dead easy steps for a global solution Download this class. Implement..
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text String.valueOf c else return 0 String.valueOf c I want to set date and time from the dame dialog fragment.. android datepicker datetimepicker timepicker share improve this question Date Picker and Time Picker both in single dialog . check this..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? can see it works. However I do not know how to pass the string value back to the mtDTDelivery widget android android datepicker share improve this question As tyczj pointed out you can use the interface method or you could make datapicker class..
can we get cancel click listerner of datepicker dialog? we get cancel click listerner of datepicker dialog i am using following example of date picker http guide tutorials views hello datepicker.html.. datepicker dialog i am using following example of date picker http guide tutorials views hello datepicker.html now i want to perform some functionality on clicking date picker cancel button but dont see cancel event inside datepickerdialog.. now i want to perform some functionality on clicking date picker cancel button but dont see cancel event inside datepickerdialog can any one guide me how to achieve this. any help would be appreciated. android datepicker share improve this..
How do you use custom Datepicker and Timepicker skins? DatePicker.html . Is it possible to use a custom skin for the buttons of Datepickers and Timepickers android gui datepicker timepicker share improve this question ok you are looking for custom theme for datepicker and time picker.. This will.. Timepickers android gui datepicker timepicker share improve this question ok you are looking for custom theme for datepicker and time picker.. This will allow you to change theme of buttons.. https luminousman DatePicker and in ICS style..
Android Calendar View for Date Picker how much this type of UI is used so frequently in non mobile apps and web pages. Thanks android calendar android datepicker share improve this question Is this type of functionality built into any android widget or view or would I have to design..
Multiple DatePickers in same activity the DatePicker tutorial on the android developers page here http resources tutorials views hello datepicker.html For one DatePicker it works just fine. Now my problem is when I replicate the whole process for a second date picker.. the first TextView is updated and the second TextView keeps showing the current date. Here is the code package com.datepicker import java.util.Calendar import import import import.. import android.widget.Button import android.widget.DatePicker import android.widget.TextView public class datepicker extends Activity private TextView mDateDisplay private TextView endDateDisplay private Button mPickDate private Button endPickDate..
How to display date picker for android with only month and year fields? the day selection option on the android sdk date picker. any easy xml configuration would be the best android sdk datepicker share improve this question I just have released a new date picker framework which allows you to create custom date..
Customize DatePicker. Android shortname instead of number. I've tried to find how to do it but without success. Thank you Mur android layout datepicker share improve this question You can't customize the default one. From User Interface page Android provides a set of..
How to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android? for the user to set a date and want to get the date value when a confirm button is clicked how can I do that android datepicker share improve this question Try this DatePicker datePicker DatePicker findViewById int day datePicker.getDayOfMonth..
Android: How to change the DatePicker view date format from MM/dd/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy? Does anybody have an idea about how to change the date format in a DatePicker view android datepicker date format share improve this question To override the DatePicker format the best bet would be to override one of its..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color I'm searching for a possibilitie to adjust the text color of the datepicker widget in an android honeycomb app. I knew that the widget inherent the global text color which is white in my case but.. I knew that the widget inherent the global text color which is white in my case but i need a black text color for the datepicker as the background here is light grey. Anyone know how to fix this android coding style datepicker textcolor share improve.. text color for the datepicker as the background here is light grey. Anyone know how to fix this android coding style datepicker textcolor share improve this question DONE IT Did it in a Theme in the application styles.xml basically set a style..
Android - Hide date field in datepickerdialog DatePickerDialog dpd new DatePickerDialog _activity ExpiryDateSetListener cyear cmonth cday try Field datePickerDialogFields dpd.getClass .getDeclaredFields for Field datePickerDialogField datePickerDialogFields if datePickerDialogField.getName.. ExpiryDateSetListener cyear cmonth cday try Field datePickerDialogFields dpd.getClass .getDeclaredFields for Field datePickerDialogField datePickerDialogFields if datePickerDialogField.getName .equals mDatePicker datePickerDialogField.setAccessible.. cyear cmonth cday try Field datePickerDialogFields dpd.getClass .getDeclaredFields for Field datePickerDialogField datePickerDialogFields if datePickerDialogField.getName .equals mDatePicker datePickerDialogField.setAccessible true DatePicker datePicker..
Android datepicker min max date before api level 11 mYearMin mMonthMin mDayMin new DatePicker.OnDateChangedListener @Override public void onDateChanged DatePicker datePicker int i int i1 int i2 Date maxDate new Date mYearMax mMonthMax mDayMax 0 0 0 Date selectedDate new Date i i1 i2 0 0 0 if selectedDate.after.. new Date mYearMax mMonthMax mDayMax 0 0 0 Date selectedDate new Date i i1 i2 0 0 0 if selectedDate.after maxDate datePicker.updateDate mYearMax mMonthMax mDayMax However the updateDate method fires onDateChanged again and the date picker is.. help to solve the problem android android datepicker share improve this question You can set range with init datePicker method. Example with min value Calendar this.calendar new GregorianCalendar this.datePicker DatePicker findViewById
Get date from datepicker using dialogfragment View v DialogFragment newFragment new DatePickerFragment getSupportFragmentManager datePicker What is the correct way to call a method in my parent activity instead Log.w I suppose that is something related with passing..
Retrieve and set data from DialogFragment (DatePicker) public void datepicker View v DialogFragment newFragment new DatePickerFragment getFragmentManager datePicker Code for dialogue fragment public class DatePickerFragment extends DialogFragment implements DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener..
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text return true public class CustomDateTimePicker implements OnClickListener private DatePicker datePicker private TimePicker timePicker private ViewSwitcher viewSwitcher private final int SET_DATE 100 SET_TIME 101 SET 102 CANCEL.. linear_top.addView btn_setTime viewSwitcher new ViewSwitcher activity viewSwitcher.setLayoutParams frame_match_wrap datePicker new DatePicker activity timePicker new TimePicker activity timePicker.setOnTimeChangedListener new OnTimeChangedListener.. int minute selectedHour hourOfDay selectedMinute minute viewSwitcher.addView timePicker viewSwitcher.addView datePicker LinearLayout linear_bottom new LinearLayout activity linear_match_wrap.topMargin 8 linear_bottom.setLayoutParams linear_match_wrap..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? @Override public void onClick View v DialogFragment picker new DatePickerFragment getFragmentManager datePicker ... The date picker is displayed and after setting the breakpoint at the place where the result is formatted to a string.. arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub DialogFragment picker new DatePickerFragment getFragmentManager datePicker @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu Inflate the menu this adds items to the action bar if it is present... arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub DialogFragment picker new DatePickerFragment getFragmentManager datePicker @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu Inflate the menu this adds items to the action bar if it is present...
How to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android? a confirm button is clicked how can I do that android datepicker share improve this question Try this DatePicker datePicker DatePicker findViewById int day datePicker.getDayOfMonth int month datePicker.getMonth 1 int year datePicker.getYear.. that android datepicker share improve this question Try this DatePicker datePicker DatePicker findViewById int day datePicker.getDayOfMonth int month datePicker.getMonth 1 int year datePicker.getYear share improve this answer..
How to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class? to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class I want to know is there a way to create a datePicker in a fragment I am creating.. to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class I want to know is there a way to create a datePicker in a fragment I am creating one the regular activity may and it gives me syntax error. What is the correct way to do this.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException edit activity public class EditEntry extends Activity private AutoCompleteTextView foodNameTextView private DatePicker datePicker store values in AutoCompleteTextView DatePicker private String foodName private Calendar foodDate @Override protected void.. foodList foodNameTextView AutoCompleteTextView findViewById foodNameTextView.setAdapter arrayAdapter datePicker DatePicker findViewById get intent from ReminderList. Intent intent getIntent get extras from intent. Return.. foodDate set default values for widgets if it is an edit action. if null foodName foodNameTextView.setText foodName datePicker.init foodDate.get Calendar.YEAR foodDate.get Calendar.MONTH foodDate.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH new OnDateChangedListener..