android Programming Glossary: day
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? &mdash is there a way to cancel Note to moderators Today July 15 I've noticed that someone already faced this problem.. @param monthOfYear The initial month of the dialog. @param dayOfMonth The initial day of the dialog. public DatePickerDialog.. initial month of the dialog. @param dayOfMonth The initial day of the dialog. public DatePickerDialog Context context OnDateSetListener..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works parent.getContext convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d DayViewActivity Position is position.. is position TextView convertView.findViewById .setText array position LinearLayout layout LinearLayout.. layout LinearLayout convertView.findViewById layout.addView new EventFrame parent.getContext..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation was created on August 4 and was implemented on the same day since then the code has been revised 15 times . Here is the..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK code is faulty... they'll block requests until the next day if you make 10 bad requests I found. catch IOException e if..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen desktop display. Here is the Data collected during a 7 day period ending on October 1 2012. To see the latest statistic..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android I am writing an app in which i am fetching list.. now i want to fetch list of Facebook Friends those birthdays in Current Month to get list of all Friends i am using this.. Log.d LOG_TAG requestFriends String query select name birthday uid pic_square from user where uid in select uid2 from friend..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? c.get Calendar.YEAR int month c.get Calendar.MONTH int day c.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH Create a new instance of DatePickerDialog.. it return new DatePickerDialog getActivity this year month day @Override public void onDateSet DatePicker view int year int.. void onDateSet DatePicker view int year int month int day Calendar c Calendar.getInstance c.set year month day SimpleDateFormat..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point a bitmap on a center point I've been looking for over a day for a solution to this problem but nothing helps even the answers..
How do you format date and time in Android? configuration a date and time when having year month day hour and minute android date time formatting format share..
Android CalendarView class cannot be found android layout_centerInParent true android text Day android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceSmall Button..
OnClickListener not working for first item in GridView row.findViewById holder.multiDayEvent EventLengthView row.findViewById .. null if eventsMap.containsKey date holder.multiDayEvent.SetMeasure calendarView.getWidth 7 calendarGridHeight .. calendarView.getWidth 7 calendarGridHeight holder.multiDayEvent.setVisibility View.VISIBLE holder.singleDayEvent.setVisibility..
Get current location during app launch current location during app launch Good Day I am working on an android app which monitors user location...
how to get current week days in calender 4 5 6 7 I change this code form example code Current Month Days for int i 1 i daysInMonth i Log.d currentMonthName String.valueOf.. i getMonthAsString currentMonth yy if i getCurrentDayOfMonth list.add String.valueOf i BLUE getMonthAsString currentMonth.. currentMonth yy with this code Current Month Days for int i 1 i currentWeekDay i Log.d currentMonthName String.valueOf..
how to parse ics file using ICal4j in android System.out.println oj object Generate Event of Christmas Day Calendar mycalendar new Calendar mycalendar.getProperties .add..
Android Calendar View for Date Picker that in place of the DatePicker interface which has Month Day and Year fields each with an up and down button to increment..
Eclipse and Android XML layouts gives “'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination” Short screen aspect ratio Landscape Orientation No Dock Day time Medium Density Finger based touchscreen Soft keyboard Qwerty..
AlarmManager Android Every Day Android Every Day I'm trying to make a Schedule. It should run every day at 1pm..
Custom calendar dayview in android its a cool idea @author Sherif Copyright 2011 Sample Day Viewer that will show entries of each hour with ability to add.. that will keep track of added events public class DayViewActivity extends ListActivity Called when the activity is..
Android: How to change the DatePicker view date format from MM/dd/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy? region specific folder. Since the system's layout is Month Day Year people in other places may expect that order. share improve..
How to read/send data using the Android Devices 3.5mm headset jack? done it and thrown the source out there. See this Hack a Day linked project for sample Arduino and Android code for transmitting..
Adding an intent to a TabActivity in Android setupTab new TextView this Week setupTab new TextView this Day private void setupTab final View view final String tag View.. it should go from Secondactivity to WeekActivity or DayActivity android image layout android tabactivity share improve..
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 I have the Galaxy tab GT P1000 7.. cal.get Calendar.MINUTE long currentGPSTime_less_one_Day cal2.getTimeInMillis tv.setText GPSTIME cal.getTime .toString.. nGPS Time 1 day String.valueOf currentGPSTime_less_one_Day @Override protected void onDestroy TODO Auto generated method..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? Bean DatePickerDialog &mdash is there a way to cancel Note to moderators Today July 15 I've noticed that someone already faced this problem here . But I'm not sure if it's appropriate to close this as.. date is set. @param year The initial year of the dialog. @param monthOfYear The initial month of the dialog. @param dayOfMonth The initial day of the dialog. public DatePickerDialog Context context OnDateSetListener callBack int year int monthOfYear.. year The initial year of the dialog. @param monthOfYear The initial month of the dialog. @param dayOfMonth The initial day of the dialog. public DatePickerDialog Context context OnDateSetListener callBack int year int monthOfYear int dayOfMonth..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works convertView null LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.from parent.getContext convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d DayViewActivity Position is position TextView convertView.findViewById R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d DayViewActivity Position is position TextView convertView.findViewById .setText array position LinearLayout layout LinearLayout convertView.findViewById layout.addView.. .setText array position LinearLayout layout LinearLayout convertView.findViewById layout.addView new EventFrame parent.getContext TextView create new TextView DayViewActivity.this LinearLayout.LayoutParams..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation an undesired translation in the implementation algorithm was created on August 4 and was implemented on the same day since then the code has been revised 15 times . Here is the implementation http opengles transform.php#ALGO1..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK repeatedly try too many times when the server is down or your code is faulty... they'll block requests until the next day if you make 10 bad requests I found. catch IOException e if alreadyTriedAgain alreadyTriedAgain true AccountManager..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen will reproduce higher density image quality on a lower density desktop display. Here is the Data collected during a 7 day period ending on October 1 2012. To see the latest statistic about Android platform version go to here Based on Screen Size..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android I am writing an app in which i am fetching list of Facebook Friends using Hackbook Sample Code but now i want.. list of Facebook Friends using Hackbook Sample Code but now i want to fetch list of Facebook Friends those birthdays in Current Month to get list of all Friends i am using this code public static void requestFriends FacebookRequest facebookRequest.. static void requestFriends FacebookRequest facebookRequest Log.d LOG_TAG requestFriends String query select name birthday uid pic_square from user where uid in select uid2 from friend where uid1 me order by birthday_date Bundle params new Bundle..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? in the picker final Calendar c Calendar.getInstance int year c.get Calendar.YEAR int month c.get Calendar.MONTH int day c.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH Create a new instance of DatePickerDialog and return it return new DatePickerDialog getActivity.. Create a new instance of DatePickerDialog and return it return new DatePickerDialog getActivity this year month day @Override public void onDateSet DatePicker view int year int month int day Calendar c Calendar.getInstance c.set year month.. getActivity this year month day @Override public void onDateSet DatePicker view int year int month int day Calendar c Calendar.getInstance c.set year month day SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd String formattedDate..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point How to rotate a bitmap on a center point I've been looking for over a day for a solution to this problem but nothing helps even the answers here. Documentation doesn't explain anything too. I am..
How do you format date and time in Android? in Android How do you format correctly according to the device configuration a date and time when having year month day hour and minute android date time formatting format share improve this question Use the standard Java DateFormat class...
Android CalendarView class cannot be found layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android layout_centerInParent true android text Day android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceSmall Button android id @ id monthButton android layout_width wrap_content..
OnClickListener not working for first item in GridView parent false holder.gridCell Button row.findViewById holder.multiDayEvent EventLengthView row.findViewById else holder ViewHolder row.getTag int calendarGridHeight calendarView.getHeight.. theyear themonth theday .toString if eventsMap.isEmpty eventsMap null if eventsMap.containsKey date holder.multiDayEvent.SetMeasure calendarView.getWidth 7 calendarGridHeight holder.multiDayEvent.setVisibility View.VISIBLE holder.singleDayEvent.setVisibility.. eventsMap.containsKey date holder.multiDayEvent.SetMeasure calendarView.getWidth 7 calendarGridHeight holder.multiDayEvent.setVisibility View.VISIBLE holder.singleDayEvent.setVisibility View.VISIBLE Event event Event eventsMap.get date..
Get current location during app launch current location during app launch Good Day I am working on an android app which monitors user location. I am using LocationManager to get users location using the..
how to get current week days in calender display this value Sun Mon tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I change this code form example code Current Month Days for int i 1 i daysInMonth i Log.d currentMonthName String.valueOf i getMonthAsString currentMonth yy if i getCurrentDayOfMonth.. for int i 1 i daysInMonth i Log.d currentMonthName String.valueOf i getMonthAsString currentMonth yy if i getCurrentDayOfMonth list.add String.valueOf i BLUE getMonthAsString currentMonth yy else list.add String.valueOf i WHITE getMonthAsString.. currentMonth yy else list.add String.valueOf i WHITE getMonthAsString currentMonth yy with this code Current Month Days for int i 1 i currentWeekDay i Log.d currentMonthName String.valueOf i getMonthAsString currentMonth yy if i getCurrentDayOfMonth..
how to parse ics file using ICal4j in android calendar.getProperties for Object object plist.toArray System.out.println oj object Generate Event of Christmas Day Calendar mycalendar new Calendar mycalendar.getProperties .add new ProdId James Bond iCal4j 1.0 EN mycalendar.getProperties..
Android Calendar View for Date Picker month like a calendar grid something like this I want to use that in place of the DatePicker interface which has Month Day and Year fields each with an up and down button to increment decrement. Is this type of functionality built into any Android..
Eclipse and Android XML layouts gives “'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination” Displaying it with 'Locale Language ___Region __ Normal Screen Short screen aspect ratio Landscape Orientation No Dock Day time Medium Density Finger based touchscreen Soft keyboard Qwerty keybard Trackball navigation Screen resolution 480x320'..
AlarmManager Android Every Day Android Every Day I'm trying to make a Schedule. It should run every day at 1pm or 2pm... At the moment I can only make it run Every 10Sec..
Custom calendar dayview in android nicest site or sth I dont want to pay for my own site although its a cool idea @author Sherif Copyright 2011 Sample Day Viewer that will show entries of each hour with ability to add events and stuff You should find a way to keep a container.. to add events and stuff You should find a way to keep a container that will keep track of added events public class DayViewActivity extends ListActivity Called when the activity is first created. private static int HOURS_PER_DAY 24 Context..
Android: How to change the DatePicker view date format from MM/dd/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy?
How to read/send data using the Android Devices 3.5mm headset jack? and decoding the input. Luckily for you someone has already done it and thrown the source out there. See this Hack a Day linked project for sample Arduino and Android code for transmitting only. I couldn't find example Android code to receive..
Adding an intent to a TabActivity in Android setupTab new TextView this Month setupTab new TextView this Week setupTab new TextView this Day private void setupTab final View view final String tag View tabview createTabView mTabHost.getContext tag TabSpec setContent.. view How can I start a new Intent so that when the Tab is clicked it should go from Secondactivity to WeekActivity or DayActivity android image layout android tabactivity share improve this question public class MainTabActivity extends TabActivity..
Android : Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Android 2.2 Devices Showing GPS date 1 Day Advance from 1st jan 2012 I have the Galaxy tab GT P1000 7 inch with firmware version 2.3.3 and Phones running Android.. cal.get Calendar.DATE 1 cal.get Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY cal.get Calendar.MINUTE long currentGPSTime_less_one_Day cal2.getTimeInMillis tv.setText GPSTIME cal.getTime .toString n GPS_TIME_in_Millis varTime nDevice_Time_in_millis String.valueOf.. varTime nDevice_Time_in_millis String.valueOf currentDeviceTime nGPS Time 1 day String.valueOf currentGPSTime_less_one_Day @Override protected void onDestroy TODO Auto generated method stub super.onDestroy if locationManager null locationListener..