android Programming Glossary: connection.setdooutput
http post method passing null values to the server android connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestMethod POST request new OutputStreamWriter..
How to share text & image in Google Plus (G+) from android without using Intent? url .openConnection connection.setRequestMethod GET connection.setDoOutput true connection.connect InputStream in connection.getInputStream..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off HttpURLConnection new URL localhost .openConnection connection.setDoOutput true triggers POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection..
KSOAP 2 Android with HTTPS new AllowAllHostnameVerifier connection.setUseCaches false connection.setDoOutput true connection.setDoInput true In your code just use HttpTransportSE..
android image upload url.openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true connection.setUseCaches false connection.setRequestMethod..
Android: 3G to WIFI switch while in the middle on the app = loss of network connectivity url.openConnection connection.setUseCaches false connection.setDoOutput true connection.setDoInput true connection.setConnectTimeout..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? URL connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestProperty Content Type application..
Resume Download not working in android Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true progressBar.setMax connection.getContentLength in new BufferedInputStream..
Android image Upload problem Allow Inputs Outputs connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true connection.setUseCaches false Enable POST method connection.setRequestMethod..
problem with uploading captured image in android camera url.openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true connection.setUseCaches false connection.setRequestMethod..
Resume http file download in java Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true progressBar.setMax connection.getContentLength in new BufferedInputStream..
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests x www form urlendcoded connection.setUseCaches false connection.setDoOutput true Log.d TAG Initial method connection.getRequestMethod Still..
Android HTTPS exception Connection reset by peer connection.setSSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory connection.setDoOutput true connection.setConnectTimeout 15000 milliseconds connection.setRequestMethod..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error Allow Inputs Outputs connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true connection.setUseCaches false connection.setChunkedStreamingMode..
http post method passing null values to the server UID android_id URL ' resultfinal ' device android connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestMethod POST request new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream request.flush request.close..
How to share text & image in Google Plus (G+) from android without using Intent? AxeOPU6n1_M 0.jpg HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection url .openConnection connection.setRequestMethod GET connection.setDoOutput true connection.connect InputStream in connection.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 1024 int size 0 while size
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off MalformedURLException IOException HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection new URL localhost .openConnection connection.setDoOutput true triggers POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty User Agent Android..
KSOAP 2 Android with HTTPS HttpsURLConnection connection .setHostnameVerifier new AllowAllHostnameVerifier connection.setUseCaches false connection.setDoOutput true connection.setDoInput true In your code just use HttpTransportSE aht new HttpTransportSE URL SOAP_ACTION envelope..
android image upload e URL url new URL urlString connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true connection.setUseCaches false connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive..
Android: 3G to WIFI switch while in the middle on the app = loss of network connectivity Sending Request url.toExternalForm connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setUseCaches false connection.setDoOutput true connection.setDoInput true connection.setConnectTimeout ApplicationConfiguration.HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT connection.setReadTimeout..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? mUsername password mPassword try url new URL your login URL connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestProperty Content Type application x www form urlencoded connection.setRequestMethod POST request..
Resume Download not working in android Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true progressBar.setMax connection.getContentLength in new BufferedInputStream connection.getInputStream fos downloaded..
Android image Upload problem url new URL urlServer connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Allow Inputs Outputs connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true connection.setUseCaches false Enable POST method connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection..
problem with uploading captured image in android camera File extraOutput URL url new URL urlServer connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true connection.setUseCaches false connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive..
Resume http file download in java Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true progressBar.setMax connection.getContentLength in new BufferedInputStream connection.getInputStream fos downloaded..
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests auth auth connection.setRequestProperty Content Type application x www form urlendcoded connection.setUseCaches false connection.setDoOutput true Log.d TAG Initial method connection.getRequestMethod Still GET at this point try connection.connect Log.d TAG Connected...
Android HTTPS exception Connection reset by peer connection HttpsURLConnection new URL url .openConnection connection.setSSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory connection.setDoOutput true connection.setConnectTimeout 15000 milliseconds connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Charset..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error url new URL urlServer connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Allow Inputs Outputs connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true connection.setUseCaches false connection.setChunkedStreamingMode 1024 Enable POST method connection.setRequestMethod..