android Programming Glossary: confused
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor a newline for each carriage return Eclipse gets very confused. That's Eclipse issue https bugs show_bug.cgi..
Using VideoView for streaming or progressive-download video VideoView for streaming or progressive download video I'm confused about how VideoView can be used to play video from a local file..
How to implement a custom AlertDialog View that add is a typo and is meant to be addView . I'm confused by the first line using It seems that it's the body..
Android - gravity and layout_gravity center center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding these both. what is the difference between the usage..
What exactly is a Context in Java? [duplicate] Googled this and read the Java documentation but I'm a bit confused. Can somebody please explain what a Context is in plain English..
key hash for android-facebook app it is mentioned to generate the key hash for android. I m confused about how to generate it. pls help me how to generate it Thanx...
Android phone orientation overview including compass of the device in this situation. This part has always confused me probably because I wanted to understand how something worked.. will tell me where I've messed up or helped people or confused people even further android orientation device orientation..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object two mechanisms are not interchangeable and should not be confused. That is the Parcelable is not meant to be passed to an activity...
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? layouts to support all Android devices I'm really feeling confused. From the docs at it seems in order to..
Find an external SD card location find the location of an external SD card Please do not be confused with External Storage . Environment.getExternalStorageState..
what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android and fill_parent property in android I'm little confused about two properties match_parent and fill_parent of layout...
Good way of getting the user's location in Android no where near as good as it should could be. I'm kind of confused why google hasn't a normalized API for location the developer..
Android post JSON using HTTP or if I have not touched on something that your still confused about... etc whatever pops in your head really. I will take..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? Or is there any assumption about the value of dp I am confused. android dpi share improve this question Dp are Density..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread vs AsyncTask vs Thread I got slightly confused about the differences between Handlers AsyncTasks and Threads..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver user pass stmt conn.createStatement So I'm really confused here. Does JDBC not work with Android If so tell me what alternatives..
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility just released the ActionBar Compatibility that make me so confused. Is that the Action Bar Compatibility works same as the ActionBarSherlock..
Store Android SQLite can move to internal and keep inserting data .. i am very confused about this can you help me any suggestion or links please android..
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor broken DOS line endings multiple carriage returns without a newline for each carriage return Eclipse gets very confused. That's Eclipse issue https bugs show_bug.cgi id 375421 . There are two parts to the fix 1 First ADT was..
Using VideoView for streaming or progressive-download video VideoView for streaming or progressive download video I'm confused about how VideoView can be used to play video from a local file as progressive download and streaming. This example work..
How to implement a custom AlertDialog View FILL_PARENT WRAP_CONTENT First off it's pretty obvious that add is a typo and is meant to be addView . I'm confused by the first line using It seems that it's the body element of the AlertDialog ... but I can't just enter that..
Android - gravity and layout_gravity value to the android gravity and android layout_gravity center center_vertical center_horizontal etc. But i am confused regarding these both. what is the difference between the usage of android gravity and android layout_gravity android android..
What exactly is a Context in Java? [duplicate] here What is Context in Android 19 answers I Googled this and read the Java documentation but I'm a bit confused. Can somebody please explain what a Context is in plain English java android share improve this question In programming..
key hash for android-facebook app android sdk and I got text file in there in which it is mentioned to generate the key hash for android. I m confused about how to generate it. pls help me how to generate it Thanx. android windows facebook share improve this question..
Android phone orientation overview including compass on the phone allow you to work out the orientation not location of the device in this situation. This part has always confused me probably because I wanted to understand how something worked before I accepted that it did just work. It seems that the.. Ok. I think I better stop now. Like I said before I hope people will tell me where I've messed up or helped people or confused people even further android orientation device orientation bearing compass geolocation share improve this question ..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object and the second is to pass a Parcelable to a service. These two mechanisms are not interchangeable and should not be confused. That is the Parcelable is not meant to be passed to an activity. If you want to start an activity and pass it some data..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices I'm really feeling confused. From the docs at it seems in order to keep my images scaled correctly aspect ratio too across all..
Find an external SD card location an external SD card location Is there an universal way to find the location of an external SD card Please do not be confused with External Storage . Environment.getExternalStorageState returns path to internal SD mount point like mnt sdcard . But..
what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android I'm little confused about two properties match_parent and fill_parent of layout. It seems both are same. I want to know how this properties..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android obtaining user location.html#BestEstimate But I think it's no where near as good as it should could be. I'm kind of confused why google hasn't a normalized API for location the developer shouldn't have to care where the location is from you should..
Android post JSON using HTTP that arise about this post or if I have not made something clear or if I have not touched on something that your still confused about... etc whatever pops in your head really. I will take down if Justin Grammens does not approve. But if not then thanks..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? where do I get the value of dp to be used in this calculation Or is there any assumption about the value of dp I am confused. android dpi share improve this question Dp are Density independant pixels and are used to generalise the number of..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread vs AsyncTask vs Thread I got slightly confused about the differences between Handlers AsyncTasks and Threads in Android. I've read quite a few blogs and questions here..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection CONNECTION_URL user pass stmt conn.createStatement So I'm really confused here. Does JDBC not work with Android If so tell me what alternatives I should look into for remote MySQL database access...
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility and Action Bar Compatibility Fews days ago Google just released the ActionBar Compatibility that make me so confused. Is that the Action Bar Compatibility works same as the ActionBarSherlock and is the coding same Example Does app icon to..
Store Android SQLite get filled and there is an available space in internal i can move to internal and keep inserting data .. i am very confused about this can you help me any suggestion or links please android sqlite share improve this question Following Answer..