android Programming Glossary: connectivitymanager.type_mobile
BroadcastReceiver when wifi or 3g network state changed
Android : Check 3G or Wifi network is ON or Available or not on android Device For 3G check boolean is3g manager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE .isConnectedOrConnecting For WiFi Check boolean isWifi manager.getNetworkInfo..
How to provide option to select wi-fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app NetworkInfo mMobile connManager1.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if mMobile.isConnected if internet connected Don't forget to..
How to determine Android internet connection? final NetworkInfo mobile connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE final NetworkInfo wifi connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI..
Network listener Android NetworkInfo mobNetInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if activeNetInfo null Toast.makeText context Active Network..
Detect network connection type on Android context return info null info.isConnected info.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE Check if there is fast connectivity @param context @return.. ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI return true else if type ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE switch subType case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_1xRTT return..
Get Network type NetworkInfo mobNetInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE but no success.. i am doing this coz i wanna know if the current..
How to send image via MMS in Android? final int result connMgr.startUsingNetworkFeature ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_MMS If you get result with Phone.APN_REQUEST_STARTED..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE cm.stopUsingNetworkFeature ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE State state cm.getNetworkInfo.. State state cm.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE .getState textView.setText If anyone can point me..
Detect 3G or Wifi Network restoration if noConnectivity if aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI Handle.. Handle connected case else if aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI Handle..
Android, How to handle change in network (from GPRS to Wi-fi and vice-versa) while polling for data mobile connMgr.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if wifi.isAvailable Do something if mobile.isAvailable Do something..
How to check currently internet connection is available or not in android if connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo..
Android: Force data to be sent over radio vs WiFi Prefer mobile over wifi cm.setNetworkPreference ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE Do your work Remove your preference cm.setNetworkPreference..
Check internet connection in ANDROID [duplicate] return true NetworkInfo mobileNetwork cm.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if mobileNetwork null mobileNetwork.isConnected return true..
Problem in detecting Internet Connection in Android HaveConnectedWifi true if ni.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if ni.isConnectedOrConnecting HaveConnectedMobile true share..
How to handle WiFi to Mobile network switch programatically? netType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI else if netType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE catch Exception e Log.d Log checkNetworkConnection e.toString.. netType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI else if netType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE catch Exception e Log.d Log checkNetworkConnection e.toString..
BroadcastReceiver when wifi or 3g network state changed
Android : Check 3G or Wifi network is ON or Available or not on android Device manager ConnectivityManager getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE For 3G check boolean is3g manager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE .isConnectedOrConnecting For WiFi Check boolean isWifi manager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI .isConnectedOrConnecting..
How to provide option to select wi-fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app connManager1 ConnectivityManager getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo mMobile connManager1.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if mMobile.isConnected if internet connected Don't forget to add these permissions in the manifest file android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE..
How to determine Android internet connection? ctx.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final NetworkInfo mobile connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE final NetworkInfo wifi connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI Return true if connected either in 3G..
Network listener Android activeNetInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo NetworkInfo mobNetInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if activeNetInfo null Toast.makeText context Active Network Type activeNetInfo.getTypeName Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show if..
Detect network connection type on Android Context context NetworkInfo info Connectivity.getNetworkInfo context return info null info.isConnected info.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE Check if there is fast connectivity @param context @return public static boolean isConnectedFast Context context NetworkInfo.. static boolean isConnectionFast int type int subType if type ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI return true else if type ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE switch subType case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_1xRTT return false ~ 50 100 kbps case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_CDMA..
Get Network type activeNetInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo or NetworkInfo mobNetInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE but no success.. i am doing this coz i wanna know if the current network is IDEN or if the current network is connected..
How to send image via MMS in Android? context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final int result connMgr.startUsingNetworkFeature ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_MMS If you get result with Phone.APN_REQUEST_STARTED value you have to wait for proper state. Register..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager this.getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE cm.stopUsingNetworkFeature ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE State state cm.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE .getState textView.setText.. ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE State state cm.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE .getState textView.setText If anyone can point me to anything that could help it would be most appreciated. UPDATE..
Detect 3G or Wifi Network restoration intent .getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO if noConnectivity if aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI Handle connected case else if aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE.. aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI Handle connected case else if aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE aNetworkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI Handle disconnected case private synchronized void startMonitoringConnection..
Android, How to handle change in network (from GPRS to Wi-fi and vice-versa) while polling for data wifi connMgr.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI final mobile connMgr.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if wifi.isAvailable Do something if mobile.isAvailable Do something else If you are keeping a persistent connection it..
How to check currently internet connection is available or not in android ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE if connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED..
Android: Force data to be sent over radio vs WiFi cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE Prefer mobile over wifi cm.setNetworkPreference ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE Do your work Remove your preference cm.setNetworkPreference ConnectivityManager.DEFAULT_NETWORK_PREFERENCE Hope that Helps..
Check internet connection in ANDROID [duplicate] if wifiNetwork null wifiNetwork.isConnected return true NetworkInfo mobileNetwork cm.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if mobileNetwork null mobileNetwork.isConnected return true NetworkInfo activeNetwork cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if activeNetwork..
Problem in detecting Internet Connection in Android
How to handle WiFi to Mobile network switch programatically? networkInfo.isConnected New change added here if netType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI else if netType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE catch Exception e Log.d Log checkNetworkConnection e.toString return networkStatus Already I have read many posts..