android Programming Glossary: connecting..
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket @Override public void onClick View arg0 Socket sock try sock new Socket MY_PCs_IP 1149 System.out.println Connecting... sendfile File myFile new File selectedImagePath byte mybytearray new byte int myFile.length FileInputStream fis new..
UDP server doesnt accept calls from outside public void run try Retrieve the ServerName InetAddress serverAddr InetAddress .getByName localhost Log.d UDP S Connecting... Create new UDP Socket socket new DatagramSocket SERVERPORT serverAddr byte buf new byte 17 Prepare a UDP Packet that..
How to make client on Android listen to server on C#? Hello private void connectSocket String a try InetAddress serverAddr InetAddress.getByName Log.d TCP C Connecting... Socket socket new Socket serverAddr 4444 message 1 PrintWriter out null BufferedReader in null try Log.d TCP C Sending..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? private void doSendData while true try if Measurements.isEmpty Thread.sleep 1000 continue Log.d TCP C Connecting... Socket socket new Socket socket.setTcpNoDelay true socket.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber 3000..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android address new Thread new Runnable public void run runOnUiThread new Runnable public void run dialogProgress.setTitle Connecting... mBTAdapter.cancelDiscovery try System.out .println # connecting BluetoothDevice mdevice mBTAdapter.. mBluetoothAdapter .getRemoteDevice mDeviceAddress mBluetoothConnectProgressDialog this Connecting... mBluetoothDevice.getName mBluetoothDevice.getAddress true false Thread mBlutoothConnectThread new Thread this mBlutoothConnectThread.start..