android Programming Glossary: conn.disconnect
How to open one particular folder from gallery in android? void startScan Log.d Connected success conn if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override.. intent.setData uri startActivity intent finally conn.disconnect conn null Hope this will help you . share improve this answer..
How to parser json for image url [duplicate] os new FileOutputStream f Utils.CopyStream is os os.close conn.disconnect bitmap decodeFile f return bitmap catch Throwable ex ex.printStackTrace..
Gallery with folder filter v startScan private void startScan if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect public..
Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate] void startScan Log.d Connected success conn if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override..
Parsing html in java for an android app in.close catch IOException e1 in null if null conn conn.disconnect conn null if text.toString .length 0 return interpretHtml..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method httpUri is a HttpUriRequest method.releaseConnection conn.disconnect conn is a HttpURLConnection state.clearCookies cookieStore.clear..
How to open one particular folder from gallery in android? @Override public void onClick View v startScan private void startScan Log.d Connected success conn if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected..
How to parser json for image url [duplicate] true InputStream is conn.getInputStream OutputStream os new FileOutputStream f Utils.CopyStream is os os.close conn.disconnect bitmap decodeFile f return bitmap catch Throwable ex ex.printStackTrace if ex instanceof OutOfMemoryError memoryCache.clear..
Gallery with folder filter new OnClickListener public void onClick View v startScan private void startScan if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect public void onMediaScannerConnected conn.scanFile SCAN_PATH FILE_TYPE..
Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate] @Override public void onClick View v startScan private void startScan Log.d Connected success conn if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected..
Parsing html in java for an android app buff.close catch IOException e1 buff null if null in try in.close catch IOException e1 in null if null conn conn.disconnect conn null if text.toString .length 0 return interpretHtml text.toString use this if you don't need to load the whole..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method null HttpUriRequest httpUri null method.abort httpUri.abort httpUri is a HttpUriRequest method.releaseConnection conn.disconnect conn is a HttpURLConnection state.clearCookies cookieStore.clear cookieStore is a BasicCookieStore HttpClient client new..