android Programming Glossary: configuring
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x on Android 3.x or 4.x I have checked in this API for configuring static IP addresses in an android application It work until..
“App Engine Connected Android Project” not available Android Project should be available after installing configuring ADT plugin for Eclipse Android SDK and Google Plugin for Eclipse...
porting libcurl on android with ssl support dev website and in the file the hard part is configuring the make first. so what I did is Download Android Source code..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app list of dependencies of your project. Press OK to finish configuring the project. You should see 2 modules with the library's resources..
Robolectric 2.1 and Eclipse file. You can find more info at this github issue or their configuring robolectric blog post. Both of which I found to not be straight..
Using Build Flavors - Structuring source folders and build.gradle correctly Studio. However I seem to be having a terrible time configuring it to work appropriately. Steps Create a new Android Studio.. have total flexibility in creating new source folders and configuring the source set to use them. On to your other points It's normal..
Problems trying to create gradle build file structure is What went wrong A problem occurred configuring project ' '. Failed to notify project evaluation listener. Configuration..
Android Studio Manifest Missing Error with an exception. What went wrong A problem occurred configuring root project 'ToDoListProject'. Failed to notify project evaluation..
build.gradle and project libs debendency to my apps build.gradle file A problem occurred configuring project ' MyApp'. Failed to notify project evaluation listener... A problem occurred configuring pro ject ' MyApp'. at org.gradle.configuration.LifecycleProjectEvaluator.addConfigurationFa..
using facebook sdk in android studio and get the following error message. A problem occurred configuring project ' App'. Failed to notify project evaluation listener... to notify project evaluation listener. A problem occurred configuring project ' libraries facebook'. Failed to notify project evaluation..
API for configuring static IP addresses in an android application for configuring static IP addresses in an android application Is it possible..
Changing default port (i.e. 5037) on which adb server runs a budding android developer and if there is no easy way of configuring adb to run on another port then I am king quitting android app..
Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one file Edit the project properties to set one While configuring MJAndriod I have got an error as follows Project has no
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 actionDone and dismisses Soft Input when clicked. When configuring an EditText for multi line Android 2.3 removes the ability to..
Auto increment version code in Android app before after builds. I have found this article about configuring ant builder but this is not exactly about Android and I fear..
Android: Login with Twitter using Twitter4J your app need to be registered as a browser client. Try configuring a dummy callback URL http or whatever you want at..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? decided to use Auth token generated when adding an account configuring account in android phone .So can i get the token and how could..
Configuring app to facebook Error : “App is misconfigured for Facebook login..” [duplicate] app to facebook Error &ldquo App is misconfigured for Facebook..
Configuring Android Web Applications Android Web Applications iPhone web apps have four configuration..
Parsing invalid ampersands with Android's XmlPullParsers another one that replaces the ampersands with entity refs Configuring the Parser so it magically accepts the incorrect markup Which..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) tutorial I am not sure how to realize step 4 to 5. STEP4 Configuring ... STEP5 cd to your NDK root dir type make TARGET_ARCH arm..
Google Maps Android API gives a NoClassDefFoundError element . In case I wasn't clear enough see the part Configuring the application manifest from Sameers link . share improve..
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? situation I initially followed the instructions for Configuring and building the sample application for In app Billing replacing..
What kind of pitfals exist for the Android APK signing Excluded org.apache.maven maven artifact jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Configuring mojo org.apache.maven.plugins maven jarsigner plugin 1.2 sign.. 2 parent sun.misc.Launcher AppClassLoader@214c4ac9 DEBUG Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins maven jarsigner plugin 1.2 sign'..
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x to configue static IP netmask gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x I have checked in this API for configuring static IP addresses in an android application It work until Android 2.3. However there is no luck on higher API level. For..
“App Engine Connected Android Project” not available According to this guide by Google the App Engine Connected Android Project should be available after installing configuring ADT plugin for Eclipse Android SDK and Google Plugin for Eclipse. I have installed everything in the most recent version..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support started doing that. but I run into a problem. as I read on the dev website and in the file the hard part is configuring the make first. so what I did is Download Android Source code and compile it since some of the intermediate libs are needed..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app project you added and press OK. It will be added to the list of dependencies of your project. Press OK to finish configuring the project. You should see 2 modules with the library's resources and classes available and recognized in the Variant project...
Robolectric 2.1 and Eclipse
Using Build Flavors - Structuring source folders and build.gradle correctly Build Flavors for one same Application project in Android Studio. However I seem to be having a terrible time configuring it to work appropriately. Steps Create a new Android Studio Project named 'Test'. Open build.gradle and added the following.. a common source folders for those two other activities. You have total flexibility in creating new source folders and configuring the source set to use them. On to your other points It's normal that the 2nd flavor source folder is not blue. You need..
Problems trying to create gradle build are getting. The error I get when trying to migrate to the gradle file structure is What went wrong A problem occurred configuring project ' '. Failed to notify project evaluation listener. Configuration with name 'default' not found The error I get using..
Android Studio Manifest Missing Error and I'm getting this error on Debug. Gradle FAILURE Build failed with an exception. What went wrong A problem occurred configuring root project 'ToDoListProject'. Failed to notify project evaluation listener. Main Manifest missing from C Users Chris Johnson..
build.gradle and project libs but I always get the same error as soon as I add the lib debendency to my apps build.gradle file A problem occurred configuring project ' MyApp'. Failed to notify project evaluation listener. Configuration with name 'default' not found. I already did.. EDIT 1 gardelw compileDebug stacktrace Exception is org.gradle.api.ProjectConfigurationException A problem occurred configuring pro ject ' MyApp'. at org.gradle.configuration.LifecycleProjectEvaluator.addConfigurationFa ilure
using facebook sdk in android studio this Thanks in advance UPDATE1 I tried @Scott Barta's answer and get the following error message. A problem occurred configuring project ' App'. Failed to notify project evaluation listener. A problem occurred configuring project ' libraries facebook'... A problem occurred configuring project ' App'. Failed to notify project evaluation listener. A problem occurred configuring project ' libraries facebook'. Failed to notify project evaluation listener. Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration..
API for configuring static IP addresses in an android application for configuring static IP addresses in an android application Is it possible to set the IP address of an interface in Android within an..
Changing default port (i.e. 5037) on which adb server runs for '5037' in all files in android sdk directory. I am a budding android developer and if there is no easy way of configuring adb to run on another port then I am king quitting android app development. android default port adb share improve this..
Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one has no file Edit the project properties to set one While configuring MJAndriod I have got an error as follows Project has no file Edit the project properties to set one...
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 button shows the IME Action Label Done android imeActionLabel actionDone and dismisses Soft Input when clicked. When configuring an EditText for multi line Android 2.3 removes the ability to show the Done action for the Soft Input keyboard. I have managed..
Auto increment version code in Android app i couldn't find out how and if Eclipse supports runnings scripts before after builds. I have found this article about configuring ant builder but this is not exactly about Android and I fear this will mess up too much the predefined building steps for..
Android: Login with Twitter using Twitter4J is registered as a desktop client. To overwrite callback URL your app need to be registered as a browser client. Try configuring a dummy callback URL http or whatever you want at https apps appid settings Callback URL and..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? .In order to free user from username and password I decided to use Auth token generated when adding an account configuring account in android phone .So can i get the token and how could i use the token to send mail in background as a did using..
Configuring app to facebook Error : “App is misconfigured for Facebook login..” [duplicate] app to facebook Error &ldquo App is misconfigured for Facebook login..&rdquo duplicate Possible Duplicate App is misconfigured..
Configuring Android Web Applications Android Web Applications iPhone web apps have four configuration features available not including the HTML5 application..
Parsing invalid ampersands with Android's XmlPullParsers about the following solutions Wrapping the InputStream in another one that replaces the ampersands with entity refs Configuring the Parser so it magically accepts the incorrect markup Which ones is likely to be more successful android xml parsing..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) on 1 . Did anybody successfully compile ffmpeg using theses tutorial I am not sure how to realize step 4 to 5. STEP4 Configuring ... STEP5 cd to your NDK root dir type make TARGET_ARCH arm APP ffmpeg org It seems to me that building an application like..
Google Maps Android API gives a NoClassDefFoundError
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? but the solutions offered there do not seem to fit my particular situation I initially followed the instructions for Configuring and building the sample application for In app Billing replacing the security key with the public key from Google's Developer..
What kind of pitfals exist for the Android APK signing DEBUG Excluded classworlds classworlds jar 1.1 alpha 2 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven artifact jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Configuring mojo org.apache.maven.plugins maven jarsigner plugin 1.2 sign from plugin realm ClassRealm plugin org.apache.maven.plugins.. plugin org.apache.maven.plugins maven jarsigner plugin 1. 2 parent sun.misc.Launcher AppClassLoader@214c4ac9 DEBUG Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins maven jarsigner plugin 1.2 sign' with basic configurator DEBUG f alias krischik DEBUG f archive..