android Programming Glossary: connected
how to connect android emulator to the internet browser I've found lots of advice on what do to when your connected through a proxy but that's not the case here my machine win7.. but that's not the case here my machine win7 is directly connected to the router... android internet android emulator share.. DNS settings from that LAN card. Not a problem when you're connected via that LAN but utterly useless if you're on a wireless connection...
Intent action for network events in android sdk to receive broadcasts for network actions like network connected disconnected etc. I am using a broadcast receiver for this purpose... broadcasts for network actions like network connected disconnected etc. I am using a broadcast receiver for this purpose. Can anyone..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? From a command line on the computer that has the device connected via USB issue the commands adb tcpip 5555 adb connect
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? catch Exception e e.printStackTrace private boolean connected false private BluetoothSocket sock private InputStream in public.. InputStream in public void test throws Exception if connected return BluetoothDevice zee BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter.. ZeeTest Listening... try while true read buffer connected true StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder for int i 0 i read..
Detect network connection type on Android If the problem is to find whether the phone's network is connected and fast enough to meet your demands you have to handle all..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size I think this question also help to the people who are connected with Android application programming and development. Update..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] timeouts I need to detect whether the Android device is connected to the Internet. Now the NetworkInfo class provides a non static.. returns a NetworkInfo instance representing the first connected network interface it can find or null if none if the interfaces.. it can find or null if none if the interfaces are connected. Checking if this method returns null should be enough to tell..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android e TODO Auto generated catch block tv.setText Not connected e.printStackTrace public void Connect throws IOException serverSocket..
How can i access my localhost from my android device? connect to the same web server on my laptop. The phone is connected to the laptop using a USB cable. If i run the adb devices command.. USB doesn't provide network to mobile device. If it's connected to your wifi then hit your laptop address provided by the router... hit your laptop address provided by the router. If it's connected to your mobile network then first find out your router external..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java throws Socket is not connected and the socket timeout The operation..
How to check the Internet Connection periodically in whole application? .getActiveNetworkInfo if info null info.isConnected return false if info.isRoaming here is the roaming option.. if currentNetworkInfo.isConnected Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Connected Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Connected Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else Toast.makeText getApplicationContext..
Android Facebook chat example project RosterEntry entries roster.getEntries System.out.println Connected System.out.println n n entries.size buddy ies shows first time..
“App Engine Connected Android Project” not available App Engine Connected Android Project&rdquo not available According to this guide.. According to this guide by Google the App Engine Connected Android Project should be available after installing configuring.. from a Google employee here . It says that the App Engine Connected Android Project has been removed in GPE v3.0.0. It would be..
Android:android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException - How to solve the problem? if mEncoderConnection null txtConnectionStatus.setText Connected else txtConnectionStatus.setText Disconnected When the execution..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off immediately _wifiManager.SetWifiEnabled true if wifiInfo.IsConnectedOrConnecting Do not wait for the OS to initiate a reconnect to.. function wakeWifiUp . When the radio has died wifiInfo.IsConnectedOrConnecting is true I get a network unreachable when I try to.. enable if not enabled FIXME return false if wifiInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting d Wifi is NOT Connected Or Connecting wake it..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? 1 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 50 int read 0 Log.d.. Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 1 int bytes 0 int.. 04 19 22 27 04.905 DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Connected 04 19 22 27 04.905 DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Listening... 04 19 22..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work the 'Connecting...' status but then it timed out into 'Not Connected'. I'm thus tending towards looking at Android for the problem... connected 14 I BTL_IFC_WRP 23605 wrp_sock_connect Connected. 28 I BTL_IFC 23605 send_ctrl_msg BTL_IFC CTRL send BTLIF_REGISTER_SUBSYS_REQ..
JDBC connection in Android url dbName userName password System.out.println Connected to the database conn.close System.out.println Disconnected from..
Android + MySQL using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver url dbName userName password System.out.println Connected to the database conn.close System.out.println Disconnected from.. url dbName userName password Toast.makeText getBaseContext Connected to the database. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show conn.close Toast.makeText..
Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate] onClick View v startScan private void startScan Log.d Connected success conn if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection.. this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected success conn conn.scanFile SCAN_PATH.. public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected success conn conn.scanFile SCAN_PATH FILE_TYPE @Override public..
BroadcastReceiver when wifi or 3g network state changed in the form of a NetworkInfo object. If the new state is CONNECTED additional extras may provide the BSSID and WifiInfo of the..
Android: How to tell if 'Mobile Network Data' is enabled or disabled (even when connected by WiFi) got the following results With WiFi OFF mobile HSUPA state CONNECTED CONNECTED reason unknown extra internet roaming false failover.. results With WiFi OFF mobile HSUPA state CONNECTED CONNECTED reason unknown extra internet roaming false failover false isAvailable.. WiFi On Mobile OFF NetworkInfo type mobile HSUPA state DISCONNECTED DISCONNECTED reason connectionDisabled extra none roaming false..
Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM? make a note of the particulars and move on. msg connect CONNECTED try mBTOutputStream mBTSocket.getOutputStream mBTInputStream.. 17 19 44 24.227 D BluetoothService 74 Sending ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED intent address 00 18 E4 1D 23 9B 05 17 19 44 24.227 D BluetoothA2dpService.. intent with action android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED 05 17 19 44 24.227 D 74 signal_BTEVENT_LINK_CONNECT_CNF Exiting..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android disconnection I think there is an intent called ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED which does that. Can anyone explain me how to use this Thanks.. during connect e.getMessage return false msg connect CONNECTED try mBTOutputStream mBTSocket.getOutputStream mBTInputStream..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? class TelnetService extends Service private final int DISCONNECTED 0 private final int CONNECTED 1 place notifications in the notification.. Service private final int DISCONNECTED 0 private final int CONNECTED 1 place notifications in the notification bar NotificationManager.. notify the user that we are connected showNotification CONNECTED Host Port return hostInfo end connectToTelnet Tests for a currently..
Get VPN Connection status on Android CONNECTING Do what needs to be done else if state.equals CONNECTED Do what needs to be done else if state.equals IDLE int errorCode..
Android: How to Enable/Disable Wifi or Internet Connection Programmatically getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE ARE WE CONNECTED TO THE NET if connec.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED.. NET if connec.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED connec.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED.. connec.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED ... where 0 and 1 respectively refers to mobile and wifi connection..
Connecting to wi-fi using adb shell start server adb wait for device echo adb connection.... CONNECTED adb root adb wait for device adb remount adb wait for device..
Android check internet connection getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE ARE WE CONNECTED TO THE NET if conMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo null conMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps for Location public boolean checkConnection ARE WE CONNECTED TO THE NET ConnectivityManager conMgr ConnectivityManager getSystemService..
how to connect android emulator to the internet connect my android emulator to the internet e.g. to use the browser I've found lots of advice on what do to when your connected through a proxy but that's not the case here my machine win7 is directly connected to the router... android internet android.. of advice on what do to when your connected through a proxy but that's not the case here my machine win7 is directly connected to the router... android internet android emulator share improve this question I think some of the answers may have.. the issue is that the emulator tries to obtain its DNS settings from that LAN card. Not a problem when you're connected via that LAN but utterly useless if you're on a wireless connection. I noticed this when I was on my laptop. So how to fix..
Intent action for network events in android sdk action for network events in android sdk I need to receive broadcasts for network actions like network connected disconnected etc. I am using a broadcast receiver for this purpose. Can anyone please tell me which intent action I need.. action for network events in android sdk I need to receive broadcasts for network actions like network connected disconnected etc. I am using a broadcast receiver for this purpose. Can anyone please tell me which intent action I need to capture for..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? easier to switch to using WiFi if you already have USB access. From a command line on the computer that has the device connected via USB issue the commands adb tcpip 5555 adb connect 5555 Be sure to replace with the IP address..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? setContentView R.layout.main try for int i 0 i 3 i test catch Exception e e.printStackTrace private boolean connected false private BluetoothSocket sock private InputStream in public void test throws Exception if connected return BluetoothDevice.. boolean connected false private BluetoothSocket sock private InputStream in public void test throws Exception if connected return BluetoothDevice zee BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter . getRemoteDevice 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 Method m zee.getClass.. sock.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 50 int read 0 Log.d ZeeTest Listening... try while true read buffer connected true StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder for int i 0 i read i int b buffer i & 0xff if b 0x10 buf.append 0 buf.append..
Detect network connection type on Android networking wifi connectivity share improve this question If the problem is to find whether the phone's network is connected and fast enough to meet your demands you have to handle all the network types returned by getSubType . It took me an hour..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size What is the maximum size of Application supported by Android. I think this question also help to the people who are connected with Android application programming and development. Update This time i am having 58Mb application from that 52.5MB Images..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] How to check internet access on Android InetAddress never timeouts I need to detect whether the Android device is connected to the Internet. Now the NetworkInfo class provides a non static method isAvailable that sounds perfect. Problem is that.. question The getActiveNetworkInfo method of ConnectivityManager returns a NetworkInfo instance representing the first connected network interface it can find or null if none if the interfaces are connected. Checking if this method returns null should.. instance representing the first connected network interface it can find or null if none if the interfaces are connected. Checking if this method returns null should be enough to tell if an internet connection is available. private boolean isNetworkAvailable..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android TextView findViewById try Connect catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block tv.setText Not connected e.printStackTrace public void Connect throws IOException serverSocket new ServerSocket serverSocket.bind new InetSocketAddress..
How can i access my localhost from my android device? i connect my real android phone the phone browser cannot connect to the same web server on my laptop. The phone is connected to the laptop using a USB cable. If i run the adb devices command i can see my phone. What am i missing Gath android .. What am i missing Gath android share improve this question USB doesn't provide network to mobile device. If it's connected to your wifi then hit your laptop address provided by the router. If it's connected to your mobile network then first find.. network to mobile device. If it's connected to your wifi then hit your laptop address provided by the router. If it's connected to your mobile network then first find out your router external IP address then forward some port to that portno..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java In my example two timeouts are set. The connection timeout throws Socket is not connected and the socket timeout The operation timed out . HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet url HttpParams..
How to check the Internet Connection periodically in whole application? info ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE .getActiveNetworkInfo if info null info.isConnected return false if info.isRoaming here is the roaming option you can change it if you want to disable internet while roaming.. NetworkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_OTHER_NETWORK_INFO if currentNetworkInfo.isConnected Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Connected Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Not.. ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_OTHER_NETWORK_INFO if currentNetworkInfo.isConnected Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Connected Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Not Connected Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show and then in..
Android Facebook chat example project Roster roster xmpp.getRoster Collection RosterEntry entries roster.getEntries System.out.println Connected System.out.println n n entries.size buddy ies shows first time onliners String temp new String 50 int i 0 for RosterEntry..
“App Engine Connected Android Project” not available App Engine Connected Android Project&rdquo not available According to this guide by Google the App Engine Connected Android Project should be.. App Engine Connected Android Project&rdquo not available According to this guide by Google the App Engine Connected Android Project should be available after installing configuring ADT plugin for Eclipse Android SDK and Google Plugin for.. I just found a I would say semi official statement from a Google employee here . It says that the App Engine Connected Android Project has been removed in GPE v3.0.0. It would be possible to downgrade to the last version containing this menu..
Android:android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException - How to solve the problem? uploadingProgressBar.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE if mEncoderConnection null txtConnectionStatus.setText Connected else txtConnectionStatus.setText Disconnected When the execution reaches this method when called from onLoginResponse the..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off required for some devices when enable WiFi does not occur immediately _wifiManager.SetWifiEnabled true if wifiInfo.IsConnectedOrConnecting Do not wait for the OS to initiate a reconnect to a Wi Fi router _wifiManager.PingSupplicant if _wifiManager.WifiState.. before the radio died I acquire a wifi lock and I call your function wakeWifiUp . When the radio has died wifiInfo.IsConnectedOrConnecting is true I get a network unreachable when I try to connect. I workaround it as in public final class NetworkService.. _wifiManager.setWifiEnabled true do not enable if not enabled FIXME return false if wifiInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting d Wifi is NOT Connected Or Connecting wake it up and wait till is up Do not wait for the OS to initiate a..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke zee Integer.valueOf 1 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 50 int read 0 Log.d ZeeTest Listening... try while true read buffer.. UUID.fromString 8e1f0cf7 508f 4875 b62c fbb67fd34812 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 1 int bytes 0 int x 0 Log.d ZeeTest Listening... while x 2 x try bytes BluetoothEventRedirector 7499 Received android.bleutooth.device.action.UUID 04 19 22 27 04.905 DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Connected 04 19 22 27 04.905 DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Listening... 04 19 22 27 05.538 WARN System.err 8619 Software..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work on 'Connect Zephyr HxM'. For a few seconds I was shown the 'Connecting...' status but then it timed out into 'Not Connected'. I'm thus tending towards looking at Android for the problem. Here's the output of adb logcat while trying to connect ... 9000 28 I BTL IFS 21889 main_server_thread CTRL Client connected 14 I BTL_IFC_WRP 23605 wrp_sock_connect Connected. 28 I BTL_IFC 23605 send_ctrl_msg BTL_IFC CTRL send BTLIF_REGISTER_SUBSYS_REQ null 0 pbytes hdl 28 I BTL IFS 21889 attach_client..
JDBC connection in Android try Class.forName driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password System.out.println Connected to the database conn.close System.out.println Disconnected from database catch Exception e e.printStackTrace i am getting..
Android + MySQL using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver try Class.forName driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password System.out.println Connected to the database conn.close System.out.println Disconnected from database catch Exception e e.printStackTrace However when.. driver .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url dbName userName password Toast.makeText getBaseContext Connected to the database. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show conn.close Toast.makeText getBaseContext Disconnected form the database. Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate] new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v startScan private void startScan Log.d Connected success conn if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected.. conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected success conn conn.scanFile SCAN_PATH FILE_TYPE @Override public void onScanCompleted String.. new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected success conn conn.scanFile SCAN_PATH FILE_TYPE @Override public void onScanCompleted String path Uri uri try Log.d onScanCompleted..
BroadcastReceiver when wifi or 3g network state changed Fi connectivity has changed. One extra provides the new state in the form of a NetworkInfo object. If the new state is CONNECTED additional extras may provide the BSSID and WifiInfo of the access point. as a String Also you'll need to specify the right..
Android: How to tell if 'Mobile Network Data' is enabled or disabled (even when connected by WiFi) Data on WiFi On Mobile Data off WiFi On Mobile Data on and got the following results With WiFi OFF mobile HSUPA state CONNECTED CONNECTED reason unknown extra internet roaming false failover false isAvailable true featureId 1 userDefault false With.. On Mobile Data off WiFi On Mobile Data on and got the following results With WiFi OFF mobile HSUPA state CONNECTED CONNECTED reason unknown extra internet roaming false failover false isAvailable true featureId 1 userDefault false With WiFi On Mobile.. false isAvailable true featureId 1 userDefault false With WiFi On Mobile OFF NetworkInfo type mobile HSUPA state DISCONNECTED DISCONNECTED reason connectionDisabled extra none roaming false failover false isAvailable true featureId 1 userDefault..
Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM? e.getMessage return false there was a problem connecting... make a note of the particulars and move on. msg connect CONNECTED try mBTOutputStream mBTSocket.getOutputStream mBTInputStream new BufferedInputStream mBTSocket.getInputStream INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE.. onRemoteDeviceConnected device 00 18 E4 1D 23 9B is Paired 05 17 19 44 24.227 D BluetoothService 74 Sending ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED intent address 00 18 E4 1D 23 9B 05 17 19 44 24.227 D BluetoothA2dpService 74 Received intent with action android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED.. 1D 23 9B 05 17 19 44 24.227 D BluetoothA2dpService 74 Received intent with action android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED 05 17 19 44 24.227 D 74 signal_BTEVENT_LINK_CONNECT_CNF Exiting 05 17 19 44 24.757 D JBtlAg 163 setIndicatorValue entered..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android the connection . Are there any way to make a Bluetooth disconnection I think there is an intent called ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED which does that. Can anyone explain me how to use this Thanks in advance. EDITED Here is the code if anyone needs additional.. catch Exception e msg connect Exception thrown during connect e.getMessage return false msg connect CONNECTED try mBTOutputStream mBTSocket.getOutputStream mBTInputStream mBTSocket.getInputStream catch Exception e msg connect Error..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? import android.os.Debug @author Max public class TelnetService extends Service private final int DISCONNECTED 0 private final int CONNECTED 1 place notifications in the notification bar NotificationManager mNM protected InputStream.. @author Max public class TelnetService extends Service private final int DISCONNECTED 0 private final int CONNECTED 1 place notifications in the notification bar NotificationManager mNM protected InputStream in protected OutputStream out.. hostInfo readBuffer Log.d hostInfo notify the user that we are connected showNotification CONNECTED Host Port return hostInfo end connectToTelnet Tests for a currently active connection. Three cases must be distinguished...
Get VPN Connection status on Android .toString Log.d state.toString if state.equals CONNECTING Do what needs to be done else if state.equals CONNECTED Do what needs to be done else if state.equals IDLE int errorCode intent.getIntExtra err 0 if errorCode 0 Do what needs to..
Android: How to Enable/Disable Wifi or Internet Connection Programmatically Internet Network ConnectivityManager connec ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE ARE WE CONNECTED TO THE NET if connec.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED connec.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED.. Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE ARE WE CONNECTED TO THE NET if connec.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED connec.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED ... where 0 and 1 respectively refers to mobile and wifi connection.. if connec.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED connec.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED ... where 0 and 1 respectively refers to mobile and wifi connection If my Android device is connected to both can we switch..
Connecting to wi-fi using adb shell WIRELESS_USER Turgon WIRELESS_PASSWORD IdrilCelebrindal adb start server adb wait for device echo adb connection.... CONNECTED adb root adb wait for device adb remount adb wait for device pushd tmp rm wpa_supplicant.conf 2 dev null # Remove any old..
Android check internet connection ConnectivityManager conMgr ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE ARE WE CONNECTED TO THE NET if conMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo null conMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo .isAvailable conMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo .isConnected..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps if getCurrentLocation null getCurrentLocation.execute Searching for Location public boolean checkConnection ARE WE CONNECTED TO THE NET ConnectivityManager conMgr ConnectivityManager getSystemService AndroidLocationActivity.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE..