android Programming Glossary: connection.connect
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? X FACEBOOK PLATFORM 0 m_connection.connect m_connection.login apiKey sessionKey sessionSecret Application.. return chatManager public boolean connect try connection.connect return true catch XMPPException e e.printStackTrace connection.disconnect..
How to work with an image using url in android? image URLConnection connection uri.toURL .openConnection connection.connect InputStream is connection.getInputStream BufferedInputStream..
Listview click to show image in ImageView url .openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.connect InputStream input connection.getInputStream Bitmap myBitmap..
IOException: “Received authentication challenge is null” (Apache Harmony/Android) GET ... do some OAuth message signing connection.connect int statusCode connection.getResponseCode throws IOException..
Implement pause/resume in file downloading bytes downloadedSize connection.setConnectTimeout 14000 connection.connect input new BufferedInputStream connection.getInputStream output.. size else connection.setConnectTimeout 14000 connection.connect input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream output new FileOutputStream.. 14000 connection.setReadTimeout 20000 connection.connect if connection.getResponseCode 100 2 throw new Exception Invalid..
How to download and save an image in Android url .openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.connect InputStream input connection.getInputStream Bitmap myBitmap..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect expect HTTP 200 OK so we don't mistakenly save error report.. urlToDownload URLConnection connection url.openConnection connection.connect this will be useful so that you can show a typical 0 100 progress..
Android Drawable Images from URL connection HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection connection.connect InputStream input connection.getInputStream x BitmapFactory.decodeStream..
how to resume an interrupted download length already previously downloaded. Connect to server. connection.connect Having done that you can seek at a given point just before the..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 0 connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.connect fileLength mDownloadFileLength Log.d AsyncDownloadFile new.. new download seek downloaded lengthFile fileLength else connection.connect downloaded 0 fileLength connection.getContentLength mDownloadFileLength.. downloaded Integer.parseInt strUrl 3 if downloaded 0 connection.connect strLastModified connection.getHeaderField Last Modified fileLength..
Resume Download not working in android connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.connect size connection.getContentLength Dialog.setMax size in new..
Resume http file download in java Range bytes fileThatExists.length connection.connect int lenghtOfFile connection.getContentLength InputStream input..
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests connection.getRequestMethod Still GET at this point try connection.connect Log.d TAG Connected. Method is connection.getRequestMethod..
Android load from URL to Bitmap url.openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.connect InputStream input connection.getInputStream Bitmap myBitmap..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? PLATFORM SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism.class SASLAuthentication.supportSASLMechanism X FACEBOOK PLATFORM 0 m_connection.connect m_connection.login apiKey sessionKey sessionSecret Application catch XMPPException e m_connection.disconnect e.printStackTrace.. if chatManager null chatManager new FacebookChatManager rosterListner return chatManager public boolean connect try connection.connect return true catch XMPPException e e.printStackTrace connection.disconnect return false public void disConnect connection.disconnect..
How to work with an image using url in android? this question You can use the following code to download an image URLConnection connection uri.toURL .openConnection connection.connect InputStream is connection.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is 8 1024 Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeStream..
Listview click to show image in ImageView URL url new URL src HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection url .openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.connect InputStream input connection.getInputStream Bitmap myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream input return myBitmap catch IOException..
IOException: “Received authentication challenge is null” (Apache Harmony/Android) new URL endpointUrl .openConnection connection.setRequestMethod GET ... do some OAuth message signing connection.connect int statusCode connection.getResponseCode throws IOException java android httpurlconnection share improve this question..
Implement pause/resume in file downloading true connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloadedSize connection.setConnectTimeout 14000 connection.connect input new BufferedInputStream connection.getInputStream output new FileOutputStream outputFileCache true input.skip downloadedSize.. outputFileCache true input.skip downloadedSize Skip downloaded size else connection.setConnectTimeout 14000 connection.connect input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream output new FileOutputStream outputFileCache fileLength connection.getContentLength.. Range bytes outputFileCache.length connection.setConnectTimeout 14000 connection.setReadTimeout 20000 connection.connect if connection.getResponseCode 100 2 throw new Exception Invalid response code else String connectionField connection.getHeaderField..
How to download and save an image in Android URL url new URL link HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection url .openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.connect InputStream input connection.getInputStream Bitmap myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream input return myBitmap catch IOException..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog null HttpURLConnection connection null try URL url new URL sUrl 0 connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.connect expect HTTP 200 OK so we don't mistakenly save error report instead of the file if connection.getResponseCode HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK.. intent.getParcelableExtra receiver try URL url new URL urlToDownload URLConnection connection url.openConnection connection.connect this will be useful so that you can show a typical 0 100 progress bar int fileLength connection.getContentLength download..
Android Drawable Images from URL String url throws IOException Bitmap x HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection connection.connect InputStream input connection.getInputStream x BitmapFactory.decodeStream input return new BitmapDrawable x I used the tip..
how to resume an interrupted download Range bytes downloaded here downloaded is the data length already previously downloaded. Connect to server. connection.connect Having done that you can seek at a given point just before the length of your download data say X and start writing the..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 downloaded Integer.parseInt strUrl 3 if downloaded 0 connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.connect fileLength mDownloadFileLength Log.d AsyncDownloadFile new download seek downloaded lengthFile fileLength else connection.connect.. fileLength mDownloadFileLength Log.d AsyncDownloadFile new download seek downloaded lengthFile fileLength else connection.connect downloaded 0 fileLength connection.getContentLength mDownloadFileLength fileLength Map String List String map connection.getHeaderFields.. new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection connection url.openConnection downloaded Integer.parseInt strUrl 3 if downloaded 0 connection.connect strLastModified connection.getHeaderField Last Modified fileLength connection.getContentLength mDownloadFileLength fileLength..
Resume Download not working in android DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.connect size connection.getContentLength Dialog.setMax size in new BufferedInputStream connection.getInputStream fos downloaded..
Resume http file download in java OutputStream output new FileOutputStream path true connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes fileThatExists.length connection.connect int lenghtOfFile connection.getContentLength InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream byte data new byte..
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests false connection.setDoOutput true Log.d TAG Initial method connection.getRequestMethod Still GET at this point try connection.connect Log.d TAG Connected. Method is connection.getRequestMethod Has now turned into POST causing the 405 error InputStream in..
Android load from URL to Bitmap try URL url new URL src HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoInput true connection.connect InputStream input connection.getInputStream Bitmap myBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream input return myBitmap catch IOException..