android Programming Glossary: connectionlost
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed 0 MAINACTIVITY_SET_TEXT_STATE appendText n IN FROM SERVER modifiedSentence Thread.sleep 1000 catch IOException e connectionLost break catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace The thread that makes the socket public void run if I Log.i LOGTAG..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) BluetoothChat.MESSAGE_READ bytes 1 buffer .sendToTarget catch IOException e Log.e TAG disconnected e connectionLost Start the service over to restart listening mode BluetoothChatService.this.start break I have a problem specifically.. BluetoothScale.MESSAGE_READ bytes 1 buffer .sendToTarget catch IOException e Log.e TAG disconnected e connectionLost Start the service over to restart listening mode BluetoothScaleService.this.start break Now the logs look as follows..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service getString R.string.error_connect_failed msg.setData bundle mHandler.sendMessage msg private void connectionLost PrinterService.this.stop Message msg mHandler.obtainMessage AbstractActivity.MESSAGE_TOAST Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString.. tmpIn mmOutStream tmpOut @Override public void run while true try if encodeData mmInStream mState STATE_NONE connectionLost break else mHandler.obtainMessage AbstractActivity.MESSAGE_READ bytes 1 buffer .sendToTarget catch Exception e e.printStackTrace.. AbstractActivity.MESSAGE_READ bytes 1 buffer .sendToTarget catch Exception e e.printStackTrace connectionLost PrinterService.this.stop break private byte btBuff public void write byte buffer try mmOutStream.write buffer Share..