android Programming Glossary: connection.setrequestproperty
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off .openConnection connection.setDoOutput true triggers POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty User Agent.. POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty User Agent Android Multipart HTTP Client 1.1 return connection..
How to set Content Type on HttpURLConnection? code is on Blackberry and I want the Android equivalent connection.setRequestProperty content type text plain charset utf 8 connection.setRequestProperty.. content type text plain charset utf 8 connection.setRequestProperty Host connection.setRequestProperty Expect 100 continue.. utf 8 connection.setRequestProperty Host connection.setRequestProperty Expect 100 continue Is it right for android Please advise. ..
how to resume an interrupted download Specify what portion of file to download. connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded here downloaded is the data length already..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 downloaded Integer.parseInt strUrl 3 if downloaded 0 connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.connect fileLength mDownloadFileLength.. mDownloadFileLength fileLength else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setRequestProperty If Range.. connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setRequestProperty If Range strLastModified connection.connect fileLength mDownloadFileLength..
android image upload false connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty Content.. POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary outStream..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestProperty Content Type application x www form urlencoded connection.setRequestMethod..
HTTP request for XML file url.openConnection connection.setRequestMethod GET connection.setRequestProperty Accept application xml InputStream xml connection.getInputStream..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size HttpURLConnection url.openConnection if userAgent null connection.setRequestProperty User Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout 5000 connection.setReadTimeout.. HttpURLConnection url.openConnection if userAgent null connection.setRequestProperty User Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout 5000 connection.setReadTimeout..
Resume http file download in java path OutputStream output new FileOutputStream path true connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes fileThatExists.length connection.connect int lenghtOfFile.. if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty.. Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error 1024 Enable POST method connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty Content.. POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary outputStream..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off connection HttpURLConnection new URL localhost .openConnection connection.setDoOutput true triggers POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty User Agent Android Multipart HTTP Client 1.1 return connection private.. .openConnection connection.setDoOutput true triggers POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty User Agent Android Multipart HTTP Client 1.1 return connection private boolean wakeWifiUp ConnectivityManager _androidConnectivityMgr..
How to set Content Type on HttpURLConnection? know how to set Content Type on HttpURLConnection Following code is on Blackberry and I want the Android equivalent connection.setRequestProperty content type text plain charset utf 8 connection.setRequestProperty Host connection.setRequestProperty Expect.. is on Blackberry and I want the Android equivalent connection.setRequestProperty content type text plain charset utf 8 connection.setRequestProperty Host connection.setRequestProperty Expect 100 continue Is it right for android Please advise. android httpurlconnection.. connection.setRequestProperty content type text plain charset utf 8 connection.setRequestProperty Host connection.setRequestProperty Expect 100 continue Is it right for android Please advise. android httpurlconnection share improve this question If..
how to resume an interrupted download to URL. HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Specify what portion of file to download. connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded here downloaded is the data length already previously downloaded. Connect to server. connection.connect..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 url new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection connection url.openConnection downloaded Integer.parseInt strUrl 3 if downloaded 0 connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.connect fileLength mDownloadFileLength Log.d AsyncDownloadFile new download seek downloaded.. connection.getHeaderField Last Modified fileLength connection.getContentLength mDownloadFileLength fileLength else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setRequestProperty If Range strLastModified connection.connect fileLength mDownloadFileLength.. mDownloadFileLength fileLength else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setRequestProperty If Range strLastModified connection.connect fileLength mDownloadFileLength Log.d AsyncDownloadFile new download seek..
android image upload connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true connection.setUseCaches false connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary outStream new DataOutputStream.. connection.setUseCaches false connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary outStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream outStream.writeBytes..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? try url new URL your login URL connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestProperty Content Type application x www form urlencoded connection.setRequestMethod POST request new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream..
HTTP request for XML file URL url new URL uri HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setRequestMethod GET connection.setRequestProperty Accept application xml InputStream xml connection.getInputStream DocumentBuilderFactory dbf DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size userAgent null try URL url new URL imgUrl connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection if userAgent null connection.setRequestProperty User Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout 5000 connection.setReadTimeout 5000 int CHUNKSIZE 8192 size of fixed.. userAgent null try URL url new URL imgUrl connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection if userAgent null connection.setRequestProperty User Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout 5000 connection.setReadTimeout 5000 int CHUNKSIZE 8192 size of fixed..
Resume http file download in java connection url.openConnection File fileThatExists new File path OutputStream output new FileOutputStream path true connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes fileThatExists.length connection.connect int lenghtOfFile connection.getContentLength InputStream input new.. ECMConstant.ECM_DOWNLOADING File file new File DESTINATION_PATH if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput.. if file.exists downloaded int file.length connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes file.length else connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes downloaded connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true progressBar.setMax connection.getContentLength..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error false connection.setChunkedStreamingMode 1024 Enable POST method connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary outputStream new.. 1024 Enable POST method connection.setRequestMethod POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary outputStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream outputStream.writeBytes..