android Programming Glossary: config_mediumanimtime
Android: Using ObjectAnimator to translate a View with fractional values of the View's dimension 100 p android toXDelta 0 android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime set My API level is set to 14. Thanks android animation share..
Animate the transition between fragments 50 p android toXDelta 0 android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime alpha android fromAlpha 0.0 android toAlpha 1.0 android duration.. 0.0 android toAlpha 1.0 android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime set But when I tried this it showed 02 08 16 27 37.961 ERROR.. propertyName alpha android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime Note that you can combine multiple animators using set just..
ListFragment Item Selected Background apk res android android exitFadeDuration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime item android state_activated true android drawable @android..
How can I change the touch effect color of the ActionBar in Android 3.0 and higher apk res android android exitFadeDuration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime Even though these two point to the same resource have two states..
Android: Using ObjectAnimator to translate a View with fractional values of the View's dimension apk res android translate android fromXDelta 100 p android toXDelta 0 android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime set My API level is set to 14. Thanks android animation share improve this question Actually object animators accept..
Animate the transition between fragments apk res android translate android fromXDelta 50 p android toXDelta 0 android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime alpha android fromAlpha 0.0 android toAlpha 1.0 android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime set But when I tried.. integer config_mediumAnimTime alpha android fromAlpha 0.0 android toAlpha 1.0 android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime set But when I tried this it showed 02 08 16 27 37.961 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1717 FATAL EXCEPTION main 02 08 16 27 37.961.. accelerate_quad android valueFrom 0 android valueTo 1 android propertyName alpha android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime Note that you can combine multiple animators using set just as you could with the older animation framework. EDIT Since..
ListFragment Item Selected Background holo theme selector xmlns android http apk res android android exitFadeDuration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime item android state_activated true android drawable @android drawable list_selector_background_selected item android drawable..
How can I change the touch effect color of the ActionBar in Android 3.0 and higher drawable XML selector xmlns android http apk res android android exitFadeDuration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime Even though these two point to the same resource have two states so the drawable will invalidate itself when coming out..