android Programming Glossary: connecting
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask Log.d TAG Request failed ClientProtocolException e Error connecting to camera catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Log.d TAG.. Log.d TAG Request failed IOException e Error connecting to camera return null protected void onPostExecute MjpegInputStream..
Android Facebook chat example project Android Open Source Project available Beem Project and For connecting Facebook chat you can used following guidelines. Steps for implementing..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue login.Press Okay to go back to the application without connecting to Facebook. I am not getting what is the problem whether it..
Preventing HttpClient 4 from following redirect HttpClient 4 from following redirect I'm connecting to my AppEngine application using the Apache HttpComponents..
android device id confusion It is mainly used by developers eg identifying and connecting to devices using adb ANDROID_ID can be used to identify an Android..
Android ADB device offline, can't issue commands that requires you to confirm the rsa fingerprint of the connecting device. Open the SDK manager and update the tools then reboot..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called connectionResult Log.d FusedLocationService Error connecting to Fused Location Provider public Location getLastBestStaleLocation..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android Can someone answer on my dilemma which method to use for connecting Android device to mySQL or Postgresql I can do it in both ways..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException Token obtained token snipped do some more stuff involving connecting to the server and resetting the state locally public void onCompletedLoginAttempt..
Secure HTTP Post in Android
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? on a Motorola Droid but I am having some difficulty connecting to the device via USB. My development server is a Windows 7..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse is only with the emulator. All works fine if physically connecting a device with USB debugging turned on. NB This suddenly started..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo working on Android 2.2 FroYo For my app Transdroid I am connecting to remote servers via HTTP and optionally securely via HTTPS...
Simulate low battery & low memory in Android On the Android Emulator you can set the power status by connecting to the Emulator console and using the power command. As far..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback e Do nothing catch IOException e Log.e TAG Error connecting to client e Log.d TAG Proxy interrupted. Shutting down. private..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? that error is because it doesn't trust the server you are connecting either because you did not create the truststore correctly or.. you did not create the truststore correctly or you are connecting to a server whose certificate has not been added to the truststore...
Send data from android to server via JSON to the database. So just replace that with your code for connecting to MYSQL db. Also I imported SendAPI.php which you can just..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android mBTAdapter.cancelDiscovery try System.out .println # connecting BluetoothDevice mdevice mBTAdapter .getRemoteDevice address..
Connecting to MySQL from Android with JDBC to MySQL from Android with JDBC I used the following code to..
How to get current time from internet in android Set timeout of 60 seconds client.setDefaultTimeout 60000 Connecting to time server Other time servers can be found at http
How to parse complex JSON file in android urlConnection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream.. urlConnection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? strUrl urlConnection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream urlConnection.getInputStream..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off _wifiManager.SetWifiEnabled true if wifiInfo.IsConnectedOrConnecting Do not wait for the OS to initiate a reconnect to a Wi Fi router.. wakeWifiUp . When the radio has died wifiInfo.IsConnectedOrConnecting is true I get a network unreachable when I try to connect. I.. not enabled FIXME return false if wifiInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting d Wifi is NOT Connected Or Connecting wake it up and wait..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? m.invoke zee Integer.valueOf 1 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream.. 8e1f0cf7 508f 4875 b62c fbb67fd34812 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream.. super.onDestroy Log 04 19 22 27 01.147 DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Connecting 04 19 22 27 04.085 INFO usbd 1062 process_usb_uevent_message..
connect to sql server from android like your How to connect Android to a database server Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 About how to write web services...
Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() inside AsyncTask for ProgressDialog connectionProgressDialog.setMessage Connecting to site... downloadSpinnerProgressDialog..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android 2 Emulator instances In Android I want to create a Server and..
Connecting to oracle in android to oracle in android So people are probably going to tell me.. connection to the oracle db. Now according to this thread Connecting the oracle in android application He was successful in querying..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 Is there a way that we can.. database that is accessed by both website and Android. Connecting to the database from the website is fine but how can it be done..
“Service discovery failed” from Android Bluetooth Insecure Rfcomm MAC device.getAddress clientSocket tmp ClientThread Connecting to Server try clientSocket.connect catch final IOException e..
Connecting to wi-fi using adb shell to wi fi using adb shell I have all the details to connect..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace Log.d TAG Request failed ClientProtocolException e Error connecting to camera catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Log.d TAG Request failed IOException e Error connecting to camera return.. e Error connecting to camera catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Log.d TAG Request failed IOException e Error connecting to camera return null protected void onPostExecute MjpegInputStream result mv.setSource result mv.setDisplayMode MjpegView.SIZE_BEST_FIT..
Android Facebook chat example project facebook chat share improve this question There is one Android Open Source Project available Beem Project and For connecting Facebook chat you can used following guidelines. Steps for implementing Facebook chat API in Android First we have to implement..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue login he gets a message. Myapp is misconfigured for Facebook login.Press Okay to go back to the application without connecting to Facebook. I am not getting what is the problem whether it is related to Android version or what. Please help. android..
Preventing HttpClient 4 from following redirect HttpClient 4 from following redirect I'm connecting to my AppEngine application using the Apache HttpComponents library. In order to authenticate my users I need to pass an..
android device id confusion https store apps details id com.vcastroi.changeid It is mainly used by developers eg identifying and connecting to devices using adb ANDROID_ID can be used to identify an Android device given the caveats above realistically meaning..
Android ADB device offline, can't issue commands out of date SDK as of 4.2.2 there is a security feature that requires you to confirm the rsa fingerprint of the connecting device. Open the SDK manager and update the tools then reboot android adb android sdk 2.2 share improve this question..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called @Override public void onConnectionFailed ConnectionResult connectionResult Log.d FusedLocationService Error connecting to Fused Location Provider public Location getLastBestStaleLocation Location bestResult null LocationManager locMgr LocationManager..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android vs Web Service for Android Can someone answer on my dilemma which method to use for connecting Android device to mySQL or Postgresql I can do it in both ways without any errors and problems with no noticeable difference..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException public void authorizeCallback String token Log.w LOG_TAG Token obtained token snipped do some more stuff involving connecting to the server and resetting the state locally public void onCompletedLoginAttempt boolean success Log.w LOG_TAG Login attempt..
Secure HTTP Post in Android
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? Android with ADB over TCP I am attempting to debug an application on a Motorola Droid but I am having some difficulty connecting to the device via USB. My development server is a Windows 7 64bit VM running in HyperV and so I cannot connect directly..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse emulator loads fine but apk doesn't get installed. Problem is only with the emulator. All works fine if physically connecting a device with USB debugging turned on. NB This suddenly started happening for no apparent reason. All used to work fine...
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo For my app Transdroid I am connecting to remote servers via HTTP and optionally securely via HTTPS. For these HTTPS connections with the HttpClient I am using..
Simulate low battery & low memory in Android am aware of Intents. android share improve this question On the Android Emulator you can set the power status by connecting to the Emulator console and using the power command. As far as low memory goes you just need to make sure that your application..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback if task.processRequest task.execute catch SocketTimeoutException e Do nothing catch IOException e Log.e TAG Error connecting to client e Log.d TAG Proxy interrupted. Shutting down. private class StreamToMediaPlayerTask extends AsyncTask String..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? it makes the KeyStore file. 2 The reason you're getting that error is because it doesn't trust the server you are connecting either because you did not create the truststore correctly or you are connecting to a server whose certificate has not been.. it doesn't trust the server you are connecting either because you did not create the truststore correctly or you are connecting to a server whose certificate has not been added to the truststore. What exactly are you trying to connect to 3 Make sure..
Send data from android to server via JSON I import Connection.php this just deals with the connection to the database. So just replace that with your code for connecting to MYSQL db. Also I imported SendAPI.php which you can just ignore This was just my class for sending data. Basically it..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android Connecting... mBTAdapter.cancelDiscovery try System.out .println # connecting BluetoothDevice mdevice mBTAdapter .getRemoteDevice address Method m mdevice.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket..
Connecting to MySQL from Android with JDBC to MySQL from Android with JDBC I used the following code to connect MySQL in localhost from Android. It only displays..
How to get current time from internet in android args try TimeTCPClient client new TimeTCPClient try Set timeout of 60 seconds client.setDefaultTimeout 60000 Connecting to time server Other time servers can be found at http tf cgi servers.cgi# Make sure that your program NEVER..
How to parse complex JSON file in android an http connection to communicate with url HttpURLConnection urlConnection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream urlConnection.getInputStream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader.. an http connection to communicate with url HttpURLConnection urlConnection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream urlConnection.getInputStream Getting Caching directory File..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? HttpURLConnection urlConnection null try URL url new URL strUrl urlConnection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream urlConnection.getInputStream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off for some devices when enable WiFi does not occur immediately _wifiManager.SetWifiEnabled true if wifiInfo.IsConnectedOrConnecting Do not wait for the OS to initiate a reconnect to a Wi Fi router _wifiManager.PingSupplicant if _wifiManager.WifiState WifiState.Enabled.. radio died I acquire a wifi lock and I call your function wakeWifiUp . When the radio has died wifiInfo.IsConnectedOrConnecting is true I get a network unreachable when I try to connect. I workaround it as in public final class NetworkService extends.. _wifiManager.setWifiEnabled true do not enable if not enabled FIXME return false if wifiInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting d Wifi is NOT Connected Or Connecting wake it up and wait till is up Do not wait for the OS to initiate a reconnect to..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket m.invoke zee Integer.valueOf 1 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 50 int read 0 Log.d ZeeTest Listening..... A6 55 sock zee.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord UUID.fromString 8e1f0cf7 508f 4875 b62c fbb67fd34812 Log.d ZeeTest Connecting sock.connect Log.d ZeeTest Connected in sock.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 1 int bytes 0 int x 0 Log.d ZeeTest Listening..... null sock.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace super.onDestroy Log 04 19 22 27 01.147 DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Connecting 04 19 22 27 04.085 INFO usbd 1062 process_usb_uevent_message buffer add@ devices virtual bluetooth hci0 hci0 1 04 19 22..
connect to sql server from android using Http. And also there are many themes in stackoverflow like your How to connect Android to a database server Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 About how to write web services. It's a big question and you must choose technology there..
Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() inside AsyncTask for ProgressDialog true connectionProgressDialog.setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER connectionProgressDialog.setMessage Connecting to site... downloadSpinnerProgressDialog new ProgressDialog SetPreference.this downloadSpinnerProgressDialog.setProgressStyle..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android 2 Emulator instances In Android I want to create a Server and a Client in 2 Emulator to write and read data. I write code..
Connecting to oracle in android to oracle in android So people are probably going to tell me this is a bad idea but I'd like to at least give it a go... to be globally accessible which is why I will need direct connection to the oracle db. Now according to this thread Connecting the oracle in android application He was successful in querying the oracle db. So I have a fairly basic class that when..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 Is there a way that we can connect an Android application to a central database server.. a central database server e.g. MSSQLServer 2008 I have a MySQL database that is accessed by both website and Android. Connecting to the database from the website is fine but how can it be done from the Android app android mysql sql server share improve..
“Service discovery failed” from Android Bluetooth Insecure Rfcomm e Log.i TAG Failed to createInsecureRfcommSocket against MAC device.getAddress clientSocket tmp ClientThread Connecting to Server try clientSocket.connect catch final IOException e DeviceConnections.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable @Override..
Connecting to wi-fi using adb shell to wi fi using adb shell I have all the details to connect to a particular access point. I have to use that access point..