android Programming Glossary: connection.getoutputstream
http post method passing null values to the server POST request new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream request.flush request.close request.write Hello String line..
Android webserver shows html pages as text contentType OutputStream raw new BufferedOutputStream connection.getOutputStream Writer out new OutputStreamWriter raw Reader in new InputStreamReader..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off serverOutputStream null try serverOutputStream connection.getOutputStream now this is really where the connection might seriously throw..
android image upload data boundary boundary outStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream outStream.writeBytes addParam someparam content of some param..
WIFI to WIFI Connectivity using Android connection.getInputStream toServer new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream public boolean open String host int port try connection new..
Android: 3G to WIFI switch while in the middle on the app = loss of network connectivity body.length OutputStreamWriter wr new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream wr.write getParameters wr.flush connection.connect responseCode..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? POST request new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream request.write parameters request.flush request.close String..
Android image Upload problem will be the file name outputStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bufferSize Math.min..
problem with uploading captured image in android camera data boundary boundary outputStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream outputStream.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd outputStream.writeBytes..
How to implement file upload progress bar in android url.openConnection OutputStream outputStream connection.getOutputStream int bufferLength 1024 for int i 0 i bytes.length i bufferLength..
Android HTTPS exception Connection reset by peer charset charset OutputStream output null try output connection.getOutputStream output.write query.getBytes charset catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error data boundary boundary outputStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream outputStream.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd String connstr..
http post method passing null values to the server url.openConnection connection.setDoOutput true connection.setRequestMethod POST request new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream request.flush request.close request.write Hello String line InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader connection.getInputStream..
Android webserver shows html pages as text ex connection Socket pool.remove 0 try String filename String contentType OutputStream raw new BufferedOutputStream connection.getOutputStream Writer out new OutputStreamWriter raw Reader in new InputStreamReader new BufferedInputStream connection.getInputStream..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off catch IOException e won't throw it doesn't do much OutputStream serverOutputStream null try serverOutputStream connection.getOutputStream now this is really where the connection might seriously throw .... Work .... catch IOException e w IOException sending..
android image upload Alive connection.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary outStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream outStream.writeBytes addParam someparam content of some param twoHyphens boundary lineEnd outStream.writeBytes twoHyphens..
WIFI to WIFI Connectivity using Android is opened fromServer new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader connection.getInputStream toServer new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream public boolean open String host int port try connection new Socket host port return true catch IOException e Log.v smswifi..
Android: 3G to WIFI switch while in the middle on the app = loss of network connectivity Content Length Integer.toString body.length OutputStreamWriter wr new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream wr.write getParameters wr.flush connection.connect responseCode connection.getResponseCode And stacktrace E xxx.yyy.zzz..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? Content Type application x www form urlencoded connection.setRequestMethod POST request new OutputStreamWriter connection.getOutputStream request.write parameters request.flush request.close String line InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader connection.getInputStream..
Android image Upload problem connection.setRequestProperty SD FileName sysdroid.png This will be the file name outputStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable maxBufferSize buffer new byte bufferSize Read..
problem with uploading captured image in android camera connection.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary outputStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream outputStream.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd outputStream.writeBytes Content Disposition form data name userfile..
How to implement file upload progress bar in android url new URL some path HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection OutputStream outputStream connection.getOutputStream int bufferLength 1024 for int i 0 i bytes.length i bufferLength int progress int i float bytes.length 100 publishProgress..
Android HTTPS exception Connection reset by peer Content Type application x www form urlencoded charset charset OutputStream output null try output connection.getOutputStream output.write query.getBytes charset catch IOException e e.printStackTrace showError2 Check your network settings finally..
Upload large file in Android without outofmemory error connection.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary outputStream new DataOutputStream connection.getOutputStream outputStream.writeBytes twoHyphens boundary lineEnd String connstr null connstr Content Disposition form data name uploadedfile..