android Programming Glossary: conn.connect
upload video to facebook in android true conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive conn.connect os new BufferedOutputStream conn.getOutputStream os.write..
ListFragment does not accept my layout myFileUrl .openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream return BitmapFactory.decodeStream..
How to open one particular folder from gallery in android? conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected..
android - Caused by: android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException [duplicate] myFileUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream downloadBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. myFileUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream downloadBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream..
Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed] HttpURLConnection url.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream bmImg BitmapFactory.decodeStream..
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis.. aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory..
Get Bitmap from an Uri [android] null try URLConnection conn new URL url .openConnection conn.connect is conn.getInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is 8192 bm..
Gallery with folder filter conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect public void onMediaScannerConnected conn.scanFile SCAN_PATH..
Android FileNotFound Exception - Cannot getInputStream from image URL that does not have file format imageUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect int length conn.getContentLength InputStream is conn.getInputStream..
Load Large Image from server on Android myFileUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BitmapFactory.Options options..
Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate] conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? position URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream Buffered is always good..
Trust Anchor not found for Android SSL Connection 20000 conn.setDoInput true conn.setDoOutput true conn.connect String tempString toString conn.getInputStream android ssl..
Need a simple tutorial for android/webservice work? new URL get_url URLConnection conn url.openConnection conn.connect conn. in conn.getInputStream Log.d Buffer Size in.toString..
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text urlString final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect final BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream conn.getInputStream..
How to add parameters to HttpURLConnection using POST getQuery params writer.flush writer.close os.close conn.connect ... private String getQuery List NameValuePair params throws..
upload video to facebook in android data boundary strBoundary conn.setDoOutput true conn.setDoInput true conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive conn.connect os new BufferedOutputStream conn.getOutputStream os.write strBoundary endLine .getBytes os.write encodePostBody params..
ListFragment does not accept my layout return null try HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection myFileUrl .openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream return BitmapFactory.decodeStream is catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return..
How to open one particular folder from gallery in android? void startScan Log.d Connected success conn if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected success conn conn.scanFile SCAN_PATH FILE_TYPE..
android - Caused by: android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException [duplicate] images chicken_soup.jpg HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection myFileUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream downloadBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream is catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace.. images chicken_soup.jpg HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection myFileUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream downloadBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream is catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace..
Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed] code URL url new URL user_image_url HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream bmImg BitmapFactory.decodeStream is After that you can replace the BitmapFactory.decodeResource..
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask Bitmap download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis.. Bitmap download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? URLConnection conn aUrl.openConnection conn.setReadTimeout 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser sp spf.newSAXParser..
Get Bitmap from an Uri [android] Bitmap bm null InputStream is null BufferedInputStream bis null try URLConnection conn new URL url .openConnection conn.connect is conn.getInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is 8192 bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
Gallery with folder filter v startScan private void startScan if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect public void onMediaScannerConnected conn.scanFile SCAN_PATH FILE_TYPE public void onScanCompleted String path Uri uri..
Android FileNotFound Exception - Cannot getInputStream from image URL that does not have file format URL imageUrl new URL url try HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection imageUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect int length conn.getContentLength InputStream is conn.getInputStream return BitmapFactory.decodeStream is catch IOException..
Load Large Image from server on Android null try myFileUrl new URL src HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection myFileUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inSampleSize 16 bmImg..
Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate] void startScan Log.d Connected success conn if conn null conn.disconnect conn new MediaScannerConnection this this conn.connect @Override public void onMediaScannerConnected Log.d onMediaScannerConnected success conn conn.scanFile SCAN_PATH FILE_TYPE..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? ImageView this.myContext try URL aURL new URL myRemoteImages position URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream Buffered is always good for a performance plus. BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream..
Trust Anchor not found for Android SSL Connection new URL mURL .openConnection conn.setConnectTimeout 20000 conn.setDoInput true conn.setDoOutput true conn.connect String tempString toString conn.getInputStream android ssl ssl certificate share improve this question The solution..
Need a simple tutorial for android/webservice work? InputStream in null byte data new byte 1000 try URL url new URL get_url URLConnection conn url.openConnection conn.connect conn. in conn.getInputStream Log.d Buffer Size in.toString .length BufferedReader rd new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text Drawable fetchDrawable String urlString try URL aURL new URL urlString final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect final BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream conn.getInputStream final Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis..
How to add parameters to HttpURLConnection using POST new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter os UTF 8 writer.write getQuery params writer.flush writer.close os.close conn.connect ... private String getQuery List NameValuePair params throws UnsupportedEncodingException StringBuilder result new StringBuilder..