android Programming Glossary: conn
upload video to facebook in android Util.logd Facebook Util method URL url HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection conn.setRequestProperty.. conn HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection conn.setRequestProperty User Agent System.getProperties . getProperty.. access_token params.putString access_token decoded_token conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Content Type..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations with any products systems or applications for or in connection with a real time navigation or route guidance including.. double fromLat double fromLon double toLat double toLon connect to map web service StringBuffer urlString new StringBuffer.. mRoute new double public Point mPoints new Point Network connection is implemented in different ways on Android and Blackberry..
Secure HTTP Post in Android int response 1 URL url new URL urlString URLConnection conn url.openConnection if conn instanceof HttpURLConnection throw.. new URL urlString URLConnection conn url.openConnection if conn instanceof HttpURLConnection throw new IOException Not an.. HttpURLConnection throw new IOException Not an HTTP connection try HttpURLConnection httpConn HttpURLConnection conn..
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream.. aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream.. new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? null try final URL aUrl new URL url final URLConnection conn aUrl.openConnection conn.setReadTimeout 15 1000 timeout for.. new URL url final URLConnection conn aUrl.openConnection conn.setReadTimeout 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data.. 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory..
Restful API service restfulService private RestfulServiceConnection conn private boolean started false private Context context public.. i started false public void bindService if conn null conn new RestfulServiceConnection Intent i new Intent.. i started false public void bindService if conn null conn new RestfulServiceConnection Intent i new Intent i.setClassName..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? Android Code private void doFileUpload HttpURLConnection conn null DataOutputStream dos null DataInputStream inStream null.. new FileInputStream new File existingFileName open a URL connection to the Servlet URL url new URL urlString Open a HTTP connection.. to the Servlet URL url new URL urlString Open a HTTP connection to the URL conn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Allow..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver I'm trying to use JDBC in my Android application to connect to a remote database to do inserts queries etc. I have successfully.. database to do inserts queries etc. I have successfully connected and done these things in a different JAVA project. So I.. java.sql.Statement stmt private java.sql.Connection conn public SQLUtils String conn_url String user String pass this.CONNECTION_URL..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method httpUri is a HttpUriRequest method.releaseConnection conn.disconnect conn is a HttpURLConnection state.clearCookies cookieStore.clear.. is a HttpUriRequest method.releaseConnection conn.disconnect conn is a HttpURLConnection state.clearCookies cookieStore.clear.. a HttpUriRequest method.releaseConnection conn.disconnect conn is a HttpURLConnection state.clearCookies cookieStore.clear..
upload video to facebook in android filename if method.equals GET url url encodeUrl params Util.logd Facebook Util method URL url HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection conn.setRequestProperty User Agent System.getProperties . getProperty http.agent.. params Util.logd Facebook Util method URL url HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection conn.setRequestProperty User Agent System.getProperties . getProperty http.agent FacebookAndroidSDK if method.equals GET Bundle.. String decoded_token URLDecoder.decode params.getString access_token params.putString access_token decoded_token conn.setRequestMethod POST conn.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary strBoundary conn.setDoOutput..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations may you permit anyone else to ... 10.9 use the Service or Content with any products systems or applications for or in connection with a real time navigation or route guidance including but not limited to turn by turn route guidance that is synchronized.. start and destination locations public static String getUrl double fromLat double fromLon double toLat double toLon connect to map web service StringBuffer urlString new StringBuffer urlString.append http maps f d hl en urlString.append.. public int mColor public int mWidth public double mRoute new double public Point mPoints new Point Network connection is implemented in different ways on Android and Blackberry so you will have to first form url public static String..
Secure HTTP Post in Android String urlString throws IOException InputStream in null int response 1 URL url new URL urlString URLConnection conn url.openConnection if conn instanceof HttpURLConnection throw new IOException Not an HTTP connection try HttpURLConnection.. IOException InputStream in null int response 1 URL url new URL urlString URLConnection conn url.openConnection if conn instanceof HttpURLConnection throw new IOException Not an HTTP connection try HttpURLConnection httpConn HttpURLConnection.. URLConnection conn url.openConnection if conn instanceof HttpURLConnection throw new IOException Not an HTTP connection try HttpURLConnection httpConn HttpURLConnection conn httpConn.setAllowUserInteraction false httpConn.setInstanceFollowRedirects..
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask URL public static Bitmap download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is.. Bitmap download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bm BitmapFactory.decodeStream..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? myapp.APP urlString url NavigationDataSet navigationDataSet null try final URL aUrl new URL url final URLConnection conn aUrl.openConnection conn.setReadTimeout 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser.. NavigationDataSet navigationDataSet null try final URL aUrl new URL url final URLConnection conn aUrl.openConnection conn.setReadTimeout 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory... URLConnection conn aUrl.openConnection conn.setReadTimeout 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser sp spf.newSAXParser..
Restful API service new RemoteCallbackList IRemoteServiceCallback public IRestfulService restfulService private RestfulServiceConnection conn private boolean started false private Context context public ServiceManager Context context this.context context public.. context.stopService i started false public void bindService if conn null conn new RestfulServiceConnection Intent i new Intent i.setClassName context.stopService i started false public void bindService if conn null conn new RestfulServiceConnection Intent i new Intent i.setClassName
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? from the Android's SD card to my own Web Server. The Java Android Code private void doFileUpload HttpURLConnection conn null DataOutputStream dos null DataInputStream inStream null String existingFileName Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. try CLIENT REQUEST FileInputStream fileInputStream new FileInputStream new File existingFileName open a URL connection to the Servlet URL url new URL urlString Open a HTTP connection to the URL conn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection.. FileInputStream new File existingFileName open a URL connection to the Servlet URL url new URL urlString Open a HTTP connection to the URL conn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Allow Inputs conn.setDoInput true Allow Outputs conn.setDoOutput..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver JDBC not working ClassNotFoundException on driver I'm trying to use JDBC in my Android application to connect to a remote database to do inserts queries etc. I have successfully connected and done these things in a different JAVA.. to use JDBC in my Android application to connect to a remote database to do inserts queries etc. I have successfully connected and done these things in a different JAVA project. So I figured since Android is Java I could just port over the relevant.. CONNECTION_URL private String user private String pass private java.sql.Statement stmt private java.sql.Connection conn public SQLUtils String conn_url String user String pass this.CONNECTION_URL conn_url this.user user this.pass pass public..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method null HttpUriRequest httpUri null method.abort httpUri.abort httpUri is a HttpUriRequest method.releaseConnection conn.disconnect conn is a HttpURLConnection state.clearCookies cookieStore.clear cookieStore is a BasicCookieStore HttpClient.. HttpUriRequest httpUri null method.abort httpUri.abort httpUri is a HttpUriRequest method.releaseConnection conn.disconnect conn is a HttpURLConnection state.clearCookies cookieStore.clear cookieStore is a BasicCookieStore HttpClient client.. httpUri null method.abort httpUri.abort httpUri is a HttpUriRequest method.releaseConnection conn.disconnect conn is a HttpURLConnection state.clearCookies cookieStore.clear cookieStore is a BasicCookieStore HttpClient client new HttpClient..