android Programming Glossary: assertequals
Encryption error on Android 4.2 The HEX string should not be empty hexString.length 0 assertEquals The HEX string was not encoded correctly HEX hexString public.. The HEX string should not be empty stringBytes.length 0 assertEquals The HEX string was not encoded correctly ORIGINAL new String.. decrypted result should not be empty decrypted.length 0 assertEquals Something went wrong ORIGINAL decrypted The line throwing the..
How to use Parcel in Android? sure that the byte array seems to contain a Parcelable assertEquals 4 bytes 0 Parcel.VAL_PARCELABLE Unmarshall a Foo from that byte.. Foo.class.getClassLoader assertNotNull result FAIL assertEquals orig.str result.str protected static class Foo implements Parcelable.. sure that the byte stream seems to contain a Parcelable assertEquals 4 bytes 0 Parcel.VAL_PARCELABLE p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length..
Can I use assert on Android devices? now you can use all the functions like assertTrue assertEquals assertNull that are provided in the junit framework. Be careful..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory javac location class com.myapp.test.HttpTest javac assertEquals MyApp getInstrumentation .getTargetContext .getResources .getString.. 28 cannot find symbol javac symbol method assertEquals java.lang.String java.lang.String javac location class com.myapp.test.LinksTest.. javac location class com.myapp.test.LinksTest javac assertEquals map.get url 1 javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp..
Encryption error on Android 4.2 The HEX string should not be null hexString assertTrue The HEX string should not be empty hexString.length 0 assertEquals The HEX string was not encoded correctly HEX hexString public void testFromHex byte stringBytes UtilsEncryption.fromHex.. The HEX string should not be null stringBytes assertTrue The HEX string should not be empty stringBytes.length 0 assertEquals The HEX string was not encoded correctly ORIGINAL new String stringBytes public void testWholeProcess String encrypted.. decrypted result should not be null decrypted assertTrue The decrypted result should not be empty decrypted.length 0 assertEquals Something went wrong ORIGINAL decrypted The line throwing the exception is byte encrypted cipher.doFinal value The full..
How to use Parcel in Android? p1.writeValue orig final byte bytes p1.marshall Check to make sure that the byte array seems to contain a Parcelable assertEquals 4 bytes 0 Parcel.VAL_PARCELABLE Unmarshall a Foo from that byte array final Parcel p2 Parcel.obtain p2.unmarshall bytes.. bytes 0 bytes.length final Foo result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader assertNotNull result FAIL assertEquals orig.str result.str protected static class Foo implements Parcelable protected static final Parcelable.Creator Foo CREATOR.. result try p1.writeValue orig bytes p1.marshall Check to make sure that the byte stream seems to contain a Parcelable assertEquals 4 bytes 0 Parcel.VAL_PARCELABLE p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length p2.setDataPosition 0 result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader..
Can I use assert on Android devices? the JUnit Assert . You can do import static junit.framework.Assert. now you can use all the functions like assertTrue assertEquals assertNull that are provided in the junit framework. Be careful not to import the Junit4 framework through eclipse that..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory 19 cannot find symbol javac symbol method getInstrumentation javac location class com.myapp.test.HttpTest javac assertEquals MyApp getInstrumentation .getTargetContext .getResources .getString com.myapp.R.string.app_name javac ^ javac Users mike.. mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src com myapp test 28 cannot find symbol javac symbol method assertEquals java.lang.String java.lang.String javac location class com.myapp.test.LinksTest javac assertEquals map.get url 1.. javac symbol method assertEquals java.lang.String java.lang.String javac location class com.myapp.test.LinksTest javac assertEquals map.get url 1 javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src com myapp test 19..