android Programming Glossary: artist
How to get current music track info? intent.getStringExtra command Log.v tag action cmd String artist intent.getStringExtra artist String album intent.getStringExtra.. Log.v tag action cmd String artist intent.getStringExtra artist String album intent.getStringExtra album String track intent.getStringExtra.. album String track intent.getStringExtra track Log.v tag artist album track Toast.makeText CurrentMusicTrackInfoActivity.this..
Spinner : onItemSelected not called when selected item remains the same 1 trackAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged break case 1 artist getActivity .sendBroadcast new Intent MyIntentAction.DO_ORDER_PLAYLIST_BY_ARTIST..
Android AsyncTask String KEY_TITLE title static final String KEY_ARTIST artist static final String KEY_THUMB_URL thumb_url private ProgressDialog.. private ProgressDialog pDialog String title String artist String image_url ImageView view @Override public void onCreate.. KEY_THUMB_URL title in.getStringExtra KEY_TITLE artist in.getStringExtra KEY_ARTIST return null @Override protected..
IntelliJ and 3 grid rowCount 2 android id @ id player_grid previous artist label button view LinearLayout android id @ id prev_artist_label_layout.. artist label button view LinearLayout android id @ id prev_artist_label_layout android background @drawable player_prev_artist_bg_full.. android background @drawable player_prev_artist_bg_full android padding 10dp grid layout_column 0 grid layout_row..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview image TextView email TextView vi.findViewById artist name HashMap String String detail new HashMap String String..
How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android? cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM int artistIndex cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST int albumId.. albumIdIndex String name cur.getString albumIndex String artist cur.getString artistIndex LogUtil.i TAG albumid albumId album.. name cur.getString albumIndex String artist cur.getString artistIndex LogUtil.i TAG albumid albumId album name artist artist..
Android: Starting An Activity For A Different Third Party App app into it. Basically when someone is looking at an artist in my app I would like to have a button that they can tap to.. that they can tap to open up application with the artist's information. This intent works but it loads a menu asking..
Create easy alphabetical scrolling in ListView? that pops up which allows one to scroll super fast to the artist album track they're looking for Is there a method to enable..
i want get audio files in sd card cursor_cols where null null cursor.moveToNext final String artist cursor.getString _cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST.. MediaStore.Audio.Media.TITLE doSomethingHere artist album track The data field contains a handle you can use with..
How to get and set (change) ID3 tag (metadata) of audio files? try IMusicMetadata metadata src_set.getSimplified String artist metadata.getArtist String album metadata.getAlbum String song_title.. Number track_number metadata.getTrackNumber Log.i artist artist Log.i album album catch Exception e e.printStackTrace.. Number track_number metadata.getTrackNumber Log.i artist artist Log.i album album catch Exception e e.printStackTrace File..
Android “single top” launch mode and onNewIntent method to this in AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .ArtistActivity android label Artist android launchMode singleTop activity.. activity android name .ArtistActivity android label Artist android launchMode singleTop activity in my calling Activity.. new Intent i.putExtra EXTRA_KEY_ARTIST id i.setClass this ArtistActivity.class i.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP startActivity..
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter have a ListView which is connected to a ArrayAdapter where Artist is a simple class of mine that has only an id and a name. Now..
Setting Ringtone notification from SD card file audio mp3 values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.DURATION 230 values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE.. audio mpeg values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE false values.put..
Incoming call dynamically override default ringtone audio mpeg values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE true values.put..
How to get Sampling rate and frequency of music file (MP3) in android? So i want to add the details of the playing song i.e. Artist Name Duration Bit rate and sampling frequency. I can get Artist.. Name Duration Bit rate and sampling frequency. I can get Artist Name and duration of a music file by using MediaStore.Audio.Media..
Read ID3 Tags of an MP3 file stored in the SD card. I want to basically fetch Title Artist Album Track Length Album Art android mp3 id3 id3 tag share..
How to get and set (change) ID3 tag (metadata) of audio files? to change ID3 tags the metadata in audio files such as Artist Title Album etc. And the core point . that edited ID3 tags should.. metadata src_set.getSimplified String artist metadata.getArtist String album metadata.getAlbum String song_title metadata.getSongTitle.. meta new MusicMetadata name meta.setAlbum Chirag meta.setArtist CS try new MyID3 .write src dst src_set meta catch UnsupportedEncodingException..
How to get current music track info? Intent intent String action intent.getAction String cmd intent.getStringExtra command Log.v tag action cmd String artist intent.getStringExtra artist String album intent.getStringExtra album String track intent.getStringExtra track Log.v tag.. intent.getAction String cmd intent.getStringExtra command Log.v tag action cmd String artist intent.getStringExtra artist String album intent.getStringExtra album String track intent.getStringExtra track Log.v tag artist album track Toast.makeText.. artist String album intent.getStringExtra album String track intent.getStringExtra track Log.v tag artist album track Toast.makeText CurrentMusicTrackInfoActivity.this track Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show It is working fine for some..
Spinner : onItemSelected not called when selected item remains the same smp.setCurrentTracklistCursorPos 1 trackAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged break case 1 artist getActivity .sendBroadcast new Intent MyIntentAction.DO_ORDER_PLAYLIST_BY_ARTIST smp.setCurrentTracklistCursorPos..
Android AsyncTask extends Activity XML node keys static final String KEY_TITLE title static final String KEY_ARTIST artist static final String KEY_THUMB_URL thumb_url private ProgressDialog pDialog String title String artist String image_url ImageView.. KEY_ARTIST artist static final String KEY_THUMB_URL thumb_url private ProgressDialog pDialog String title String artist String image_url ImageView view @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. Background Thread Intent in getIntent image_url in.getStringExtra KEY_THUMB_URL title in.getStringExtra KEY_TITLE artist in.getStringExtra KEY_ARTIST return null @Override protected void onPostExecute String args dismiss the dialog after..
IntelliJ and fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent grid columnCount 3 grid rowCount 2 android id @ id player_grid previous artist label button view LinearLayout android id @ id prev_artist_label_layout android background @drawable player_prev_artist_bg_full.. 3 grid rowCount 2 android id @ id player_grid previous artist label button view LinearLayout android id @ id prev_artist_label_layout android background @drawable player_prev_artist_bg_full android padding 10dp grid layout_column 0 grid layout_row.. label button view LinearLayout android id @ id prev_artist_label_layout android background @drawable player_prev_artist_bg_full android padding 10dp grid layout_column 0 grid layout_row 0 TextView android id @ id prev_artist_label android..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview thumb_image ImageView vi.findViewById thumb image TextView email TextView vi.findViewById artist name HashMap String String detail new HashMap String String detail data.get position Setting all values in listview nama_toko.setText..
How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android? cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_ID int albumIndex cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM int artistIndex cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST int albumId cur.getInt albumIdIndex String name cur.getString albumIndex.. MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST int albumId cur.getInt albumIdIndex String name cur.getString albumIndex String artist cur.getString artistIndex LogUtil.i TAG albumid albumId album name artist artist Album album new Album albumId name artist.. int albumId cur.getInt albumIdIndex String name cur.getString albumIndex String artist cur.getString artistIndex LogUtil.i TAG albumid albumId album name artist artist Album album new Album albumId name artist if albums.contains..
Android: Starting An Activity For A Different Third Party App App I'm working on an app and I want to integrate the app into it. Basically when someone is looking at an artist in my app I would like to have a button that they can tap to open up application with the artist's information... looking at an artist in my app I would like to have a button that they can tap to open up application with the artist's information. This intent works but it loads a menu asking which app I would like to use Browser or Intent i new..
Create easy alphabetical scrolling in ListView? in the latest Music app namely the nice little cursor that pops up which allows one to scroll super fast to the artist album track they're looking for Is there a method to enable functionality like this in a ListView in the Android SDK android..
i want get audio files in sd card 1 final Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query uri cursor_cols where null null cursor.moveToNext final String artist cursor.getString _cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST final String album cursor.getString _cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow.. final String track cursor.getString _cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Audio.Media.TITLE doSomethingHere artist album track The data field contains a handle you can use with MediaPlayer. while doing this media files scanning and indexing..
How to get and set (change) ID3 tag (metadata) of audio files? if src_set null perhaps no metadata Log.i NULL NULL else try IMusicMetadata metadata src_set.getSimplified String artist metadata.getArtist String album metadata.getAlbum String song_title metadata.getSongTitle Number track_number metadata.getTrackNumber.. album metadata.getAlbum String song_title metadata.getSongTitle Number track_number metadata.getTrackNumber Log.i artist artist Log.i album album catch Exception e e.printStackTrace File dst new File pathdata MusicMetadata meta new MusicMetadata.. metadata.getAlbum String song_title metadata.getSongTitle Number track_number metadata.getTrackNumber Log.i artist artist Log.i album album catch Exception e e.printStackTrace File dst new File pathdata MusicMetadata meta new MusicMetadata..
Android “single top” launch mode and onNewIntent method Activity itself doesn't do anything worth mentioning in regards to this in AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .ArtistActivity android label Artist android launchMode singleTop activity in my calling Activity Intent i new Intent i.putExtra.. worth mentioning in regards to this in AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .ArtistActivity android label Artist android launchMode singleTop activity in my calling Activity Intent i new Intent i.putExtra EXTRA_KEY_ARTIST id i.setClass.. singleTop activity in my calling Activity Intent i new Intent i.putExtra EXTRA_KEY_ARTIST id i.setClass this ArtistActivity.class i.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP startActivity i java android activity android intent android manifest..
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter I have a ListView which is connected to a ArrayAdapter where Artist is a simple class of mine that has only an id and a name. Now I want to filter the ListView so I call artistAdapter.getFilter..
Setting Ringtone notification from SD card file 215454 values.put MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE audio mp3 values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.DURATION 230 values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE false values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_NOTIFICATION.. My Song title values.put MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE audio mpeg values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE false values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_NOTIFICATION true values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_ALARM..
Incoming call dynamically override default ringtone My Song title values.put MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE audio mpeg values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE true values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_NOTIFICATION false values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_ALARM..
How to get Sampling rate and frequency of music file (MP3) in android? file MP3 in android I am developing audio player in android. So i want to add the details of the playing song i.e. Artist Name Duration Bit rate and sampling frequency. I can get Artist Name and duration of a music file by using MediaStore.Audio.Media.. So i want to add the details of the playing song i.e. Artist Name Duration Bit rate and sampling frequency. I can get Artist Name and duration of a music file by using MediaStore.Audio.Media library . But i am unable to get Bit rate and sampling..
Read ID3 Tags of an MP3 file MP3 file I am trying to read ID3 from a mp3 file thats locally stored in the SD card. I want to basically fetch Title Artist Album Track Length Album Art android mp3 id3 id3 tag share improve this question You can get all of this using MediaMetadataRetriever..
How to get and set (change) ID3 tag (metadata) of audio files? and set change ID3 tag metadata of audio files I am working to change ID3 tags the metadata in audio files such as Artist Title Album etc. And the core point . that edited ID3 tags should be shown only into my app. android metadata id3 mediastore.. no metadata Log.i NULL NULL else try IMusicMetadata metadata src_set.getSimplified String artist metadata.getArtist String album metadata.getAlbum String song_title metadata.getSongTitle Number track_number metadata.getTrackNumber Log.i.. e.printStackTrace File dst new File pathdata MusicMetadata meta new MusicMetadata name meta.setAlbum Chirag meta.setArtist CS try new MyID3 .write src dst src_set meta catch UnsupportedEncodingException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace..