android Programming Glossary: asks
Calling camera from an activity, capturing an image and uploading to a server list.size 0 The problem is when I capture the image it asks for save or discard. When I click on save my app crashes saying..
Android Eclipse Classpath - want to add classpath container path but eclipse won't let me tab mentions can't be found and Eclipse asks me to check the build path. Clicking Properties Java Build Path..
Google Maps API V2 'Failed to Load Map. Could not contact Google Servers' of the following steps. App Key For API Access When Google asks for the SHA1 fingerprint of your app certificate you will want..
Android emulator spams logcat with "Service has leaked ServiceConnection … that was originally bound here I be worried I will post codes additionally when someone asks because I don't know where could the problem be and I don't..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? VM window. It should say File transfer in progress once it asks you to flash it click 'OK' Now Reboot your VM using ADB or an..
View the Task's activity stack command line you can use adb shell dumpsys activity This asks the activity manager to print a dump of its current state. The..
How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service options as I see it Polling. The Activity periodically asks the Service for the latest data. IMHO this option sucks but..
How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi-fi? you that their program will not work over WiFi and then asks the user if they want to turn off the WiFi connection. If you..
Looking for android Facebook SDK examples how to acquire your facebook api key.html ...if it asks about the platform of the app you intent to create choose mobile...
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? think I'm missing a pre apkbuilder step because apkbuilder asks for a resource zip archive and I have a resource folder. ant..
How to save user state in Android? that software and try to use it for the first time it asks me for a password and to confirm that password. Then after writing.. Now if I close that software and open again it asks me to write ONLY the password. After entering the password correctly.. that application from the phone and install it again it asks me to enter the password and confirm the password. So tell me..
Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore? using Java but I realized that normally the Keystore tool asks for the password only when I press enter. but to get the brute..
Is it possible to dynamically load a library at runtime from an Android application? depending on the input values. The application asks for these input values and then checks if the required Classe..
Android 3.1 USB-Host - BroadcastReceiver does not receive USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED it works perfectly fine Plug in device is detected android asks for permission to start the application device information is..
Android: How to declare global variables? icon ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works with managing native object lifecycles...
Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges keyboardHidden orientation there's no error but compiler asks for the 4 remaining ones when I try and build. I'm using GoogleAdMobAdsSDK..
How to call Android contacts list? Contact Picker Within your Activity create an Intent that asks the system to find an Activity that can perform a PICK action..
Calling camera from an activity, capturing an image and uploading to a server intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY return list.size 0 The problem is when I capture the image it asks for save or discard. When I click on save my app crashes saying java.lang.RuntimeException Failure delivering result ResultInfo..
Android Eclipse Classpath - want to add classpath container path but eclipse won't let me attempting to run the project the Run fails and the Problems tab mentions can't be found and Eclipse asks me to check the build path. Clicking Properties Java Build Path Libraries the message 'Unable to get system library for..
Google Maps API V2 'Failed to Load Map. Could not contact Google Servers' API v2 on Android make sure that you have completed all of the following steps. App Key For API Access When Google asks for the SHA1 fingerprint of your app certificate you will want most likely want to run this twice once for your debuging..
Android emulator spams logcat with "Service has leaked ServiceConnection … that was originally bound here with emulator . What could that be How could I fix it Should I be worried I will post codes additionally when someone asks because I don't know where could the problem be and I don't want to post all .java and xml files to spam without a reason...
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? Drop the Genymotion ARM onto the Genymotion VM window. It should say File transfer in progress once it asks you to flash it click 'OK' Now Reboot your VM using ADB or an app like ROM Toolbox. If nescessary you can simply close the..
View the Task's activity stack forward. android share improve this question From the command line you can use adb shell dumpsys activity This asks the activity manager to print a dump of its current state. The first part of that is the complete activity history organized..
How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service this the best way to approach this problem You have three major options as I see it Polling. The Activity periodically asks the Service for the latest data. IMHO this option sucks but it's certainly possible. Callbacks. Per jax's answer the Activity..
How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi-fi? does this if you are connected to a WiFi connection it tells you that their program will not work over WiFi and then asks the user if they want to turn off the WiFi connection. If you choose No then the application exits if you choose Yes then..
Looking for android Facebook SDK examples and apply for an API key from http how to acquire your facebook api key.html ...if it asks about the platform of the app you intent to create choose mobile. You can modify the code in the Stack Overflow link I posted..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? get it to work with what I have in that unzipped folder. I think I'm missing a pre apkbuilder step because apkbuilder asks for a resource zip archive and I have a resource folder. ant build tool Other similar posts say to build with ant rather..
How to save user state in Android? I have an application for my Nokia mobile. When I install that software and try to use it for the first time it asks me for a password and to confirm that password. Then after writing it and clicking on OK button it allows me to use the.. it and clicking on OK button it allows me to use the application. Now if I close that software and open again it asks me to write ONLY the password. After entering the password correctly it allows me to use its application again. Also if.. me to use its application again. Also if I totally remove that application from the phone and install it again it asks me to enter the password and confirm the password. So tell me how do I write an application like this in Android android..
Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore? like this UPDATE The algorithm I devised works okay I am using Java but I realized that normally the Keystore tool asks for the password only when I press enter. but to get the brute force to work I would want it to have a switch and accept..
Is it possible to dynamically load a library at runtime from an Android application? an example Imagine that the application needs to make some calculations depending on the input values. The application asks for these input values and then checks if the required Classe s or Method s are available. If not it connects to a server..
Android 3.1 USB-Host - BroadcastReceiver does not receive USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED file to start my application when a device is attached it works perfectly fine Plug in device is detected android asks for permission to start the application device information is displayed in a table. The application I'm developing shouldn't..
Android: How to declare global variables? example application android name my.application.MyApp android icon ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works with managing native object lifecycles. I admit I am not up to speed on using native code with Android..
Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges screenSize smallestScreenSize' . If I leave only keyboard keyboardHidden orientation there's no error but compiler asks for the 4 remaining ones when I try and build. I'm using GoogleAdMobAdsSDK 4.3.1 . Any ideas EDIT I got it working by changing..
How to call Android contacts list? android name android.permission.READ_CONTACTS 2 Calling the Contact Picker Within your Activity create an Intent that asks the system to find an Activity that can perform a PICK action from the items in the Contacts URI. Intent intent new Intent..