android Programming Glossary: asdf
facebook api on android: blank screen instead of auth right. I've changed the hash key to something absurd like asdf and the log indeed says that the application is using some key.. is using some key and isn't matching. So I replaced asdf with some key and that error went away. Additionally the page..
How to add (vertical) divider to a horizontal LinearLayout? android layout_height match_parent android text asdf Button android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height.. android layout_height match_parent android text asdf LinearLayout RelativeLayout android android layout android..
Activity name in AndroidManifest.xml a comment block within the fullyQualifyClassName function asdf package.asdf .asdf .a.b package.asdf package.a.b asdf.adsf asdf.asdf.. within the fullyQualifyClassName function asdf package.asdf .asdf .a.b package.asdf package.a.b asdf.adsf asdf.asdf Explaining.. the fullyQualifyClassName function asdf package.asdf .asdf .a.b package.asdf package.a.b asdf.adsf asdf.asdf Explaining..
create a new textview programmatically then display it below another textview it below another textview String textArray one two asdasasdf asdf dsdaa int length textArray.length RelativeLayout layout.. below another textview String textArray one two asdasasdf asdf dsdaa int length textArray.length RelativeLayout layout new.. to do something like that.. so it would display as one two asdfasdfsomething on the screen.. android relativelayout share..
ListView getChildAt returning null for visible children i f_listView.getLastVisiblePosition i String tag asdf Remove when bug is fixed. if f_listView null Logger.debug f_listView..
How can I calculate the SHA-256 hash of a string in Android? code that I want to match echo bin2hex mhash MHASH_SHA256 asdf outputs f0e4c2f76c58916ec258f246851bea091d14d4247a2fc3e18694461b1816e13b.. in Java I'm trying to do the following String password asdf MessageDigest digest null try digest MessageDigest.getInstance.. Solution thanks to erickson Log.i Eamorr bin2hex getHash asdf public byte getHash String password MessageDigest digest null..
facebook api on android: blank screen instead of auth Error with a vague message I've checked that the hash key is right. I've changed the hash key to something absurd like asdf and the log indeed says that the application is using some key and isn't matching. So I replaced asdf with some key and.. absurd like asdf and the log indeed says that the application is using some key and isn't matching. So I replaced asdf with some key and that error went away. Additionally the page above doesn't even show up in the case of incorrect hash keys..
How to add (vertical) divider to a horizontal LinearLayout? android showDividers middle Button android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height match_parent android text asdf Button android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height match_parent android text asdf LinearLayout RelativeLayout.. android text asdf Button android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height match_parent android text asdf LinearLayout RelativeLayout android android layout android linearlayout divider share improve this question use this..
Activity name in AndroidManifest.xml by massageManifest . The rule it applies is explained in a comment block within the fullyQualifyClassName function asdf package.asdf .asdf .a.b package.asdf package.a.b asdf.adsf asdf.asdf Explaining this rule we have If the name starts with.. . The rule it applies is explained in a comment block within the fullyQualifyClassName function asdf package.asdf .asdf .a.b package.asdf package.a.b asdf.adsf asdf.asdf Explaining this rule we have If the name starts with a dot always.. . The rule it applies is explained in a comment block within the fullyQualifyClassName function asdf package.asdf .asdf .a.b package.asdf package.a.b asdf.adsf asdf.asdf Explaining this rule we have If the name starts with a dot always prefix..
create a new textview programmatically then display it below another textview a new textview programmatically then display it below another textview String textArray one two asdasasdf asdf dsdaa int length textArray.length RelativeLayout layout new RelativeLayout this RelativeLayout.LayoutParams relativeParams.. a new textview programmatically then display it below another textview String textArray one two asdasasdf asdf dsdaa int length textArray.length RelativeLayout layout new RelativeLayout this RelativeLayout.LayoutParams relativeParams.. tv.getId layout.addView tv relativeParams I need to do something like that.. so it would display as one two asdfasdfsomething on the screen.. android relativelayout share improve this question Perhaps this code is of some help to..
ListView getChildAt returning null for visible children for int i f_listView.getFirstVisiblePosition i f_listView.getLastVisiblePosition i String tag asdf Remove when bug is fixed. if f_listView null Logger.debug f_listView is null else if f_listView.getChildAt i null Logger.debug..
How can I calculate the SHA-256 hash of a string in Android? to get the SHA256 of a string in Android. Here is the PHP code that I want to match echo bin2hex mhash MHASH_SHA256 asdf outputs f0e4c2f76c58916ec258f246851bea091d14d4247a2fc3e18694461b1816e13b Now in Java I'm trying to do the following String.. Now in Java I'm trying to do the following String password asdf MessageDigest digest null try digest MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 256 catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e1 TODO Auto generated.. this prints out a42yzk3axdv3k4yh98g8 What did I do wrong here Solution thanks to erickson Log.i Eamorr bin2hex getHash asdf public byte getHash String password MessageDigest digest null try digest MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 256 catch NoSuchAlgorithmException..