android Programming Glossary: asc
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC return new CursorLoader getActivity baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader.. sortOrder ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC cl new CursorLoader getActivity groupsUri GROUPS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION.. ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC return new CursorLoader mContext baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION.. ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC Cursor c mContentResolver.query baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android 01' AND birthday_date ' month 31' ORDER BY birthday_date ASC but i am not getting any record where i am missing android..
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android
Read all contact's phone numbers in android .query People.CONTENT_URI projection null null People.NAME ASC c.moveToFirst int nameCol c.getColumnIndex People.NAME int numCol..
How do I load a contact Photo? null null ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME ASC try Integer thumbnailId null if cursor.moveToFirst thumbnailId..
Android column '_id' does not exist?
Getting a Photo from a Contact ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null sortOrder..
Android Calendar Events new String event_id Calendars._id 1 null startDay ASC startMinute ASC For a full list of available columns see http.. event_id Calendars._id 1 null startDay ASC startMinute ASC For a full list of available columns see http yfbg76w..
Android 3.0 - what are the advantages of using LoaderManager instances exactly? select null Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC public void onLoadFinished Loader Cursor loader Cursor data..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? 13527 at 32 ERROR AndroidRuntime 13527 at.. searchList nextActivity Runnable doIfMounted ORDER_ASC StorageStateChecker.performExternalStorageOperation doIfMounted.. List Order private static final Runnable ORDER_ASC new Runnable public void run Set_AC_SortOrder.orderASC_Label..
Group By in ContentResolver in Ice Cream Sandwich BY Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID params lower Data.DISPLAY_NAME ASC The injection of the ' ' finishes the WHERE clause and allow..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC return managedQuery uri projection selection selectionArgs sortOrder..
Android - Update a contact ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC context.startManagingCursor c ArrayList Relation cList new ArrayList.. ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC context.startManagingCursor c if c.moveToNext r.setBook_id..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME '' String sortOrder ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC return new CursorLoader getActivity baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION selection null sortOrder public void onLoadFinished..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView String sortOrder ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection.. NOTNULL AND ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE '' String sortOrder ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC cl new CursorLoader getActivity groupsUri GROUPS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION selection null sortOrder return cl public void onLoadFinished.. String sortOrder ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME '' String sortOrder ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC return new CursorLoader mContext baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION selection null sortOrder public void onLoadFinished.. ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME String sortOrder ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC Cursor c mContentResolver.query baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION selection null sortOrder return c And for some reason..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android uid2 from friend where uid1 me AND birthday_date ' month 01' AND birthday_date ' month 31' ORDER BY birthday_date ASC but i am not getting any record where i am missing android facebook facebook graph api facebook fql facebook android sdk..
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android
Read all contact's phone numbers in android People.NAME People.NUMBER Cursor c ctx.getContentResolver .query People.CONTENT_URI projection null null People.NAME ASC c.moveToFirst int nameCol c.getColumnIndex People.NAME int numCol c.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER int nContacts c.getCount..
How do I load a contact Photo? final Cursor cursor contentResolver.query uri PHOTO_ID_PROJECTION null null ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME ASC try Integer thumbnailId null if cursor.moveToFirst thumbnailId cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.PHOTO_ID..
Android column '_id' does not exist?
Getting a Photo from a Contact ContactsContract.Contacts.PHOTO_ID String sortOrder ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null sortOrder String fields new String ContactsContract.Data.DISPLAY_NAME..
Android Calendar Events with ID 1 Cursor eventCursor contentResolver.query new String event_id Calendars._id 1 null startDay ASC startMinute ASC For a full list of available columns see http yfbg76w while eventCursor.moveToNext String.. eventCursor contentResolver.query new String event_id Calendars._id 1 null startDay ASC startMinute ASC For a full list of available columns see http yfbg76w while eventCursor.moveToNext String uid2 eventCursor.getString..
Android 3.0 - what are the advantages of using LoaderManager instances exactly? new CursorLoader getActivity baseUri CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION select null Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC public void onLoadFinished Loader Cursor loader Cursor data Swap the new cursor in. The framework will take care of closing..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? init 21 ERROR AndroidRuntime 13527 at 32 ERROR AndroidRuntime 13527 at 49 ERROR AndroidRuntime.. activityTitle.setText ADVISORY CIRCULATORS searchList nextActivity Runnable doIfMounted ORDER_ASC StorageStateChecker.performExternalStorageOperation doIfMounted Check to See if the SD Card is Mounted Loads Default List.. doIfMounted Check to See if the SD Card is Mounted Loads Default List Order private static final Runnable ORDER_ASC new Runnable public void run Set_AC_SortOrder.orderASC_Label This class checks to see if the SD Card is mounted
Group By in ContentResolver in Ice Cream Sandwich new String Data._ID Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID request GROUP BY Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID params lower Data.DISPLAY_NAME ASC The injection of the ' ' finishes the WHERE clause and allow the insertion of a GROUP BY clause. However in Ice Cream Sandwich..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number 0 1 ' String selectionArgs null String sortOrder ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC return managedQuery uri projection selection selectionArgs sortOrder contact_entry.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..
Android - Update a contact CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION select null ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC context.startManagingCursor c ArrayList Relation cList new ArrayList Relation int a 0 Relation relation while c.moveToNext.. CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION select null ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC context.startManagingCursor c if c.moveToNext r.setBook_id new Integer c.getString 0 .intValue else r.setBook_id 1 ..