android Programming Glossary: asleep
Everyday notifications at certain time Registered alarms are retained while the device is asleep and can optionally wake the device up if they go off during..
Android design : background long running service or AlarmManager? If you intend to do this even when the device is otherwise asleep your option #1 simply will not work unless you keep a WakeLock..
WifiManager.getScanResults() - clarifications (automatic scans, sleep etc) is enabled in particular question 2 if the device is asleep. Google groups won't let me post hint share improve this answer..
PowerManager wakelock not waking device up from service minute. I want the service to wake the device up if it's asleep. I am using a PowerManager but the device doesn't wake up. Any.. the Activity which I want to start when the device is asleep. SendOutstandingTransactions IntentService. protected void onHandleIntent..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications is set to true so that if the phone is locked or asleep then the GCM server does not attempt to deliver the message...
Is it possible to create an Android Service that listens for hardware key presses? as a keylistener from the home screen or when the phone is asleep. Is this possible From semi related examples online I put together..
How do I keep Wifi from disconnecting when phone is asleep? do I keep Wifi from disconnecting when phone is asleep I have a service which polls a server at certain intervals...
How to Set Recurring AlarmManager to execute code daily I thought it might be an issue with the device being asleep so I added the power manager. But it still does not work PowerManager..
Android Application Class Lifecycle Application class on resuming the app after the phone was asleep for several hours the app was left in the foreground before.. possible that the process was killed while the phone was asleep and on waking the phone the Application class was re created..
Android - How can I wake up the phone from a hard sleep to take a picture? works perfectly as expected. But if the device is asleep once the Activity's onResume method is finished the Activity.. false But that doesn't wake up the phone if it is asleep. Is there any way to take a picture without using a preview..
AlarmManager and WakeLock to it. I also use a wakelock at onResume method to prevent asleep mode to occur. pm PowerManager this.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE.. again at a specific time. If the device is not in asleep mode the code works well. However if it is in asleep mode it.. in asleep mode the code works well. However if it is in asleep mode it gives an error and stops working. I think the solution..
android AlarmManager not waking phone up when the device is awake but it doesn't wake it up if it's asleep. My code for setting the alarm Calendar alarmTime Calendar.getInstance.. will wake up when the alarm is received but will fall asleep again before context.startActivity newIntent is called. I have..
How to set alarm to fire everyday at 8:00am alarm Registered alarms are retained while the device is asleep and can optionally wake the device up if they go off during..
Keep a Service running even when phone is asleep? a Service running even when phone is asleep I have a Service in my application which is designed to run.. which keeps the CPU running even when the device is asleep. The latter sounds closer to what I need. How do I acquire this..
Everyday notifications at certain time after user switch the phone off. From AlarmManager documentation Registered alarms are retained while the device is asleep and can optionally wake the device up if they go off during that time but will be cleared if it is turned off and rebooted...
Android design : background long running service or AlarmManager? a few minutes . Ideally that interval is user configurable. If you intend to do this even when the device is otherwise asleep your option #1 simply will not work unless you keep a WakeLock on all the time which will cause your users to want to shoot..
WifiManager.getScanResults() - clarifications (automatic scans, sleep etc)
PowerManager wakelock not waking device up from service I've an app that has a background service running every minute. I want the service to wake the device up if it's asleep. I am using a PowerManager but the device doesn't wake up. Any ideas why Thanks in advance. @Override protected void onHandleIntent.. .show e.printStackTrace The following class calls the Activity which I want to start when the device is asleep. SendOutstandingTransactions IntentService. protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications will reside on the server before being deleted. The delay_while_idle is set to true so that if the phone is locked or asleep then the GCM server does not attempt to deliver the message. So if you send the message and your phone is not woken up or..
Is it possible to create an Android Service that listens for hardware key presses? I'd like to run an Android background service that will act as a keylistener from the home screen or when the phone is asleep. Is this possible From semi related examples online I put together the following service but get the error onKeyDown is..
How do I keep Wifi from disconnecting when phone is asleep? do I keep Wifi from disconnecting when phone is asleep I have a service which polls a server at certain intervals. I use an AlarmManager and a BroadcastReceiver to start the..
How to Set Recurring AlarmManager to execute code daily device the reciever does not seem to be recieving the alarms. I thought it might be an issue with the device being asleep so I added the power manager. But it still does not work PowerManager pm PowerManager context .getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE..
Android Application Class Lifecycle into a null pointer exception accessing a variable in the Application class on resuming the app after the phone was asleep for several hours the app was left in the foreground before phone went to sleep . Is it possible that the process was killed.. was left in the foreground before phone went to sleep . Is it possible that the process was killed while the phone was asleep and on waking the phone the Application class was re created the top activity in the stack was resumed but the launch activity.onCreate..
Android - How can I wake up the phone from a hard sleep to take a picture? which finally takes a picture. If the device is awake everything works perfectly as expected. But if the device is asleep once the Activity's onResume method is finished the Activity is instantly paused. The camera's preview surface never finishes.. powerManager.userActivity SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis false But that doesn't wake up the phone if it is asleep. Is there any way to take a picture without using a preview surface view Is there a way to take a picture that doesn't rely..
AlarmManager and WakeLock my main activity. the onPause and onResume methods belong to it. I also use a wakelock at onResume method to prevent asleep mode to occur. pm PowerManager this.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK.. purpose of the code is start my main activity namaz_vakti_activitiy again at a specific time. If the device is not in asleep mode the code works well. However if it is in asleep mode it gives an error and stops working. I think the solution is simple.. again at a specific time. If the device is not in asleep mode the code works well. However if it is in asleep mode it gives an error and stops working. I think the solution is simple and I am in code blidness. android activity alarmmanager..
android AlarmManager not waking phone up time. For this I am using AlarmManager. It works fine when the device is awake but it doesn't wake it up if it's asleep. My code for setting the alarm Calendar alarmTime Calendar.getInstance alarmTime.set Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY alarm.hour alarmTime.set.. done preferably as the 1st thing in the receiver or the device will wake up when the alarm is received but will fall asleep again before context.startActivity newIntent is called. I have also observed behavior when that does not happen so it seems..
How to set alarm to fire everyday at 8:00am the phone is powered off then back on you can re schedule the alarm Registered alarms are retained while the device is asleep and can optionally wake the device up if they go off during that time but will be cleared if it is turned off and rebooted...
Keep a Service running even when phone is asleep? a Service running even when phone is asleep I have a Service in my application which is designed to run every 10 minutes. It basically checks up on our servers to.. I want. I then heard of another thing called a partial WakeLock which keeps the CPU running even when the device is asleep. The latter sounds closer to what I need. How do I acquire this WakeLock and when should I release it and are there other..