android Programming Glossary: artifact
Cant find maven dependency for Google APIs to use maps maps api dependency groupId groupId artifactId android artifactId version version scope provided.. groupId groupId artifactId android artifactId version version scope provided scope dependency android.. local maven repository mvn install install file Dfile your artifact 1.0.jar DgroupId DartifactId your artifact Dversion..
How do you install m2e-android-plugin in Eclipse? of its dependencies could not be resolved The following artifacts could not be resolved or updates are forced. Original error Could not transfer artifact android maven plugin.. or later. Adding the following plugin under plugins plugin artifactId maven resources plugin artifactId version 2.5 version plugin..
Android AudioRecord artifact AudioRecord artifact When I use Androids AudioRecord to record from the microphone.. to record from the microphone I get this annoying artifact Is there a way to avoid or remove this What is it Or do I get..
Android gradle build and the support library Until we have the support library has a repository artifact you cannot include it in more than one library project. You..
Android Gradle build with sub projects this case the facebook SDK library somewhere a corporate artifact repository for instance and access it from Project A. While..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? IntelliJ IDEA 12 IDEA 12 has even better way to do it via artifact configured like this Then use Build Build Artifacts when you..
Using MessagePack with Android specifically the java folder . Change the main msgpack artifact version to the one you've built. In org.msgpack.rpc.loop.netty.NettyEventLoop..
What kind of pitfals exist for the Android APK signing plugin plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven jarsigner plugin artifactId executions execution id.. groupId artifactId maven jarsigner plugin artifactId executions execution id signing id goals goal sign goal goals.. maven model jar 2.0.6 compile DEBUG org.apache.maven maven artifact manager jar 2.0.6 compile DEBUG org.apache.maven maven repository..
Cant find maven dependency for Google APIs to use maps API dependency or the maps dependency. This works fine without maps api dependency groupId groupId artifactId android artifactId version version scope provided scope dependency android google maps maven dependencies pom.xml.. the maps dependency. This works fine without maps api dependency groupId groupId artifactId android artifactId version version scope provided scope dependency android google maps maven dependencies pom.xml share improve.. the required map jar file then manually install it to you local maven repository mvn install install file Dfile your artifact 1.0.jar DgroupId DartifactId your artifact Dversion 1.0 Dpackaging jar Or use Manfred's maven android sdk..
How do you install m2e-android-plugin in Eclipse? android maven plugin 3.1.1 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved The following artifacts could not be resolved android maven plugin jar 3.1.1 ddmlib.. reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error Could not transfer artifact android maven plugin jar 3.1.1 from to central http maven2.. supported by m2e. Use maven resources plugin version 2.4 or later. Adding the following plugin under plugins plugin artifactId maven resources plugin artifactId version 2.5 version plugin Then Right click on new project and select Maven Update Project..
Android AudioRecord artifact AudioRecord artifact When I use Androids AudioRecord to record from the microphone I get this annoying artifact Is there a way to avoid or remove.. AudioRecord artifact When I use Androids AudioRecord to record from the microphone I get this annoying artifact Is there a way to avoid or remove this What is it Or do I get that because I did something wrong in the configuration but..
Android gradle build and the support library v4.jar' android build gradle share improve this question Until we have the support library has a repository artifact you cannot include it in more than one library project. You could create a library project that only contains the support..
Android Gradle build with sub projects publish Project B somehow as well as its dependencies so in this case the facebook SDK library somewhere a corporate artifact repository for instance and access it from Project A. While #1 is better it makes the ProjectB Facebook dependency tricky..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? a Signed APK is now under Top Menu Build Generate Signed APK IntelliJ IDEA 12 IDEA 12 has even better way to do it via artifact configured like this Then use Build Build Artifacts when you need to make a release version. share improve this answer..
Using MessagePack with Android msgpack rpc source from git msgpack msgpack rpc.git specifically the java folder . Change the main msgpack artifact version to the one you've built. In org.msgpack.rpc.loop.netty.NettyEventLoop change the NioClientSocketChannelFactory to..
What kind of pitfals exist for the Android APK signing my APK with maven and sign them with the maven jarsigner plugin plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven jarsigner plugin artifactId executions execution id signing id goals goal sign goal goals phase package phase inherited.. them with the maven jarsigner plugin plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven jarsigner plugin artifactId executions execution id signing id goals goal sign goal goals phase package phase inherited true inherited configuration.. maven profile jar 2.0.6 compile DEBUG org.apache.maven maven model jar 2.0.6 compile DEBUG org.apache.maven maven artifact manager jar 2.0.6 compile DEBUG org.apache.maven maven repository metadata jar 2.0.6 compile DEBUG org.apache.maven maven..