android Programming Glossary: asset
How to read pdf in my android application? [closed] which require to open pdf. I also have some pdf in asset folder so i am not able to open it in webview directly. By default.. not working....... Display pdf within app on android Open asset file pdf in application can u suggest me any good api... thanks..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap there will be some relief if we access the image from the asset folder. But still I get the Out of memory error during runtime... dWidth int dHeight true 1. To get the image from asset library public Bitmap getAssetImage Context context.. context String filename throws IOException AssetManager assets context.getResources .getAssets InputStream buffer new BufferedInputStream..
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts is not using Unicode sequences but rather just local image assets. I am thinking that this type of keyboard can only be useful.. So instead I am replacing the ImageView containing an asset with a TextView containing a Unicode sequence. After cross referencing..
Setting Ringtone in Android [duplicate] a raw resource. The solution is to get the resource file asset and write it to the sdcard 1st before you give it to the content..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) widgets should use a custom font e.g. one you've placed in assets font in XML files and you can only use the system installed.. a.recycle public boolean setCustomFont Context ctx String asset Typeface tf null try tf Typeface.createFromAsset ctx.getAssets.. tf null try tf Typeface.createFromAsset ctx.getAssets asset catch Exception e Log.e TAG Could not get typeface e.getMessage..
Play audio file from the assets directory audio file from the assets directory I have the following code AssetFileDescriptor afd.. run this code it starts playing all the audio files in the assets directory in alphabetical order instead of just playing the.. wrong Is there a better way to play audio files from the assets directory Follow up question Is there a difference between..
Android: How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard? How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard I have a few files in the assets folder. I need.. files in 'assets' to sdcard I have a few files in the assets folder. I need to copy all of them to a folder say sdcard folder... do this from within a thread. How do I do it android copy assets share improve this question If anyone else is having the..
Android path to asset txt file path to asset txt file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset.. file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset myFile.txt in an Android project and many variations. At runtime.. found exception. The file is present and correct in the assets folder so my path must be wrong. What is the absolute path..
How to get URI from an asset File? to get URI from an asset File I have been trying to get the URI path for an asset file... asset File I have been trying to get the URI path for an asset file. uri Uri.fromFile new File assets mydemo.txt When I check.. the URI path for an asset file. uri Uri.fromFile new File assets mydemo.txt When I check if the file exists I see that file..
Reading a simple text file project . I have tried putting the file under res raw and asset folder but I get the exception FileNotFound when first live.. share improve this question Place your text file in the assets directory under the Android project. Use AssetManager class..
Problem to load flv video in webview true htmlCode htmlCode.replaceAll @VIDEO@ file android_asset expression_sad.flv webView.loadDataWithBaseURL file android_asset.. webView.loadDataWithBaseURL file android_asset expression_sad.flv htmlPre htmlCode htmlPost text html UTF 8.. able to play online video but not from the application's assets folder however I do have a workaround. The following permissinos..
Android : EventHub.removeMessages(int what = 107) is not supported before the WebViewCore is set up url return false I am loading two HTML files from the Asset in the same webview its working fine but unable to load dynamic..
Android: Playing an Asset Sound Using WebView Playing an Asset Sound Using WebView I am trying to play a sound from the assets.. import android.content.Intent import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor import import view String url if url.endsWith .mp3 mp new MediaPlayer AssetFileDescriptor afd getAssets .openFd url mp.setDataSource afd.getFileDescriptor..
Styling ActionBar dropdown menu
How to change font face of Webview in Android? This is what I tried Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings.. is what I tried Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings.. share improve this question Even simpler you can use the Asset URL format to reference the font. No programming needed @font..
Android XML Percent Symbol android xml share improve this question The Android Asset Packaging Tool aapt has become very strict in its latest release..
Android Dev Help: Saving an image from Res/raw or Asset folder to the Sd card Dev Help Saving an image from Res raw or Asset folder to the Sd card I am trying to save an image jpg or png.. share improve this question InputStream is context.getAssets .open fileName OutputStream os new FileOutputStream Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
How permission can be checked at runtime without throwing SecurityException? from SD and if not found from sd then take it from Asset and if possible write the asset back to SD This function may..
How to initialize sqlite database once from a helper class in Android does not exists and there is no Original Version in Asset dir Log.i TAG Try to create instance of database databaseName.. db as the input stream InputStream myInput aContext.getAssets .open databaseName Path to the just created empty db String..
Android Unknown Command 'crunch' just update Android SDK Platform Tool to 8 Rev and Android Asset Packaging Tool from android sdk manager and then it works. Have..
Android memory leak? Objects Views 0 ViewRoots 0 AppContexts 0 Activities 0 Assets 2 AssetManagers 2 Local Binders 55 Proxy Binders 13 Death Recipients.. Views 0 ViewRoots 0 AppContexts 0 Activities 0 Assets 2 AssetManagers 2 Local Binders 55 Proxy Binders 13 Death Recipients.. b Dbname 1 14 10 webview.db 1 6 18 webviewCache.db Asset Allocations zip data app com.example.deepcliff 2.apk resources.arsc..
Cannot install APK on Android device through Eclipse me the following warnings 12 26 18 12 24.251 W asset 17419 Asset path data local tmp myapp.apk is neither a directory nor file..
What is the use of the res/values/public.xml file on Android? string name string3 String 3 string resources The Android Asset Packaging Tool aapt might assign the following resource IDs..
How to read pdf in my android application? [closed] pdf in my android application closed I am making an application which require to open pdf. I also have some pdf in asset folder so i am not able to open it in webview directly. By default android does not support pdf. Is there any API that works.. installed so ACTION VIEW is not helpful for me Following is not working....... Display pdf within app on android Open asset file pdf in application can u suggest me any good api... thanks in advance... android pdf reader share improve this question..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap After a quick search in the stackoverflow I found that there will be some relief if we access the image from the asset folder. But still I get the Out of memory error during runtime. I have analyzed and found that scaling will help in resolving.. getResources R.drawable.backgroundhomepage int dWidth int dHeight true 1. To get the image from asset library public Bitmap getAssetImage Context context String filename throws IOException AssetManager assets context.getResources.. asset library public Bitmap getAssetImage Context context String filename throws IOException AssetManager assets context.getResources .getAssets InputStream buffer new BufferedInputStream drawable filename .png Bitmap bitmap..
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts I found a very useful Emoticon Keyboard . This keyboard is not using Unicode sequences but rather just local image assets. I am thinking that this type of keyboard can only be useful within this app and not with other apps or Operating Systems... within this app and not with other apps or Operating Systems. So instead I am replacing the ImageView containing an asset with a TextView containing a Unicode sequence. After cross referencing Supported Unicode Sequences as well as the Visual..
Setting Ringtone in Android [duplicate] need the absolute path to the file which you can't get from a raw resource. The solution is to get the resource file asset and write it to the sdcard 1st before you give it to the content resolver for insertion. File newSoundFile new File sdcard..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) far as I can find out there is no way to specify that your widgets should use a custom font e.g. one you've placed in assets font in XML files and you can only use the system installed fonts. I know that in the Java code I could change the font.. setCustomFont ctx customFont a.recycle public boolean setCustomFont Context ctx String asset Typeface tf null try tf Typeface.createFromAsset ctx.getAssets asset catch Exception e Log.e TAG Could not get typeface.. public boolean setCustomFont Context ctx String asset Typeface tf null try tf Typeface.createFromAsset ctx.getAssets asset catch Exception e Log.e TAG Could not get typeface e.getMessage return false setTypeface tf return true attrs.xml in..
Play audio file from the assets directory audio file from the assets directory I have the following code AssetFileDescriptor afd getAssets .openFd AudioFile.mp3 player new MediaPlayer player.setDataSource.. player.prepare player.start The problem is that when I run this code it starts playing all the audio files in the assets directory in alphabetical order instead of just playing the audio file I requested. What am I doing wrong Is there a better.. of just playing the audio file I requested. What am I doing wrong Is there a better way to play audio files from the assets directory Follow up question Is there a difference between keeping audio files in the assets directory and keeping them..
Android: How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard? How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard I have a few files in the assets folder. I need to copy all of them to a folder say sdcard folder. I want to.. How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard I have a few files in the assets folder. I need to copy all of them to a folder say sdcard folder. I want to do this from within a thread. How do I do it.. copy all of them to a folder say sdcard folder. I want to do this from within a thread. How do I do it android copy assets share improve this question If anyone else is having the same problem this is how I did it private void copyAssets AssetManager..
Android path to asset txt file path to asset txt file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset myFile.txt in an Android project and many variations... path to asset txt file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset myFile.txt in an Android project and many variations. At runtime I get a file not found exception. The file is present and.. project and many variations. At runtime I get a file not found exception. The file is present and correct in the assets folder so my path must be wrong. What is the absolute path I need here android file path asset share improve this question..
How to get URI from an asset File? to get URI from an asset File I have been trying to get the URI path for an asset file. uri Uri.fromFile new File assets mydemo.txt When I check.. to get URI from an asset File I have been trying to get the URI path for an asset file. uri Uri.fromFile new File assets mydemo.txt When I check if the file exists I see that file doesn't exist File f new.. to get URI from an asset File I have been trying to get the URI path for an asset file. uri Uri.fromFile new File assets mydemo.txt When I check if the file exists I see that file doesn't exist File f new File filepath if f.exists true Log.e..
Reading a simple text file questions is Where should I place this test.txt file in my project . I have tried putting the file under res raw and asset folder but I get the exception FileNotFound when first live of the code written above gets executed. Thanks for the help.. executed. Thanks for the help android text files java io share improve this question Place your text file in the assets directory under the Android project. Use AssetManager class to access it. AssetManager am context.getAssets InputStream..
Problem to load flv video in webview .setAllowFileAccess true webView.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled true htmlCode htmlCode.replaceAll @VIDEO@ file android_asset expression_sad.flv webView.loadDataWithBaseURL file android_asset expression_sad.flv htmlPre htmlCode htmlPost text html.. htmlCode htmlCode.replaceAll @VIDEO@ file android_asset expression_sad.flv webView.loadDataWithBaseURL file android_asset expression_sad.flv htmlPre htmlCode htmlPost text html UTF 8 null @Override protected void onPause super.onPause callHiddenWebViewMethod.. graphic. I can engage it into fullscreen mode. I am also able to play online video but not from the application's assets folder however I do have a workaround. The following permissinos are required in your manifest.xml uses permission android..
Android : EventHub.removeMessages(int what = 107) is not supported before the WebViewCore is set up shouldOverrideUrlLoading WebView view String url view.loadUrl url return false I am loading two HTML files from the Asset in the same webview its working fine but unable to load dynamic url. I Google and find some posts on http
Android: Playing an Asset Sound Using WebView Playing an Asset Sound Using WebView I am trying to play a sound from the assets folder when a user clicks on an tag on my application's.. codes to do so package com.rangga.test.webview.sound import android.content.Intent import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor import import import android.webkit.WebView import android.webkit.WebViewClient.. mp @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading WebView view String url if url.endsWith .mp3 mp new MediaPlayer AssetFileDescriptor afd getAssets .openFd url mp.setDataSource afd.getFileDescriptor mp.start return true else return true ..
Styling ActionBar dropdown menu
How to change font face of Webview in Android? But still couldn't set webview's default font to my font. This is what I tried Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setFixedFontFamily.. still couldn't set webview's default font to my font. This is what I tried Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets myfont.ttf private WebView webview WebSettings webSettings webView.getSettings webSettings.setFixedFontFamily font Can.. custom font Thanks android webview font face custom font share improve this question Even simpler you can use the Asset URL format to reference the font. No programming needed @font face font family 'myface' src url 'file android_asset fonts..
Android XML Percent Symbol attribute error Found tag item where string array is expected android xml share improve this question The Android Asset Packaging Tool aapt has become very strict in its latest release and is now used for all Android versions. The aapt error..
Android Dev Help: Saving an image from Res/raw or Asset folder to the Sd card Dev Help Saving an image from Res raw or Asset folder to the Sd card I am trying to save an image jpg or png from the res raw or assets folder to the SD card location.. Log.i filepath filepath return filepath android share improve this question InputStream is context.getAssets .open fileName OutputStream os new FileOutputStream Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File.separator fileName BufferedInputStream..
How permission can be checked at runtime without throwing SecurityException? SecurityException I design a function that may get set a resource from SD and if not found from sd then take it from Asset and if possible write the asset back to SD This function may check by method invocation if SD is mounted and accessible.....
How to initialize sqlite database once from a helper class in Android catch IOException e Log.e TAG Database databaseName does not exists and there is no Original Version in Asset dir Log.i TAG Try to create instance of database databaseName instance new DataBaseHelper context databaseName .. String databaseName throws IOException Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput aContext.getAssets .open databaseName Path to the just created empty db String outFileName getDatabasePath aContext databaseName Log.i TAG..
Android Unknown Command 'crunch'
Android memory leak? dirty 2088 1844 5008 8940 priv dirty 2412 224 11316 13952 Objects Views 0 ViewRoots 0 AppContexts 0 Activities 0 Assets 2 AssetManagers 2 Local Binders 55 Proxy Binders 13 Death Recipients 1 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 129 MEMORY_USED 129.. 2088 1844 5008 8940 priv dirty 2412 224 11316 13952 Objects Views 0 ViewRoots 0 AppContexts 0 Activities 0 Assets 2 AssetManagers 2 Local Binders 55 Proxy Binders 13 Death Recipients 1 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 129 MEMORY_USED 129 PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW.. PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW 9 MALLOC_SIZE 50 DATABASES pgsz dbsz Lookaside b Dbname 1 14 10 webview.db 1 6 18 webviewCache.db Asset Allocations zip data app com.example.deepcliff 2.apk resources.arsc 17K java android memory leaks share improve this..
Cannot install APK on Android device through Eclipse to be able to build for my device anymore. LogCat gives me the following warnings 12 26 18 12 24.251 W asset 17419 Asset path data local tmp myapp.apk is neither a directory nor file type 0 . 12 26 18 12 24.251 W DefContainer 17419 Failed to..
What is the use of the res/values/public.xml file on Android? encoding utf 8 resources string name string1 String 1 string string name string3 String 3 string resources The Android Asset Packaging Tool aapt might assign the following resource IDs for these resources when the app is compiled public final class..