android Programming Glossary: ascending
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android ID ContactsContract.Contacts._ID id Put the results in ascending order by name ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME ASC ..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts projection null null People.NAME ASC Put the results in ascending order by name startManagingCursor managedCursor return managedCursor..
How to get a resource id with a known ressource name?
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper WHERE clause selection arguments none null Order by clause ascending by name int column_index cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaColumns.DATA..
sorting arraylist of string in android [duplicate] System.out.println ArrayList elements after sorting in ascending order for int i 0 i arrayList.size i System.out.println arrayList.get.. method. It sorts an ArrayList object's elements into ascending order. Just in case if the below code in comment doesnt work..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor WHERE clause selection arguments none null Order by clause ascending by name int fileColumnIndex cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA.. WHERE clause selection arguments none null Order by clause ascending by name works in Honeycomb String selection null String..
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android
Android - Autocomplete with contacts Make the query. Cursor managedCursor managedQuery contacts projection null null People.NAME ASC Put the results in ascending order by name startManagingCursor managedCursor return managedCursor There must be a better way of doing this basically..
How to get a resource id with a known ressource name?
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper return null WHERE clause which rows to return all rows null WHERE clause selection arguments none null Order by clause ascending by name int column_index cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaColumns.DATA cursor.moveToFirst return cursor.getString column_index..
sorting arraylist of string in android [duplicate] 4 Collections.sort arrayList display elements of ArrayList System.out.println ArrayList elements after sorting in ascending order for int i 0 i arrayList.size i System.out.println arrayList.get i To sort an ArrayList object use Collection.sort.. an ArrayList object use Collection.sort method. This is a static method. It sorts an ArrayList object's elements into ascending order. Just in case if the below code in comment doesnt work means... Try this code.. Create a custom comparator class import..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor return null WHERE clause which rows to return all rows null WHERE clause selection arguments none null Order by clause ascending by name int fileColumnIndex cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA if cursor.moveToFirst return new File.. return null WHERE clause which rows to return all rows null WHERE clause selection arguments none null Order by clause ascending by name works in Honeycomb String selection null String selectionArgs null String sortOrder null CursorLoader cursorLoader..