android Programming Glossary: arrive
WiFi Direct (Android 4.0) with multiple (3+) devices of the group owner you are sure that your message will arrive to the second client. 1st client group owner 2nd client share..
Playing youtube video in Android app
I can not get registration ID from Android GCM that is not reliable so you should avoid it. The id will arrive via broadcast callback to your GCMIntentService as a part of..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack if i do it this way when I go from 1 2 and press back I arrive back at 1 as expected. If I go 1 2 3 and then press back I jump..
BlackBerry class equivalent to AsyncTask? e I believe if Thread.interrupt is called we'll arrive here completeTask null _status RUNNING _worker.start..
Google Cloud Messaging - messages sometimes not received until network state changed if I turn off WiFi and move to Mobile Data the messages arrive fine . After I've changed the network state messages start to.. . After I've changed the network state messages start to arrive perfectly fine and the same applies once I change the network..
How can you reserve a name for an application? 2. enforcing it. When you add together points 1 and 2 you arrive at a dollar figure that far exceeds the profit of 99 of apps..
set 2 proximity alerts with the same broadcast with entering false. So once now you left ZONE1 if you arrive ZONE2 it will fire the broadcast entering true ZONE2. I've tested..
update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method know what should be the problem. Somehow the values do not arrive in the sql statement. I did nearly the same with the insert..
Safe to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state? user skips a tune then you wait for the original player to arrive to prepared state and then you reset it safely. share improve..
The term “Context” in programming? ticket to fly somewhere warm while your mouth heals. You arrive at a nice sunny destination but your bag doesn't make it. It's..
Why do Android C2DM push messages not always arrive? do Android C2DM push messages not always arrive I've built a functioning C2DM app and generally it works very.. app and generally it works very well and the push messages arrive fast. However I find that fairly regularly when I first start.. start the app or bring it back to focus messages do not arrive. They are definitely sent successfully I get a 200 response..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview Something entertaining while the bytes arrive Log.i TAG Loading Progress . . . LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater..
WiFi Direct (Android 4.0) with multiple (3+) devices
Playing youtube video in Android app
I can not get registration ID from Android GCM calling GCMRegistrar.getRegistrationId this immediately after that is not reliable so you should avoid it. The id will arrive via broadcast callback to your GCMIntentService as a part of the registration procedure. from there you can than store the..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack counter intuitive perhaps coming from the iOS world . Anyway if i do it this way when I go from 1 2 and press back I arrive back at 1 as expected. If I go 1 2 3 and then press back I jump back to 1 as expected . Now the strange behavior happens..
BlackBerry class equivalent to AsyncTask? result doInBackground params completeTask result catch Exception e I believe if Thread.interrupt is called we'll arrive here completeTask null _status RUNNING _worker.start catch Exception e TODO handle this exception return this..
Google Cloud Messaging - messages sometimes not received until network state changed until I have changed the network state I.E. originally on WiFi if I turn off WiFi and move to Mobile Data the messages arrive fine . After I've changed the network state messages start to arrive perfectly fine and the same applies once I change the.. off WiFi and move to Mobile Data the messages arrive fine . After I've changed the network state messages start to arrive perfectly fine and the same applies once I change the network state back to what it was before in this case WiFi the messages..
How can you reserve a name for an application? impossible to justify the costs of 1. making the patent and 2. enforcing it. When you add together points 1 and 2 you arrive at a dollar figure that far exceeds the profit of 99 of apps on the market. With that said I agree do it if you're confident..
set 2 proximity alerts with the same broadcast You must leave the ZONE1 so the broadcast will fire again with entering false. So once now you left ZONE1 if you arrive ZONE2 it will fire the broadcast entering true ZONE2. I've tested and it works just fine. Grab Location Spoofer free application..
update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method SET location name WHERE id 2010 09 21 15 05 36.995 I don´t know what should be the problem. Somehow the values do not arrive in the sql statement. I did nearly the same with the insert method and that worked quite fine. many thx florian android..
Safe to reset a MediaPlayer in preparing state?
The term “Context” in programming? stuff done. Now let's say you take your 100 and buy a plane ticket to fly somewhere warm while your mouth heals. You arrive at a nice sunny destination but your bag doesn't make it. It's lost somewhere in the airport system. So you take your baggage..
Why do Android C2DM push messages not always arrive? do Android C2DM push messages not always arrive I've built a functioning C2DM app and generally it works very well and the push messages arrive fast. However I find that.. messages not always arrive I've built a functioning C2DM app and generally it works very well and the push messages arrive fast. However I find that fairly regularly when I first start the app or bring it back to focus messages do not arrive... arrive fast. However I find that fairly regularly when I first start the app or bring it back to focus messages do not arrive. They are definitely sent successfully I get a 200 response and the message format is certainly right sending the same message..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview cm.message return true @Override public View getVideoLoadingProgressView Something entertaining while the bytes arrive Log.i TAG Loading Progress . . . LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE..