android Programming Glossary: asbinder
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update obj public android.os.IBinder asBinder return this @Override public boolean onTransact int code android.os.Parcel.. remote mRemote remote public android.os.IBinder asBinder return mRemote public java.lang.String getInterfaceDescriptor.. localize Log.i TAG LOG_STAMP return mBinder public IBinder asBinder Log.d TAG asBinder return mBinder @Override public boolean onUnbind..
uninstall app silently with system priveleges throw new RuntimeException Stub public android.os.IBinder asBinder throw new RuntimeException Stub public boolean onTransact..
USSD service not working localize Log.i TAG LOG_STAMP return mBinder public IBinder asBinder Log.d TAG asBinder return mBinder @Override public boolean onUnbind.. LOG_STAMP return mBinder public IBinder asBinder Log.d TAG asBinder return mBinder @Override public boolean onUnbind Intent intent..
Fixed: “Android: Detecting focus/pressed color”
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update iin return new obj public android.os.IBinder asBinder return this @Override public boolean onTransact int code android.os.Parcel data android.os.Parcel reply int flags throws.. private android.os.IBinder mRemote Proxy android.os.IBinder remote mRemote remote public android.os.IBinder asBinder return mRemote public java.lang.String getInterfaceDescriptor return DESCRIPTOR Set a MMI USSD command to ExtendedNetworkService.. registerReceiver mReceiver filter Do not localize Log.i TAG LOG_STAMP return mBinder public IBinder asBinder Log.d TAG asBinder return mBinder @Override public boolean onUnbind Intent intent unregisterReceiver mReceiver return super.onUnbind..
uninstall app silently with system priveleges asInterface android.os.IBinder obj throw new RuntimeException Stub public android.os.IBinder asBinder throw new RuntimeException Stub public boolean onTransact int code android.os.Parcel data android.os.Parcel reply int..
USSD service not working registerReceiver mReceiver filter Do not localize Log.i TAG LOG_STAMP return mBinder public IBinder asBinder Log.d TAG asBinder return mBinder @Override public boolean onUnbind Intent intent unregisterReceiver mReceiver return super.onUnbind.. registerReceiver mReceiver filter Do not localize Log.i TAG LOG_STAMP return mBinder public IBinder asBinder Log.d TAG asBinder return mBinder @Override public boolean onUnbind Intent intent unregisterReceiver mReceiver return super.onUnbind intent..
Fixed: “Android: Detecting focus/pressed color”