android Programming Glossary: asserttrue
Encryption error on Android 4.2 assertNotNull The HEX string should not be null hexString assertTrue The HEX string should not be empty hexString.length 0 assertEquals.. The HEX string should not be null stringBytes assertTrue The HEX string should not be empty stringBytes.length 0 assertEquals.. The encrypted result should not be null encrypted assertTrue The encrypted result should not be empty encrypted.length 0..
HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation for i 1 when using but not assertTrue c.getResponseCode 0 Basically if I sign the request and then.. is response.getEntity .getContent while 0 assertTrue response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 I've found references..
How to load AnimationDrawable from xml file res.getDrawable R.drawable.born_animation assertTrue drawable null fails it's null WTF Can someone explain me that.. drawable AnimationDrawable view.getBackground assertTrue drawable null fails it's null Results are the same. it returns..
Android AsyncTask testing with Android Test Framework public void onResponse test response data assertEquals .. assertTrue .. etc signal.countDown notify the count down latch signal.await..
Can I use assert on Android devices? now you can use all the functions like assertTrue assertEquals assertNull that are provided in the junit framework...
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory 82 cannot find symbol javac symbol method assertTrue java.lang.String boolean javac location class com.myapp.test.HttpTest.. boolean javac location class com.myapp.test.HttpTest javac assertTrue result 0 result 0 .contains Search javac ^ javac Users mike.. 27 cannot find symbol javac symbol method assertTrue boolean javac location class com.myapp.test.LinksTest javac..
Encryption error on Android 4.2 String hexString UtilsEncryption.toHex ORIGINAL.getBytes assertNotNull The HEX string should not be null hexString assertTrue The HEX string should not be empty hexString.length 0 assertEquals The HEX string was not encoded correctly HEX hexString.. testFromHex byte stringBytes UtilsEncryption.fromHex HEX assertNotNull The HEX string should not be null stringBytes assertTrue The HEX string should not be empty stringBytes.length 0 assertEquals The HEX string was not encoded correctly ORIGINAL new.. String encrypted UtilsEncryption.encrypt ORIGINAL assertNotNull The encrypted result should not be null encrypted assertTrue The encrypted result should not be empty encrypted.length 0 String decrypted UtilsEncryption.decrypt encrypted assertNotNull..
HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation 0 ... in combination with this line causes responseCode 1 for i 1 when using but not assertTrue c.getResponseCode 0 Basically if I sign the request and then consume the entire input stream the next request will fail.. response new DefaultHttpClient .execute c final InputStream is response.getEntity .getContent while 0 assertTrue response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 I've found references to what seems to be a similar problem elsewhere but so..
How to load AnimationDrawable from xml file res context.getResources AnimationDrawable drawable AnimationDrawable res.getDrawable R.drawable.born_animation assertTrue drawable null fails it's null WTF Can someone explain me that Code compiles fine. All resources are in place. I tried another.. view.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.born_animation AnimationDrawable drawable AnimationDrawable view.getBackground assertTrue drawable null fails it's null Results are the same. it returns the null drawable. Any hinsts would be greatly appreciated..
Android AsyncTask testing with Android Test Framework
Can I use assert on Android devices? provides the JUnit Assert . You can do import static junit.framework.Assert. now you can use all the functions like assertTrue assertEquals assertNull that are provided in the junit framework. Be careful not to import the Junit4 framework through..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src com myapp test 82 cannot find symbol javac symbol method assertTrue java.lang.String boolean javac location class com.myapp.test.HttpTest javac assertTrue result 0 result 0 .contains Search.. find symbol javac symbol method assertTrue java.lang.String boolean javac location class com.myapp.test.HttpTest javac assertTrue result 0 result 0 .contains Search javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src com myapp test mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src com myapp test 27 cannot find symbol javac symbol method assertTrue boolean javac location class com.myapp.test.LinksTest javac assertTrue m.matches javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp..