android Programming Glossary: assignment
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button because there's not a bitmap there. In your initial assignment you're trying to decode a file that doesn't exist. Using Context.STORAGE_SERVICE..
IntelliJ and Content Root leave the Module Root set by the Content Root assignment and select Android Module type Next Do not create source directory..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView WrappedArticle Article article ArticleViewModel parent assignment public IMvxCommand TheCommand get return MvxRelayCommand _parent.DoStuff..
Using AudioTrack in Android to play a WAV file array while dis.available 0 music i dis.readShort This assignment does not reverse the order i dis.close Close the input stream.. array while dis.available 0 music i dis.readByte This assignment does not reverse the order i dis.close Close the input stream..
What is difference between @+id/android:list and @+id/list and @ id list . I know the last one which is a regular id assignment but the first looks different. What makes it special Where I..
Problems trying to build PocketSphinxAndroidDemo using NDK PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 1441 warning assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type make home nick.. PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 1442 warning assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type Compile thumb sphinxfeat..
HTTPS connection with basic auth result into Unauthorized if you want to use HTTPS you have to edit the following assignment new HttpHost 80 http into new HttpHost
How to fall back to marketplace when Android custom URL scheme not handled? vstream view code ...stuff... If the window.location assignment fails the timeout jumps over the App Store before the dialog..
What is the difference between getWidth/heigth() and getMeasuredWidth/Heigth() in Android SDK?
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button this question You're getting a null from certificates.getBitmap because there's not a bitmap there. In your initial assignment you're trying to decode a file that doesn't exist. Using Context.STORAGE_SERVICE doesn't work that way it's just a string..
IntelliJ and project browse to your libs gridlayout folder and choose as Content Root leave the Module Root set by the Content Root assignment and select Android Module type Next Do not create source directory Next Do not create Android application structure Finish..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView ActiveArticle Article _article ArticleViewModel _parent public WrappedArticle Article article ArticleViewModel parent assignment public IMvxCommand TheCommand get return MvxRelayCommand _parent.DoStuff _article public Article TheArticle get return _article..
Using AudioTrack in Android to play a WAV file from the saved file int i 0 Read the file into the music array while dis.available 0 music i dis.readShort This assignment does not reverse the order i dis.close Close the input stream In this version music is array of SHORTS. So the readShort.. from the saved file int i 0 Read the file into the music array while dis.available 0 music i dis.readByte This assignment does not reverse the order i dis.close Close the input stream In this version music is an array of BYTES. I'm still telling..
What is difference between @+id/android:list and @+id/list am wondering what's the difference between @ id android list and @ id list . I know the last one which is a regular id assignment but the first looks different. What makes it special Where I saw it I was studying on ListView ListAdapter and things like..
Problems trying to build PocketSphinxAndroidDemo using NDK home nick workspace android PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 1441 warning assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type make home nick workspace android PocketSphinxDemo obj local armeabi objs debug.. home nick workspace android PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 1442 warning assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type Compile thumb sphinxfeat cmn.c tmp cceyE035.s Assembler messages tmp cceyE035.s..
HTTPS connection with basic auth result into Unauthorized That was the theory now we use them Basically we use HTTP but if you want to use HTTPS you have to edit the following assignment new HttpHost 80 http into new HttpHost 443 https . Furthermore you have to edit the host
How to fall back to marketplace when Android custom URL scheme not handled? us app kaon v stream id378890806 mt 8 uo 4 25 window.location vstream view code ...stuff... If the window.location assignment fails the timeout jumps over the App Store before the dialog box comes up. I found this technique here Is it possible to..
What is the difference between getWidth/heigth() and getMeasuredWidth/Heigth() in Android SDK?