android Programming Glossary: assets
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? I want to prevent a hacker from accessing any resources assets or source code from the APK file. If someone changes the .apk.. can unzip it and easily access all the app's resources and assets and using dex2jar and a Java decompiler they can also access.. Is this possible How can I protect all the app's resources assets and source code so that hackers can't hack the APK file in any..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) widgets should use a custom font e.g. one you've placed in assets font in XML files and you can only use the system installed.. LinearLayout You would put saxmono.ttf in the assets folder. UPDATE 8 1 13 There are serious memory concerns with..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder files bigger than 1M from assets folder I'm going crazy I created a file object so it can be.. so it can be read with ObjectInputStream and I placed the assets folder. The method works with a file smaller than 1M and give.. Reging Thunder for example can easily see that in their assets folder is a file 18.9M large. This is my code for read 1 object..
How to change font face of Webview in Android? instance of custom typeface by placing my custom font in assets. But still couldn't set webview's default font to my font. This..
Android: How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard? How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard I have a few files in the assets folder. I need.. files in 'assets' to sdcard I have a few files in the assets folder. I need to copy all of them to a folder say sdcard folder... do this from within a thread. How do I do it android copy assets share improve this question If anyone else is having the..
How to ship an Android application with a database? . Basically you precreate your database put it in your assets directory in your apk and on first use copy to data data YOUR_PACKAGE..
How to support Arabic text in Android? so do the following steps 1 At first add TAHOMA.TTF in assets folder 2 use the following class to get the font and converting..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] It is assumed that you have a copy of the database in the assets folder so for example if your database name is ordersDB then.. static String DB_NAME ordersDB Keep the Database in assets folder then follow below DataHelper class import throws IOException If database not exists copy it from the assets boolean mDataBaseExist checkDataBase if mDataBaseExist this.getReadableDatabase..
Android : Html Anchor Link works only once in webview link Click. I have used the following code chapters.xml in Assets folder html body p a href #C4 See also Chapter 4 a p p h2 a..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? Objects Views 0 ViewRoots 0 AppContexts 0 Activities 0 Assets 3 AssetManagers 3 Local Binders 2 Proxy Binders 8 Death Recipients..
How To Get File In Assets From Android NDK To Get File In Assets From Android NDK I'm trying to access an image file in the..
How can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app? path if list null for int i 0 i list.length i Log.v Assets path list i displayFiles mgr path list i catch IOException.. method I do the following final AssetManager mgr getAssets displayFiles mgr assets displayFiles mgr . assets displayFiles.. path if list null for int i 0 i list.length i Log.v Assets path list i displayFiles mgr path list i catch IOException..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap IOException AssetManager assets context.getResources .getAssets InputStream buffer new BufferedInputStream drawable.. buffer return bitmap Scenario 2 Using the Bitmap from Assets folder backgoundImage Bitmap.createScaledBitmap getAssetImage..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android Objects Views 149 ViewRoots 4 AppContexts 13 Activities 0 Assets 4 AssetManagers 4 Local Binders 141 Proxy Binders 158 Death..
Android - Images from Assets folder in a GridView Images from Assets folder in a GridView I have been working on creating a Grid.. a Grid View of images with images being present in the Assets folder. http questions 1933015 opening an.. ViewGroup parent try AssetManager am mContext.getAssets String list am.list int count_files imagelist.length for int..
Android Development: Using Image From Assets In A WebView's HTML Development Using Image From Assets In A WebView's HTML In my app I'm making a basic HTML help..
Difference between /res and /assets directories but this loses the benefits of compile time checking. Assets can also be organized into a folder hierarchy which is not supported..
The reason for Assets and Raw Resources in Android reason for Assets and Raw Resources in Android this is some sort of a philosophical.. of my studies in the Android world and I just covered the Assets and Raw resources. I'm trying to understand the reason for using.. to understand the reason for using Raw resources vs. Assets. They both provide with an uncompiled resource input stream...
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? file I am developing a payment processing app for Android and I want to prevent a hacker from accessing any resources assets or source code from the APK file. If someone changes the .apk extension to .zip then they can unzip it and easily access.. If someone changes the .apk extension to .zip then they can unzip it and easily access all the app's resources and assets and using dex2jar and a Java decompiler they can also access the source code. It's very easy to reverse engineer an Android.. I completely avoid reverse engineering of an Android APK Is this possible How can I protect all the app's resources assets and source code so that hackers can't hack the APK file in any way Is there a way to make hacking more tough or even impossible..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) far as I can find out there is no way to specify that your widgets should use a custom font e.g. one you've placed in assets font in XML files and you can only use the system installed fonts. I know that in the Java code I could change the font.. foo customFont saxmono.ttf com.example.TextViewPlus LinearLayout You would put saxmono.ttf in the assets folder. UPDATE 8 1 13 There are serious memory concerns with this method. See chedabob's comment below. share improve this..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder files bigger than 1M from assets folder I'm going crazy I created a file object so it can be read with ObjectInputStream and I placed the assets folder... from assets folder I'm going crazy I created a file object so it can be read with ObjectInputStream and I placed the assets folder. The method works with a file smaller than 1M and give error with larger files. I read that is a limit of Android.. that can be easily avoided. Those who have downloaded the game Reging Thunder for example can easily see that in their assets folder is a file 18.9M large. This is my code for read 1 object from a ObjecInputStream File f File.createTempFile mytempfile..
How to change font face of Webview in Android? an bilingual browser app for Android. I tried getting an instance of custom typeface by placing my custom font in assets. But still couldn't set webview's default font to my font. This is what I tried Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets..
Android: How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard? How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard I have a few files in the assets folder. I need to copy all of them to a folder say sdcard folder. I want to.. How to copy files in 'assets' to sdcard I have a few files in the assets folder. I need to copy all of them to a folder say sdcard folder. I want to do this from within a thread. How do I do it.. copy all of them to a folder say sdcard folder. I want to do this from within a thread. How do I do it android copy assets share improve this question If anyone else is having the same problem this is how I did it private void copyAssets AssetManager..
How to ship an Android application with a database?
How to support Arabic text in Android? you can change the font if you do not like the 3.x Arabic font. so do the following steps 1 At first add TAHOMA.TTF in assets folder 2 use the following class to get the font and converting your Arabic or Farsi text to a good form for showing in..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] Database name DB_NAME here is the name of your database. It is assumed that you have a copy of the database in the assets folder so for example if your database name is ordersDB then the value of DB_NAME will be ordersDB private static String.. is ordersDB then the value of DB_NAME will be ordersDB private static String DB_NAME ordersDB Keep the Database in assets folder then follow below DataHelper class import import import databases this.mContext context public void createDataBase throws IOException If database not exists copy it from the assets boolean mDataBaseExist checkDataBase if mDataBaseExist this.getReadableDatabase this.close try Copy the database from..
Android : Html Anchor Link works only once in webview The problem was to Reload the Page again after Anchor link Click. I have used the following code chapters.xml in Assets folder html body p a href #C4 See also Chapter 4 a p p h2 a name 'C1' Chapter 1 a h2 p This chapter explains ba bla bla..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? shared dirty 932 2004 6060 8996 priv dirty 512 36 1872 2420 Objects Views 0 ViewRoots 0 AppContexts 0 Activities 0 Assets 3 AssetManagers 3 Local Binders 2 Proxy Binders 8 Death Recipients 0 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 0 MEMORY_USED 0 PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW..
How To Get File In Assets From Android NDK To Get File In Assets From Android NDK I'm trying to access an image file in the assets folder from the native side. Now I can successfully search..
How can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app? AssetManager mgr String path try String list mgr.list path if list null for int i 0 i list.length i Log.v Assets path list i displayFiles mgr path list i catch IOException e Log.v List error can't list path From my Activity's onCreate.. e Log.v List error can't list path From my Activity's onCreate method I do the following final AssetManager mgr getAssets displayFiles mgr assets displayFiles mgr . assets displayFiles mgr displayFiles mgr . Which gives me the following output.. AssetManager mgr String path try String list mgr.list path if list null for int i 0 i list.length i Log.v Assets path list i displayFiles mgr path list i catch IOException e Log.v List error can't list path John share improve this..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap Bitmap getAssetImage Context context String filename throws IOException AssetManager assets context.getResources .getAssets InputStream buffer new BufferedInputStream drawable filename .png Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream buffer.. drawable filename .png Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream buffer return bitmap Scenario 2 Using the Bitmap from Assets folder backgoundImage Bitmap.createScaledBitmap getAssetImage context backgroundhomepage int dWidth int dHeight true android..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android dirty 2184 3596 916 6696 priv dirty 4504 5956 7456 17916 Objects Views 149 ViewRoots 4 AppContexts 13 Activities 0 Assets 4 AssetManagers 4 Local Binders 141 Proxy Binders 158 Death Recipients 49 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 205 dbFiles 0 numPagers..
Android - Images from Assets folder in a GridView Images from Assets folder in a GridView I have been working on creating a Grid View of images with images being present in the Assets folder... Assets folder in a GridView I have been working on creating a Grid View of images with images being present in the Assets folder. http questions 1933015 opening an image file inside the assets folder link helped me with using.. having is public View getView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent try AssetManager am mContext.getAssets String list am.list int count_files imagelist.length for int i 0 i count_files i BufferedInputStream buf new BufferedInputStream..
Android Development: Using Image From Assets In A WebView's HTML Development Using Image From Assets In A WebView's HTML In my app I'm making a basic HTML help document. I wanted my app's logo in the HTML img tag itself..
Difference between /res and /assets directories EDIT you can retrieve a resource ID by name using getIdentifier but this loses the benefits of compile time checking. Assets can also be organized into a folder hierarchy which is not supported by resources. It's a different way of managing data...
The reason for Assets and Raw Resources in Android reason for Assets and Raw Resources in Android this is some sort of a philosophical question .. . I'm in the mid of my studies in the Android.. is some sort of a philosophical question .. . I'm in the mid of my studies in the Android world and I just covered the Assets and Raw resources. I'm trying to understand the reason for using Raw resources vs. Assets. They both provide with an uncompiled.. world and I just covered the Assets and Raw resources. I'm trying to understand the reason for using Raw resources vs. Assets. They both provide with an uncompiled resource input stream. It seems that Assets provide much more flexibility and functionality..