android Programming Glossary: artifactid
Eclipse: multiple project from single source groupId artifactId android maven plugin artifactId version 3.1.1 version extensions.. groupId artifactId android maven plugin artifactId version 3.1.1 version extensions true extensions configuration..
Face Recognition on Android modelVersion 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId com.pcbje groupId artifactId opencvfacerecognizer artifactId version 0.1 SNAPSHOT version.. groupId com.pcbje groupId artifactId opencvfacerecognizer artifactId version 0.1 SNAPSHOT version packaging jar packaging name opencvfacerecognizer.. dependency groupId com.googlecode.javacv groupId artifactId javacv artifactId version 0.3 version dependency For Linux x64..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments .xml include includes resource resources plugins plugin artifactId maven resources plugin artifactId executions execution phase.. resources plugins plugin artifactId maven resources plugin artifactId executions execution phase initialize phase goals goal resources.. groupId artifactId android maven plugin artifactId extensions true extensions configuration..
Building a fat jar using maven plugins plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven assembly plugin artifactId version CHOOSE LATEST VERSION.. groupId artifactId maven assembly plugin artifactId version CHOOSE LATEST VERSION HERE version configuration descriptorRefs..
What kind of pitfals exist for the Android APK signing plugin plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven jarsigner plugin artifactId executions execution id signing.. groupId artifactId maven jarsigner plugin artifactId executions execution id signing id goals goal sign goal goals..
APKLIB does not get installed in Maven Repo I used dependency groupId com.actionbarsherlock groupId artifactId library artifactId version 3.5.1 version type apklib type dependency.. groupId com.actionbarsherlock groupId artifactId library artifactId version 3.5.1 version type apklib type dependency and this repository..
Eclipse: multiple project from single source properties profile ... ... profiles .... plugins plugin groupId groupId artifactId android maven plugin artifactId version 3.1.1 version extensions true extensions configuration sdk platform 13 platform.. .... plugins plugin groupId groupId artifactId android maven plugin artifactId version 3.1.1 version extensions true extensions configuration sdk platform 13 platform sdk undeployBeforeDeploy true undeployBeforeDeploy..
Face Recognition on Android POM 4.0.0 http xsd maven 4.0.0.xsd modelVersion 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId com.pcbje groupId artifactId opencvfacerecognizer artifactId version 0.1 SNAPSHOT version packaging jar packaging name opencvfacerecognizer name url.. xsd maven 4.0.0.xsd modelVersion 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId com.pcbje groupId artifactId opencvfacerecognizer artifactId version 0.1 SNAPSHOT version packaging jar packaging name opencvfacerecognizer name url http url dependencies.. name opencvfacerecognizer name url http url dependencies dependency groupId com.googlecode.javacv groupId artifactId javacv artifactId version 0.3 version dependency For Linux x64 environments dependency groupId com.googlecode.javacv groupId..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments filtered res targetPath includes include .xml include includes resource resources plugins plugin artifactId maven resources plugin artifactId executions execution phase initialize phase goals goal resources goal goals execution.. targetPath includes include .xml include includes resource resources plugins plugin artifactId maven resources plugin artifactId executions execution phase initialize phase goals goal resources goal goals execution executions plugin plugin groupId resources goal goals execution executions plugin plugin groupId groupId artifactId android maven plugin artifactId extensions true extensions configuration sdk platform 10 platform sdk undeployBeforeDeploy..
Building a fat jar using maven this question add following plugin to your pom.xml ... build plugins plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven assembly plugin artifactId version CHOOSE LATEST VERSION HERE version configuration descriptorRefs descriptorRef.. to your pom.xml ... build plugins plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven assembly plugin artifactId version CHOOSE LATEST VERSION HERE version configuration descriptorRefs descriptorRef jar with dependencies descriptorRef..
What kind of pitfals exist for the Android APK signing my APK with maven and sign them with the maven jarsigner plugin plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven jarsigner plugin artifactId executions execution id signing id goals goal sign goal goals phase package phase inherited.. them with the maven jarsigner plugin plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven jarsigner plugin artifactId executions execution id signing id goals goal sign goal goals phase package phase inherited true inherited configuration..
APKLIB does not get installed in Maven Repo not work for me. these are the dependency and repository tags I used dependency groupId com.actionbarsherlock groupId artifactId library artifactId version 3.5.1 version type apklib type dependency and this repository id jakewharton id url http are the dependency and repository tags I used dependency groupId com.actionbarsherlock groupId artifactId library artifactId version 3.5.1 version type apklib type dependency and this repository id jakewharton id url http maven..