python Programming Glossary: struct.pack
How do you get the next value in the floating-point sequence? the smallest ve float. if x 0.0 x 0.0 n struct.unpack ' q' struct.pack ' d' x 0 if n 0 n 1 else n 1 return struct.unpack ' d' struct.pack.. ' d' x 0 if n 0 n 1 else n 1 return struct.unpack ' d' struct.pack ' q' n 0 The implementations of nextDown and nextAfter then..
Create a zip file from a generator in Python? zinfo.header_offset 14 0 self.fp.write struct.pack lLL zinfo.CRC zinfo.compress_size zinfo.file_size
Java equivalent of Python's struct.pack? equivalent of Python's struct.pack Is there any function equivalent to Python's struct.pack in.. struct.pack Is there any function equivalent to Python's struct.pack in Java that allows me to pack and unpack values like this pump_on.. that allows me to pack and unpack values like this pump_on struct.pack IIHHI 0 0 21 96 512 java python struct pack share improve..
how to extract frequency associated with fft values in python comptype compname for v in data wav_file.writeframes struct.pack 'h' int v amp 2 wav_file.close This creates the file test.wav..
How to write individual bits to a text file in python? or 0338 hexadecimal. This is the two bytes 03H and 38H. struct.pack will convert 824 to a string of these two bytes but you also.. or big endian write the 03H first . Example import struct struct.pack ' H' 824 # big endian ' x038' struct.pack ' H' 824 # little.. import struct struct.pack ' H' 824 # big endian ' x038' struct.pack ' H' 824 # little endian '8 x03' struct.pack 'H' 824 # Use system..
Convert Bytes to Floating Point Numbers in Python point share improve this question import struct struct.pack 'f' 3.141592654 ' xdb x0fI@' struct.unpack 'f' ' xdb x0fI@'.. x0fI@' struct.unpack 'f' ' xdb x0fI@' 3.1415927410125732 struct.pack '4f' 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 ' x00 x00 x80 x00 x00 x00@ x00 x00@@ x00..
python: use windows api to render text using a ttf font native_bmp_to_pil hdc bitmap_handle width height bmpheader struct.pack LHHHH struct.calcsize LHHHH width height 1 24 #w h planes..
Multicast in Python socket.SO_REUSEADDR 1 sock.bind '' MCAST_PORT mreq struct.pack 4sl socket.inet_aton MCAST_GRP socket.INADDR_ANY sock.setsockopt..
Is this an appropriate use of python's built-in hash function? the data in binary form if you write it to disk. I.e. struct.pack ' I' hash 'abc' hashlib.md5 'abc' .digest . As a side note is..
How can I check the data transfer on a network interface in python? socket.inet_ntoa fcntl.ioctl s.fileno 0x8915 # SIOCGIFADDR struct.pack '256s' ifname 15 20 24 Which returns the following get_ip_address..
Convert a Python int into a big-endian string of bytes
Windows Authentication with Python and urllib2 the string. Ditto for receive. def _send_msg s m s.send struct.pack i len m s.send m def _get_msg s size_data s.recv struct.calcsize..